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101. Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR) PAR is a publisher of print and software tests and other assessment resources in the field of psychology (personality, neuropsychology, counseling, careers, forensic psychology, achievement, behavior, health psychology http://www.parinc.com/ |
102. Social And Personality Section; Canadian Psychological Mailing list, membership list, information on annual CPA preconference, and guidelines for annual Category Science Social Sciences psychology Social Organizations...... Chair Elect Lisa Sinclair, University of Winnipeg. SecretaryTreasurer ShelaghTowson, University of Windsor. Previous Chairs of the Social psychology Section. http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~cpa/ |
103. Teske, John A. Professor at Elizabethtown College, Pennsylvania. Research interests include science and religion, philosophical psychology, and personality and social psychology. Vita and course syllabi. http://www.etown.edu/psychology/Faculty/Teske.htm |
104. Social-Personality Doctoral ProgramDepartment Of Psychology, Buffalo, New YorkCategory Science Social Sciences Social Academic Departments...... The Socialpersonality Doctoral Program at the University at Buffalo. group of researchers;Leading research in fundamental areas of social psychology, including http://wings.buffalo.edu/psychology/social/ |
105. Center Of Evolutionary Intersubjective Psychology An association of Italian Jungian psychoanalysts who promote research and study in Analytic psychology, especially regarding evolutionary aspects of the personality and intersubjective and relational method in psychoanalysis. Also studies the development of Jungian theory, such as the research of Silvia Montefoschi in Italy. http://web.tiscali.it/cepei/v_english.htm |
106. The Psychology Of Birth Leslie Feher's book that incorporates birth and related stages into a psychological theory of personality. http://The-Psychology-of-Birth.com |
107. Psychology The major areas represented in the department are perceptual and cognitive psychology, biopsychology, and personality and social psychology. http://comp9.psych.cornell.edu/ |
108. Psychology Library Collection includes subject areas such as human behavior, memory and cognition, neuroscience, personality, social psychology and statistics. http://www.wesleyan.edu/libr/psyhome/psychome.htm |
109. American Association For The Study Of Mental Imagery The AASMI promotes research and the application of research to expand the ways guided imagery is used to address human suffering and mental development. Information is provided on membership, conferences, workshops, mailing list notification of events, membership lists for finding a therapist (with email addresses and web sites), and indices to the Journal of Imagination, Cognition, and personality. http://www.uml.edu/dept/psychology/aasmi/ |
110. Committee On Human Development Research and graduate study in life course development, mental health, personality, and emotions, cross cultural studies (including psychological anthropology and cultural psychology), and biosocial psychology. The Committee also offers a training program in clinical psychology. http://humdev.uchicago.edu/ |
111. Theories Of Personality Outlines for quick reference on the theories of Adler, Erikson, Existential, Freud, Jung, Maslow, Rank, Rogers. http://oldsci.eiu.edu/psychology/Spencer/Personality.html |
112. Lewis, Christopher Alan Relationship between religiosity and wellbeing, mentalhealth, and personality; psychometric measurement of religious attitudes; cross-culture psychology (University of Ulster at Magee College, Northern Ireland). http://www.infm.ulst.ac.uk/~chris/ |
113. Quincy's Online Personality And Psychological Tests Listings for a wide variety of Psychological Testing links, including personality and IQ tests. http://www.quincyweb.net/quincy/psychology.html |
114. Encyclopedia Of Psychology Personality / Disposition Links to sites which relate to behavioural dispositions and personality. http://www.psychology.org/links/Environment_Behavior_Relationships/Disposition-P |
115. University Of Massachusetts, Amherst The doctoral program in personality and Social psychology. http://euryale.sbs.umass.edu/psych/Grad/DivProg/Div3/index.html |
116. Maltby, John Psychometrics; relationship of religiosity with personality, mental health, and coping; embarrassment; forgiveness; functional theories of attitude (University of Leicester, UK). http://www.le.ac.uk/psychology/jm148/ |
117. What's In A Face psychology study exploring the relationships between personality, facial expressions and lasting facial features. http://www.tk421.net/essays/face1.shtml |
118. Plante, Thomas G. Stress and coping; exercise, personality, and stress; religion and health; professional training issues; sex offending clergy (Santa Clara University, CA). http://www.scu.edu/psychology/faculty/tplante/ |
119. Dr. Joseph M. Pirone Professor of psychology at SUNY Rockland specializing in personality. http://student.sunyrockland.edu/~pirone/ |
120. St. Mary's University Blume Library Personality Tests And Resources A gateway of psychology links to MyersBriggs-related tests, online tests, and other information on personality research. http://library.stmarytx.edu/acadlib/subject/psych/prsnlty.htm |
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