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21. Classical Net Review - Earl Wild - Romantic Piano Concertos in late 1995 of Shura Cherkassky, earl wild now stands Piano Concerto that RCA,for whom wild made those of his concerto to another pianist, feeling that he http://www.classical.net/music/recs/reviews/e/eln82266a.html | |
22. Mayer's Market Larger Picture For LISZT PIANO CONCERTOS, KOSTELANETZ b font color=blue LISZT PIANO CONCERTOS /b /font features earl wild, pianist,with Andre KOSTELANETZ conducting the COLUMBIA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. http://pages.tias.com/6859/PictPage/1921076991.html | |
23. Biography Of Earl Wild With Gold-music.com earl wild ( 1915 ) pianist; born in Pittsburgh, Pa. A child prodigy, hebegan performing as a teenager and made his New York debut in 1944. http://www.gold-music.com/fiches/fiche_6870.php | |
24. RONDO-Archiv: Earl Wild, Virtuose Klaviertranskriptionen Translate this page Darauf der Dirigent, selbst ein exzellenter pianist ?earl wild? Demtraue ich alles zu. Worin ein Quäntchen Ironie mitschwang. http://www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/p/portrait/p49.htm | |
25. Daviddalle19990701 Music of the World. India. 1990. One of the best releases in Philips Greatpianists of the 20th Century, volume 98 features American pianist earl wild. http://www.dalle.ca/david/playlists/daviddalle19990812.html | |
26. Nabídka Chesky Records CD earl wild. Rachmaninoff Isle of the Dead earl wild is a pianist inthe grand Romantic tradition. His career, so distinguished and http://www.gmx.cz/ashop_chesky.htm | |
27. RACHMANINOV Complete Piano Concertos, Et Al. Wild (Chandos/Chesky) - INKPOT Berlin). Piano Concertos Nos.14 featuring earl wild (Chandos). PianoConcertos Nos.2 3 with Japanese pianist Noriko Ogawa (BIS). http://inkpot.com/classical/rachpfcwild.html | |
28. Who's Lev? Safari To New Orleans on Black Top; 1985 1st wild Kingdom album on 19761980-pianist for Rhythm Rockers (Johnny Nicholas, Ronnie earl, Sarah Brown http://www.levtron.com/whoslev.html | |
29. ClassicWeb: Performers of Welsh composer Christopher Painter (Added 17May-98 Hits 1). earl wild, pianist- Homepage of the Romantic Master, virtuoso pianist earl wild (Added 17-May http://www.classicweb.com/links/Performers/more2.html | |
30. ClassicWeb: Piano Domenico Piccichè, pianist Domenico Piccichè is a young italian talent in piano Fuxonand Bart Berman (Added 17-May-98 Hits 2). earl wild Homepage (Added http://www.classicweb.com/links/Piano/more2.html | |
31. Classical Pianist Philip Smith earl wild has made a fabulous transcription, including all the greattunes. It's half an hour long and quite a challenge, as you http://freespace.virgin.net/ph.smith/news.html | |
32. WCPE - Bite-Sized Trivia a student at the Carnegie Institute, earl performed on successful that he became thestaff pianist for that In 1939, wild became the first American pianist to http://www.wcpe.org/trivia/30.shtml | |
33. Discografia 12a/1991. MUSIC OF THE ROMANTIC pianistCOMPOSER, Stanley Waldoff/. 13 /1982. earlwild THE ART OF THE TRANSCRIPTION, earl wild. Thalberg Semiramide Fantasy, Op. http://www.centrothalberg.it/discografia.htm | |
34. Virtuoso Piano Transcription : Discography THE VIRTUOSO PIANO, earl wild (Vanguard Classics, OVC4033); DA CAPO! THREE GREAT DANISHWOMAN pianist, Galina Werschenska (Danacord, DACOCD 442443); MUSSORGSKY http://www.ne.jp/asahi/piano/natsui/CD.htm | |
35. LAS VEGAS RJ:LIFESTYLES: Grammy-winning Pianist Sets UNLV C... Grammy Awardwinning pianist earl wild will perform in concert at 8 pm Fridayat Artemus Ham Hall on the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus, 4505 S. http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1999/Nov-28-Sun-1999/lifestyles/12410757.html | |
36. Pianist's Place addition to his private studies, Mr. Harrison has also had lessons with earl wild Heis currently active in Pittsburgh as a collaborative pianist and accompanist http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~djh/ | |
37. Virtuoso Pianist On A&E Also, in August, on A E's Breakfast with the Arts, will appear the pianistJorge Bolet, and earl wild as well. Virtuoso pianist earl wild! http://www.ptg.org/pipermail/caut/1998-August/000620.html | |
38. Welcome To Piano.com educator. wild, earl Wolfram, William American pianist combinesRomantic instincts with a formidable command of the keyboard. http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
39. Walla Walla Symphony-- Season Guide a Theme of Joseph Hayden Go to a Brahms web site earl wild Doo Dah Variations West Coast Premiere Go to earl wild's web site Eric Himy, pianist Go to http://www.wwsymphony.com/pastseason2000archive/apr10.html | |
40. Artist Roster Rufus Wainwright Pop composer, pianist and singer, voted Rolling Stone magazinesBest New Artist in 1998 earl wild Classical pianist, transcriber, composer http://www.baldwinpiano.com/about/roster.html | |
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