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Home - Pianists - Serkin Peter |
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61. Three Goldbergs Variations in my hands last night Sergey Schepkin on Ongaku, Maria Yudina on Philips,and peter serkin on RCA. serkin is a superb pianist and does a http://www.bach-cantatas.com/NonVocal/Klavier-Goldberg-X3.htm | |
62. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Features Jan. 1617 pianist peter serkin performs Brahms' Concerto No. 2 in B flat. March5 and 7 pianist Awadagin Pratt performs Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 23. http://starbulletin.com/1999/03/18/features/story5.html | |
63. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Features That said, pianist peter serkin played with a sensitivity and understandingcrucial for Brahms. He highlighted Brahms' brilliance http://starbulletin.com/2000/01/17/features/story3.html | |
64. University Of Chicago Presents reopening featured concerts by the Contemporary Chamber Players conducted by RalphShapey, the University's own student orchestras and pianist peter serkin. http://chicagopresents.uchicago.edu/history.html | |
65. Steve Brady, Head Piano Technician He recalls one occasion when pianist peter serkin checked the tuning and regulationof the piano before a performance, testing each key with painstaking care http://www.artsci.washington.edu/newsletter/Summer02/Brady.htm | |
66. Home Backlist Ambient Audio Art/Radio Art Books Classical/20th C New York Chamber Symphony/Gerard Schwarz; peter serkin, P; Lisa Saffer, soprano;Paul Neubauer, VA Bronx Arts Ensemble; Pablo Zinger, conductor and pianist. http://www.vergemusic.com/old/classs2z.htm | |
67. Conductors Retreat At Medomak piece written by librettist Langston Hughes and stridepianist James P twenty yearscollaborated with prominent artists including peter serkin, Lorin Hollander http://www.conductorsretreat.org/ken.php | |
68. University Of Alabama News TUSCALOOSA, Ala. The School of Music on The University of Alabama campuswelcomes pianist peter serkin as part of the 2002 Celebrity Series. http://uanews.ua.edu/nov02/serkin110402.htm | |
69. Tobias Picker - Three Pieces For Piano - Press And Program Notes New York Newsday Tim Page. peter serkin, a great pianist at the peak of his powers,has had the splendid audactity to devote an entire program to new music http://www.tobiaspicker.com/threepiecespress.html | |
70. Encyclopædia Britannica View Article Index Entry Tables. serkin, peter American pianist noted for hisperformances of classical and contemporary works. View Article Index Entry. http://search.britannica.com/search?query=peter weir&fuzzy=N&ct=eb&start=8&show= |
71. Iclassics.com - Classical Music And More and premiering in April 2002; Six Realms (2000), a cello concerto for YoYo Ma andthe Toronto Symphony; Red Garuda, (1999) for pianist peter serkin and the http://www.iclassics.com/iclassics/artists_bio.jsp?entityId=14688 |
72. Performers ~ Sd serkin, peter (PEE ter SIR kin)(24 JUL )Am=pianist (son); serkin,Rudolf (ROO dolwlf SIR kin)(28 MAR - )Pol-Am= pianist (father); http://members.tripod.com/perfartists/sd.html | |
73. Classical Music Ligeti's Ramifications, Vivier's Zipangu and Messaien's Trois petites Liturgiesde la Présence Divine, with pianist peter serkin, conductor Reinbert de http://www.startribune.com/stories/457/3618785.html |
74. MSS 55, The Horowitz Papers In The Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Of Yale Unive was determined to use his phenomenal talent as a pianist to help his Artur, 1887Schneider, Alexander, 1908- Schonberg, Harold C. serkin, peter, 1947- serkin http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/music/vh-col.htm | |
75. Royal Festival Hall INTERVAL Ludwig Van Beethoven 33 Variations on a waltz by Diabelli, Op.120 peterserkin piano The American pianist peter serkin an artist very different from http://www.rfh.org.uk/main/events/62685.html?section=classical&file=index |
76. Pittsburgh Chamber Music Society > Orion String Quartet > Biography In the 2001 season alone they will be enriching their connection to pianist peterserkin when they are featured in Carnegie Hall's Perspectives peter serkin http://trfn.clpgh.org/pcms/2000-01_season_pages/Bio_Orion.shtml | |
77. Arts Music Instruments Keyboard Piano Pianists Polish Yellow Pages - Polska - Po Schleiermacher, Steffen News, biography, discography, repertoire and concertslisting of the German avant-garde pianist and composer. serkin, peter (b.1947 http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/212770/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianis | |
78. Classical Piano Links Links to websites of Classical pianists and other relevant pages on Classical piano.Category Arts Music Keyboard Piano pianists Directories...... Alexis Alexander Ffrench pianist, peter Feuchtwanger pianist (UK/DE). pianist (NL),András Schiff pianist (HU Rudolf serkin pianist (d. 1991), Dimitris Sgouros http://classicalmus.hispeed.com/pianolinks.html | |
79. Boston Globe Online / Living Arts / Luminaries Light Up Van Cliburn, Nelson Freire, Richard Goode, Garrick Ohlsson, peter serkin, and Jean LorraineHunt Lieberson in joint recital with pianist serkin (anticipating a http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/029/living/Luminaries_light_up_Tanglewood .sht |
80. Naropa University - Interarts BA - Music Faculty a bassoonist, he has played with the Toronto and New Haven Symphonies, and has recordedthree RCA albums with peter serkin and Tashi. As a jazz pianist, he has http://www.naropa.edu/interarts/music/faculty.html | |
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