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61. BBC Online - Tomorrow's World - Stories evolutionary psychology explains why humans are attracted to verbally skilled partners. http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/tw/items/000322_smoothtalkers.shtml | |
62. Human Behavior & Evolution Society An international society encouraging the use of evolutionary theory in expanding our understanding Category Science Biology Associations and Societies...... Department of Psychology at Florida Atlantic University announces a newPh.D. concentration area of evolutionary psychology. Accepting http://www.hbes.com/ | |
63. Economics And Evolutionary Psychology Indret. Economics and evolutionary psychology. Economics is them. EvolutionaryPsychology The Short Version. evolutionary psychology http://www.daviddfriedman.com/Academic/econ_and_evol_psych/economics_and_evol_ps | |
64. Salon :: :: Tech :: Feature :: Flameproof Racism, By Andrew Brown :: Page 1 Psychology evolutionary psychology, evolutionary psychology http//www.behavior.net/column/brody/Brief introduction to evolutionary psychology and sociobiology. http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/2000/08/30/evpsych/ | |
65. So You Think You're Logical? An online implementation of one of the most famous experiments in social/evolutionary psychology. http://www.philosophers.co.uk/games/logic_task.htm | |
66. Evolutionary Psychology PUBLICATIONS IN evolutionary psychology BOOKS Behavior Genetics and EvolutionaryPsychology A Unified Perspective on Personality Research. http://www.csulb.edu/~kmacd/Evolpsych.html | |
67. Daniel M.T. Fessler Evolutionary Psychology; Human Sexuality, Moral Emotions evolutionary psychology, emotion, sex and reproduction, food and eating, violence and risktaking, conformity and cooperation (University of California at Los Angeles). http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/anthro/faculty/fessler/ | |
68. EVOLUTIONARY Psychology Resources From Psychology Department At Occidental Colle and Population Genetics Educational Database (EPGED) Evolution and Philosophy EvolutionEntrance evolutionary psychology For The Common Person Hyper-Weirdness http://www.oxy.edu/departments/psych/CHAPMAN/psycsource/EVOLINK1.html | |
69. Buss, David evolutionary psychology of human mating strategies; conflict between the sexes; prestige, status, and social reputation; the emotion of jealousy; homicide; antihomicide defenses; and stalking (University of Texas). http://www.psy.utexas.edu/psy/FACULTY/BussD/bussD.html |
70. Evolutionary Psychology: Entry 1. What Is evolutionary psychology? In this narrower sense, then, evolutionarypsychology designates research within a Kuhnian paradigm (Kuhn 1996). http://host.uniroma3.it/progetti/kant/field/ep.htm | |
71. UCSB Anthropology Faculty--Symons Human evolutionary psychology as applied to sexual fantasy and sexual attractiveness (University of California at Santa Barbara). http://www.anth.ucsb.edu/faculty/symons/index.html | |
72. Evolutionary Psychology: Annotated Bibliography The Adapted Mind evolutionary psychology and the Generation of Culture. Thisis the sourcebook for the evolutionary psychology paradigm. http://host.uniroma3.it/progetti/kant/field/epbiblio.htm | |
73. Jerome H. Barkow's Page evolutionary psychology, sociobiology, human reproductive behaviour (Dalhousie University, Canada). http://is.dal.ca/~barkow/home.htm | |
74. Evolutionary Psychology - PsychNet-UK evolutionary psychology, Mental Health Information from PsychNetUK. Anthro.Netevolutionary psychology - evolutionary psychology. http://www.psychnet-uk.com/evolutionary_psychology/evolutionary_psychology.htm |
75. Kevin MacDonald Homepage Eolutionary perspectives on Judaism and European marriage practices; evolutionary psychology (California State University, Long Beach). http://www.csulb.edu/~kmacd/ | |
76. The New York Review Of Books: Evolutionary Psychology: An Exchange Exchange. evolutionary psychology An Exchange. By Steven Pinker, Reply by StephenJay Gould. In response to Darwinian Fundamentalism (June 12, 1997) http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1070 | |
77. Cosmides, Leda evolutionary psychology, cognition, domainspecific reasoning (University of California, Santa Barbara). http://www.psych.ucsb.edu/fac/cosmides.htm |
78. Evolutionary Psychology And Sociology What these are and what abilities and biases they give us at birth isthe subject of evolutionary psychology, which we introduce here. http://www.calresco.org/lucas/evolpsy.htm | |
79. Lee Kirkpatrick's Home Page evolutionary psychology; psychology of religion; adult attachment and close relationships; statistics, psychometrics, and research methods; social and personality psychology (College of William and Mary, Virginia). http://faculty.wm.edu/lakirk/ | |
80. The KLI Theory Lab - Keywords - Evolutionary Psychology evolutionary psychology. This keyword was found on the following pages cultural evolutionethology and sociobiology. Keywords evolutionary psychology; Pinker. http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/Keyword/E/EP.html | |
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