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21. KrystianZimerman krystian zimerman. krystian zimerman pianist. krystian zimerman comesfrom a family with rich musicmaking traditions. Musicians would http://www.comehearcmsd.org/Zimerman.html | |
22. ConcertCoup World premieres by American composers Gunther Schuller and Stanley Silverman anda rare local recital by the sublime pianist krystian zimerman, whose last http://www.comehearcmsd.org/MarkStrykerPreview.html | |
23. Sonning :: Alle Prismodtagere:: Krystian Zimerman Foto Susesch Bayat. Prismodtager 1994 krystian zimerman, pianist krystian zimermaner født 1956 i Zabrze, Polen, og studerede ved konservatoriet i Katowice. http://www.sonningmusik.dk/cms/view/index.asp?ipageid=48 |
24. CAMA : 2002-2003 Season Events : Masterseries Winner of the 1975 Chopin Competition, Polish pianist krystian zimerman has remainedfor over two decades on the most discriminating music connoisseurs' lists http://www.camasb.org/masterseries.html | |
25. Cal Performances | Recital krystian zimerman, piano, with playing of poise, eloquence and virtuosity, zimermanhas few Chopin Competition, this brilliant Polish pianist has produced http://www.calperfs.berkeley.edu/presents/season/email_club0805/recital/events/z | |
26. Plaatpremières Van Muziek Van Lutoslawski Bij DG een thema van Paganini' en was hij al in onderhandeling over een volwassen pianoconcertmet zijn toen nog heel jonge landgenoot en pianist krystian zimerman. http://www.nopapers.nl/km/muz2/0/muze0085.html | |
27. San Diego Art And Sol Symphony krystian zimerman, pianist 4/22/03 to La Jolla Chamber MusicSociety A pianist of dazzling technique and sensitivity. Last http://www.sandiegoartandsol.com/details.asp?eventid=435 |
28. San Diego Art And Sol The Stuttgart Ballet 4/5/03 to 4/6/03. Moscow Soloists with Yuri Bashmet,conductor viola soloist 4/7/03. krystian zimerman, pianist 4/22/03. http://www.sandiegoartandsol.com/partners.asp?pID=11 |
29. Krystian Zimerman I Piano /I Enigmatic krystian zimerman is an extraordinary artist, ranked among the is a carefulprocess of distillation for zimerman who never No other pianist makes you http://www.stgeorgesbristol.co.uk/Georges.dll?jump=470 |
30. Soloists Demonstrate Technique, Finessee In BSO Concert pianist krystian zimerman played the Bartk Piano Concerto No. 1. And sopranoChristine Schfer sang in the last movement of Mahler's Symphony No. http://www-tech.mit.edu/V113/N49/bartok.49a.html | |
31. Artist-Show - The Largest Art Link Site In The World! Zayas, Juana provides information on the Cuban-American pianist. zimerman,krystian - provides information on the Polish conductor and pianist. http://www.artist-show.com/ArtFields/Music/MuLinks/Classical/Artists/Piano.html | |
32. Artist-Show - The Largest Art Link Site In The World! conductor, composer, and violinist. WebBank by Conductor. zimerman, krystian provides information on the Polish conductor and pianist. http://www.artist-show.com/ArtFields/Music/MuLinks/Conductors.html | |
33. ConcertoNet.com - The Classical Music Network New York Carnegie Hall 11/13/1999 Frederic Chopin Piano Concerti Nos. 1 2 Polish Festival Orchestra krystian zimerman (pianist and conductor). http://www.concertonet.com/Exec/review.asp?IndexReview=97 |
34. ConcertoNet.com - The Classical Music Network krystian zimerman approaches this movement with particular reverence zimerman hasa fine second career now the twin conducting presence (the pianist and Jansons http://www.concertonet.com/exec/review.asp?IndexReview=1764 |
35. Piano - Zimerman zimerman Selected Discography. This is a list of all commercially releasedrecordings by the outstanding Polish pianist krystian zimerman. http://www.micro2media.com/Music/Piano/PianoZimerman.htm | |
36. Guardian | Krystian Zimerman At his best krystian zimerman has no peers among the may mostly be miniatures, butzimerman's treatment of No other pianist makes you listen so intently to http://www.guardian.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4203202,00.html | |
37. Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Classical Review: Krystian Zimerman 2001 The Guardian At his best krystian zimerman has no may mostly be miniatures,but zimerman's treatment of No other pianist makes you listen so intently to http://www.guardian.co.uk/reviews/story/0,3604,506155,00.html | |
38. PianoMedia Profiles 1 comment(s) krystian zimerman. read. posted by PianoMedia / Sep 24th'02 PianoMedia pays homage to the great Polish pianist. zimerman http://www.pianomedia.com/profiles.php | |
39. Salzburg Im Internet: Salzburg.com, Salzburg - Präsentiert Von Den Salzburger N Translate this page Dem allgemeinen Tourneezirkus reisender Starvirtuosen verweigert sichder polnische pianist krystian zimerman rigoros und konsequent. http://www.salzburg.com/sn/schwerpunkte/festspiele/artikel/341900.html | |
40. Chicago Symphony Orchestra - About The CSO pianist krystian zimerman CANCELS CSO APPEARANCES ON NOVEMBER 29, 30, AND DECEMBER3 Concerts to be performed as scheduled; Replacement soloist to be announced. http://www.cso.org/atc_press_102202zimermancancel.taf | |
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