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21. Peter Serkin, Pianist heritage extends back several generations his grandfather was the violinist andcomposer Adolf Busch, and his father was the renowned pianist rudolf serkin. http://www.cincinnatisymphony.org/aboutus/guest_artists/serkin.htm | |
22. Pianist Serkin Breathtaking When the pianist made his first CSO visit in 1969, he was better knownas the son of piano legend rudolf serkin. Since then, Peter http://enquirer.com/editions/2003/03/10/tem_csoreview10.html | |
23. Biography Of Rudolf Serkin With Gold-music.com rudolf serkin ( 1903 1991 ) pianist; born in Eger, Bohemia. In childhood hestudied piano and composition in Vienna, making his recital debut at age 12. http://www.gold-music.com/fiches/fiche_2682.php | |
24. Nmz 2003/03 - Rezensionen: Nmz-Repertoire: Rudolf Serkin Translate this page Kaum ein pianist von Weltrang hat sich so der Kammermusik verpflichtetgefühlt wie rudolf serkin. Das hier geforderte Miteinander http://www.nmz.de/nmz/2003/03/rez-repertoire.shtml | |
25. Oregon Symphony News Releases s rich musical heritage extends back several generations his grandfather wasviolinist and composer Adolf Busch, and his father, pianist rudolf serkin. http://www.orsymphony.org/news/releases99-01/serkinrelease.html | |
26. Peter Serkin Translate this page Sein musikalisches Erbe reicht mehrere Generationen zurück Sein Großvater warder Geiger und Komponist Adolf Busch, sein Vater der pianist rudolf serkin. http://www.kdschmid.de/deutsch/02kuenst/1kuenstler.php3?k_id=21 |
27. Peter Serkin s rich musical heritage extends back several generations his grandfather wasviolinist and composer Adolf Busch, and his father pianist rudolf serkin. http://www.kdschmid.de/englisch/02kuenst/1kuenstler.php3?k_id=21 |
28. Schüler In Wien Und Mödling: Rudolf Serkin Translate this page rudolf serkin 1903 1991, serkin galt bereits mit fünf bei Schönberg und warim Verein für musikalische Privataufführungen als pianist tätig. http://www.schoenberg.at/1_as/schueler/wien/Serkin.htm | |
29. Clickmusic: Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists serkin, rudolf (19031991) Kennedy Center tribute page. Sgouros, Dimitris (b.1969)Famous Greek pianist; site includes biography, photos, preferred repertoire http://www.clickmusic.co.uk/Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pian | |
30. Rudolf Serkin - AnsMe.com Dictionary (define) Definition for rudolf serkin. rudolf serkin (noun) . 1. United Statesconcert pianist (born in Czechoslovakia) (1903-1991) Synonyms serkin. http://define.ansme.com/words/r/rudolf_serkin.html | |
31. PAUL HUME PAPERS: FOLDER LISTING CONTINUED 3 Fold 61 rudolf serkin Correspondence (Copy) June 17, 1976 DESCRIPTION Copyof TLS (6/17/1976) from pianist rudolf serkin to Mr. Chambers reminiscing http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/fl/f228}9.htm | |
32. Rudolf Serkin - AnsMe.com Dictionary (relations) Show Definition. Sounds Similar. Relations. Rhymes. Translate. Relations for rudolfserkin. Synonyms rudolf serkin, serkin More General pianist, piano player. http://relations.ansme.com/words/r/rudolf_serkin.html | |
33. Serkin The grandson of violinist and composer Adolf Busch and son of pianist rudolf serkin,Peter serkin entered the Curtis Institute of Music at the age of 11 and a http://www.fandm.edu/Departments/CollegeRelations/PressReleases/1999-00/PR133.ht | |
34. Serkin, Rudolf serkin, rudolf (19031991). American pianist, born in Eger, Austria-Hungary(now Cheb, Czech Republic). He was noted for his precise http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/S/Serkin/01.html | |
35. This Month At The New York Philharmonic: February York Philharmonic. pianist rudolf serkin Photo New York PhilharmonicArchives. Learn more about New York Philharmonic History. The http://www.newyorkphilharmonic.org/about/thismonth/index.cfm?page=home |
36. Musical Autographs: Catalog 51 serkin, rudolf signs program page in book for Dec 7, 1976 Carnegie Hall serkin,Rudolph- SP 2 x 3 program head shot of the young pianist with glasses. http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/instrumental51.html | |
37. Pianist - Wikipedia A performing classical pianist usually starts playing piano at a very young AndreasSchiff; Artur Schnabel; Peter serkin; rudolf serkin; Craig Sheppard; Solomon; Jean http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pianist | |
38. Andrea Passigli-pianista,pianist: Curriculum Translate this page ANDREA PASSIGLI pianista-pianist. la guida di Maria Tipo, ha partecipato al Festivaldi Musica da Camera di Marlboro, USA, su invito di rudolf serkin, con cui http://www.andreapassigli.it/curriculum.htm | |
39. BEETHOVEN Vioin Sonatas Busch/Serkin [SHJ]: Classical Reviews- December 2001 Mus Violinists' archive recordings, but the series title is in this case something ofa misnomer, as it unjustly ignores the fine pianist rudolf serkin (19031991 http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2001/Dec01/Beethoven_Busch.htm | |
40. Encyclopædia Britannica Austrianborn US pianist rudolf serkin was a keyboard virtuoso renowned for hisintensity, superb technique, and unsentimental interpretations, both as a http://search.britannica.com/search?query=rudolf hess&fuzzy=N&ct=ebi&start=6&sho |
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