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41. Verzeichnis Internationaler Top-Pianisten Translate this page Kae Sitzius, Bianca Skouras, Andreas Soerjadi, Wibi sokolov, grigory Soldan, Christoph SindSie pianist und erfüllen eines der oben genannten Kriterien, so http://www.organisten.de/pianisten.htm | |
42. Sd Classical Performers Index bee SY min) ( ) P Moores's School of Music, Faculty; Sinadinovic, Dejan pianist; Soifertis,Evgeny (Kiev, - )Rus=P; sokolov, grigory ( - )Rus=P; SOLARIS QUARTET http://www.geocities.com/musiclassical/performers/sd.html | |
43. Links In English 73 (July 1 To August 31, 2002 - 8) 11K bytes in English grigory sokolov pianist, Glenn Gould - Piano, ProkofievRecordings, London Classical Music, Furt-l Mailing List, Freddy Neil's Home http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/7863/furt/alfa_english73.html | |
44. Kuenstlerliste Von Konzertbilder.de Translate this page August 2001. sokolov grigory (pianist), Philharmonie Köln, 6. Februar 2002.Somerville Jimmy, Theater am Rudolfplatz, 11. Juli 1996. Sonic Youth, LoreleySt. http://www.konzert-bilder.de/Kuenstlerliste/Q-T-Seite.htm | |
45. Witziges Und Zitiertes - Histoire Drôles Et Citations - Jokes And Quotes Translate this page Der pianist grigory sokolov. Laveugle et le voyant Désires-tu un verrede lait? It is the product of a whole life. pianist grigory sokolov. http://www.odilia.ch/joke.htm | |
46. Piano - à La Russe Pogorelich, and the Russians Constantin Lifschitz, and grigory sokolov. As a youngster,sokolov intended to become a at that time was Soviet pianist Emil Gilels http://www.scena.org/lsm/sm4-6/sm4-6PianoALaRusse.html | |
47. Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists URL http//www.myglobalwebsite.com/ruslansviridov sokolov grigory (b. 1950) Sitededicated to the russian pianist; includes a short biography several reviews http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Pia | |
48. Tuesday February 1 Wednesday February 16 The Concert From Toronto pianist grigory sokolov in recitalFroberger Toccata in a minor Canzon in e minor Fantasia Beethoven http://radio.cbc.ca/programs/inperformance/FEBRUARY2000/Feb2000lst.htm | |
49. Our Petersburg: Catalogue / Invalid 2056.03. grigory sokolov. pianist. Born April 18, 1950. Graduated from the LeningradRimsky Korsakov State Conservatory. 1.98. Neva line telecommunications. http://www.piter.nev.ru/cgi-bin/dat/Eng/Invalid/invalid_2.shtml | |
50. Der Ewige Geheimtipp: Eine Offenbarung Translate this page stellten grigory sokolov spontan höher als den alten Gott des Klaviers und bekehrtensich überwältigt zu ihm. Endlich debütierte der russische pianist - http://www.welt.de/daten/2000/01/14/0114hk147101.htx | |
51. History Of The St.Petersburg Conservatory In the 1970s, educated at the Conservatory were the pianist grigory sokolov and PavelYegorov, the conductor Valery Gergiev, and many others who now represent http://www.conservatory.ru/historyeng.htm | |
52. Klaviermusik Translate this page der Abend mit dem pianisten grigory sokolov ganz normal. Es ließ sokolov erst nachzwei Rameauzugaben und Hier erzeugte der pianist noch heitere Vorstellungen http://www.gabizahn.de/Links/Hauptauswahl/Klassische Musik/Klaviermusik/Klavierm | |
53. Conservatoire In the 1970s, educated at the Conservatoire were the pianist grigory sokolov andPavel Yegorov, the conductor Valery Gergiev, and many others who now represent http://art.internord.ru/hist/konserv_e.htm | |
54. פסטיבלי קלאס Jarrett, Lang Lang, Christian Zacharias, PierreLaurent Aimard, grigory sokolov,Chick Corea Jean-Paul Fouchécourt and the gifted French pianist Alain Planès. http://www.klassi.net/new_reviews/opus7/ | |
55. Selectie: Muziek sokolov. De pianist grigory sokolov speelt 2 mei 20u15 muziek van Couperin, Mozarten Franck tijdens een recital in de Jurriaanse Zaal van De Doelen, Rotterdam. http://www.nrc.nl/W2/Agenda/muziek.html | |
56. The Andrei Sakharov Archives: Upcoming Events pianist, and American Record Guide called him the major Bach pianist of his Pianowith Alexandra Zhukovsky, grigory sokolov, Russell Sherman, Paul Doguereau. http://www.brandeis.edu/departments/sakharov/sergbio.html | |
57. Ein Tiefer Und Ernster Sokolov Translate this page Ein tiefer und ernster sokolov Hamburg - Dass die eitle Selbstdarstellungseine Sache nicht ist, zeigte der pianist grigory sokolov schon mit der http://www.abendblatt.de/daten/2003/01/29/118157.html | |
58. 440hertz - The London Piano Recital Database 440hertz, Recitals are currently sorted by pianist, then by date,Sort by date. Thu Wolpe. Thu 20 th Mar 03, grigory sokolov Beethoven. http://www.440hertz.com/recitals/index_name.htm | |
59. WebList! Russia - Artists Evgeni Doga up! 9. * Evgeni Mikhailov the pianist up! * Exhibition Moscows artist Yury Yudin up! 8. Gillian Anderson up! * grigory sokolov up! 8. http://weblist.ru/english/Arts_and_Humanities/Artists/ |
60. El Toro De Taree2 Tjako van Schie Comments The Tjako van Schie site. Dutch pianist teacherat the Amsterdam Conservatory. One of Neil's heros grigory sokolov, Neil http://www.users.bigpond.com/hallraylily/El Toro de Taree2.htm | |
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