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101. Historical Curiosities Benedictine monk and priest's personal site with military miniatures gallery, Tandy 1000 software archive, essays on various topics related to catholicism. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mkowalsk/ |
102. Eternal Life Insights Free articles and tracts about eternal salvation, faith, hell, homosexuality, and catholicism. Also Bible doctrines, short insights, and brain teasers. http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/swaziland/76/index.htm |
103. Paradoxes Of Catholicism Paradoxes of catholicism. Robert Hugh Benson. Longmans, Green,and Co. New York, London, Bombay, and Calcutta. 1913. http://classic.archives.nd.edu/episodes/visitors/rhb/bensonp.htm |
104. Theist Gal Catholic turned atheist tells why she came back to catholicism again. Her thoughts on the recent scandals. Where she hangs out. Links. And a hilarious spoof on conversion spurred by ignorant antiCatholic nutcases. http://www.angelfire.com/ca5/atheistgal/ |
105. Catholicism I am a Catholic, and proud of it. So here are some great links toCatholic Web Sites. News Ticker provided by Catholic World News. http://bentang.tripod.com/catholicism.htm |
106. History Of Christianity In Bangladesh (both catholicism and Protestantism) at D'Costa (Jerome) Family Website http://members.tripod.com/DCOSTA_J_FAMILY/christianity_in_bangladesh.htm |
107. Catholic Apologetics; Catholicism catholicism. You are here Home catholicism Index, (Last Updated30 April 2001). This God bless you. Questions About catholicism? If http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/mischedj/ct_index.html |
108. Pastoral Studies In Contemporary Catholicism Article by Peter Gilmour examining the relatively recent phenomenon of pastoral studies as a program of graduate study, combining the sacred and the secular, the academic and the formational. http://www.adelphi.edu/ci/ARTICLES/GILMOUR95.HTM |
109. Portugal Catholicism to keep them separated. Never a dull moment, indeed. Click on thepictures or on this link in order see catholicism in practice. http://www.euronet.nl/~crk/british/katholieken.html |
110. CatholicTherapists.com Offers referrals to professionally qualified psychotherapists who incorporate the truths and teachings of Roman catholicism into their practice. http://www.catholictherapists.com/ |
111. Roman Catholicism Topical Category Roman catholicism.Resources for Fundamental, Evangelistic, Separated,Born Again, Authorized Version (KJV), Bible Believing Christians. http://www.biblebelievers.net/Romanism/kjcroman.htm |
112. Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops' Conference History of catholicism in Zimbabwe, press releases, news, archive of the conference's official statements. The Zimbabwean Catholic bishops meet six times per year. http://www.zcbc.co.zw/ |
113. Catholicism In Russia For centuries Russia has been in contact with catholicism. It shows that theyare an ecumenically sensitive structure for catholicism in Russia. http://www.catholic-church.org/church-unity/cat_ru_e.htm |
114. Vermont Sophia Web Pages Anthroposophy, Tomberg, and catholicism, including correspondence with Marie Steiner. Esoteric Christianity, spiritual geometry, Christian hermeticism, and meditations on the Sepher Yetzirah. http://www.vermontel.net/~vtsophia/ |
115. Catholicism In The Ukraine Unresolved Problems Proposals for resolving the tensions with respect to Greek catholicism, thatexist between Orthodoxy and catholicism. catholicism in the Ukraine http://www.catholic-church.org/church-unity/gk_cat_e.htm |
116. Akan Cosmology And Symbolism This site describes Akan cosmology and illustrates it through traditional Akan religious symbols, each of which encodes within its graceful lines a theological or moral belief or lesson. The integration of this rich traditional Akan symbolism into the Roman catholicism of Ghana is shown, as well. http://www.marshall.edu/akanart/akancosmology.html |
117. History Of Dutch Catholicism Short history of Dutch catholicism. Up until the fifties of the nineteenth centurythere was an influential liberal movement within Dutch catholicism. http://www.kdc.kun.nl/geschiedenis/geschiedenis_uk.html |
118. Colorado Catholicism By Thomas J. Noel Colorado catholicism By Thomas J. Noel, Savor this story of Colorado'slargest, oldest and most diverse church in terms of membership http://www.archden.org/noel/ |
119. Humanism (Rome Reborn The Vatican Library Renaissance Culture) Renaissance humanists (Christian) and catholicism. From the Library of Congress, US. http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/humanism.html |
120. Catholicism On The Web Apologetics KCC1TIM's Home Page Catholic Answers Home Page Tracts by Topic Dr ScottHahn Biblical Evidence for catholicism Main Index The Defenders of the http://m2.aol.com/PPascuzzi/links.html |
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