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Home - Pianists - Serkin Rudolf |
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41. Encyclopædia Britannica serkin, rudolf Austrianborn American pianist and teacher who concentrated onthe music of JS Bach, WA Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, and http://search.britannica.com/search?query=rudolf hess&ct=eb&fuzzy=N&show=10&star |
42. Equipment And Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists Sassmann, Albert Official Homepage of the Austrian pianist. Schiff Inc.serkin, rudolf (1903-1991)- Kennedy Center tribute page. http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/iomusic_mp3 | |
43. Performers ~ Sd serkin, Peter (PEE ter SIR kin)(24 JUL )Am=pianist (son); serkin,rudolf (ROO dolwlf SIR kin)(28 MAR - )Pol-Am= pianist (father); http://members.tripod.com/perfartists/sd.html | |
44. Rudolf Rudolph Dirks (18771968) American cartoonist. rudolf Friml (1879-1972)Czech pianist. rudolf serkin (1903-1991) Bohemian pianist. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/r/rudolf.html | |
45. Allartist never met, Adolf Busch (18911952) and rudolf serkin (1903-1991 With serkin therewere no such difficulties. In him, Busch found a pianist who combined the best http://web02.hnh.com/scripts/Artists_gallery/other_artists.asp?artist_name=Serki |
46. Pianist Translate this page H¤U±N±`¨£ªûµ^®a¨Ì¦~¥N°Ï¤À (under construction) pianist,Year, Note. Granados (1867-1916), Samson Francois, rudolf serkin, Artur Rubinstein, http://homepage.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~jhwang/music/pianist.html | |
47. Classical Net Review - Schubert - Chamber Music The musicianship of Adolf and Hermann Busch (violin and cello, respectively)and pianist rudolf serkin is more restrained. When http://www.classical.net/music/recs/reviews/a/and01990a.html | |
48. Welcome To The Pittsburgh Symphony Website In Israel he studied with pianist Arie Vardi, head of the Rubin Academy of and theCurtis Institute, and with rudolf Firkusny, Leon Fleisher and rudolf serkin. http://www.pittsburghsymphony.org/pghsymph.nsf/bios/A0955CE1BD40C0FA852567D20048 | |
49. Robert Taub, Pianist I've been enjoying the clarity and intelligence of American pianist Robert Taub's continuesthe lofty tradition of such pianists as rudolf serkin and Alfred http://members.aol.com/CAMartists/taub.html | |
50. NEA National Medal Of Arts Previous Medalists 1982-2001 ( banjo player (1994) Segal, George sculptor (1999) Sendak, Maurice - author,illustrator, designer (1996) serkin, rudolf - pianist (1988) Shaw, Robert http://www.arts.gov/guide/allmedalists2.html |
51. Live! (washingtonpost.com) New York magazine called serkin, son of pianist rudolf serkin and grandson of violinistcomposerAdolf Busch, one of the supreme musicians of our time. Peter http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A54563-2003Feb10.html |
52. Breaking News rich musical heritage that extends back several generations his grandfather wasthe violinist and composer Adolf Busch, and his father, pianist rudolf serkin. http://www.arts4all.com/newsletter/breakingnews/breakingnews.asp?bb=2383&sid=13 |
53. Andante - Classical Music - Boutique chamber performers as the Pro Arte String Quartet, Léner Quartet, Busch Trio,ThibaudCortot-Casals Trio, violinist Adolf Busch and pianist rudolf serkin. http://www.andante.com/Boutique/Shop/index.cfm?action=displayProduct&iProductID= |
54. Classical Pianists On LP 52195 serkin, rudolf Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 163815 serkin, rudolf SchumannPiano Concerto / Strauss Burlesque in D Minor, Ormandy, Philadelphia Orch. http://www.nviclassical.com/lists/pianist.php3?offset=75 |
55. P33%-2 118 Across Pianist Ruth, Six Letters. Any Clues? P255%0 States, he had to earn a living, and he became a pianist because that She studiedunder rudolf serkin at Philadelphia's Curtis Institute and made her New York http://www.princetoninfo.com/199805/80513p07.html | |
56. HyperDic, Online English Dictionary > Pianist sense Pronunciation p iy0 aa1 n ah0 st; p iy0 ae1 n ah0 st; p iy1 ah0 n ih0st. pianist noun (person). Schumann; serkin; rudolf serkin. © 2001 http://www.hyperdic.net/dic/p/pianist.shtml | |
57. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:PIANISTS LINKS serkin, rudolf 19031991. - Kennedy Center tribute page. Somero, Jouni - providesinformation on the Finnish concert pianist. Includes discography. http://www.phone-soft.com/cyber-world/o2602i.htm | |
58. Piano Instruments ( 323 Human Selected Links ) Harold (18731951) -Thibaudet, Jean-Yves (b.1961) -serkin, rudolf (1903-1991 Alberto-Caramiello, Francesco (b. 1964) -Bohdan Bubak czech pianist -Bates, Leon http://www.cbel.com/piano_instruments/?order=alpha |
60. MSS 55, The Horowitz Papers In The Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Of Yale Unive reflect the life and work of the legendary pianist, Vladimir Horowitz associationwith such figures as Sergei Rachmaninoff, rudolf serkin, Arthur Rubinstein http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/music/vh-col.htm | |
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