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41. Equipment And Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists Sassmann, Albert Official Homepage of the Austrian pianist. schiff, andras (1953)-From the Terry Harrison Artists Management home page, includes biography http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/iomusic_mp3 | |
42. Telegraph | Arts | Prom 49: Schiff's Double Role Lends Intimacy And Vivacity andras schiff is not the first pianist to turn his hand to conducting,and doubtless will not be the last. But this concert with http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.jhtml?xml=/arts/2002/08/27/bmuprom27.xml |
43. ConcertoNet.com - The Classical Music Network relatively pure and simple, when taken as a totality and presented as compellinglyas they were last evening by the Hungarian pianist andras schiff, the pieces http://www.concertonet.com/Exec/review.asp?IndexReview=862 |
44. Congestionamento Na Rede festival opened with King Uru by the National Theatre of Korea; other artists attendingwere the Gabrieli Consort and Players, pianist andras schiff, the Heddy http://www.festasregionais.com/exterior/israel.htm | |
45. Piotr Anderszewski Gilmore Artist Award is made to an exceptional pianist who, regardless of list ofprevious winners including Murray Perahia, Itzhak Perlman, and andras schiff. http://www.cramermarderartists.com/anderszewski.htm | |
46. Leila Josefowicz For the End of Time and Americana with pianist John Novacek such as Martha Argerich,Thomas Hampson, Jaime Laredo, Sylvia McNair, andras schiff, Mitsuko Uchida http://www.cramermarderartists.com/josefowicz.htm | |
47. Baltimore City Paper: The Short List (February 16 - February 22, 2000) pianist andras schiff conducts and performs with the BSO at the Meyerhoff;the program includes works by Haydn, Beethoven, and Bach. http://www.citypaper.com/2000-02-16/short.html | |
48. Piano Instruments ( 323 Human Selected Links ) of Richter and Gilels Syme, David -Stefanits, Joseph -schiff, andras (b.1953 Alberto-Caramiello, Francesco (b. 1964) -Bohdan Bubak czech pianist -Bates, Leon http://www.cbel.com/piano_instruments/?order=alpha |
50. Williams Music | Public Events made its Lincoln Center debut on the Great Performers Series in 1989, and performeda sixconcert Haydn Festival in 1991 with pianist andras schiff at the http://www.williams.edu/Music/public_events/eventDetail.php?eventID=66 |
51. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:PIANISTS LINKS Saracino, Siro provides information for the Italian pianist. schiff, andras- From the Terry Harrison Artists Management home page, includes biography http://www.phone-soft.com/cyber-world/o2602i.htm | |
52. Greg Sandow -- Garrick Ohlsson, Liszt, And Bach I can always listen to andras schiff's recording, reissued that you'd swear Mr. schiffhad more forgotten but now triumphantly rediscovered pianist, Ernst Levy http://www.gregsandow.com/ohlsson.htm | |
53. Magellan's Log: Glenn Gould, Lang Lang, And Les Barricades Mystèrieuses Sea. Same music, same pianist, same world. But. But. results. A wrenchingcase in point is andras schiff's tortured rendering (rending?). http://www.texaschapbookpress.com/magellanslog45/langlang.htm | |
54. NinerOnline.com - Reviews Of New Country/roots, Jazz, Classical And Pop Releases This session with the Cleveland native's British group pianist John Pearce, bassistDave Green, drummer Martin Drews andras schiff Schumann's Humoreske Op. http://www.nineronline.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2002/03/13/3c8e5f59ee4e8 | |
55. Ananova - Pianist Stops Concert Over Mobile Phone Rings A pianist stormed off stage at the Edinburgh Festival because he was fed up ofmobile phones interrupting his performance. andras schiff stopped his Mozart http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_380205.html?menu=news.quirkies |
56. RedLudwig.com: Music News pianist andras schiff is one of the featured musicians at this year'sfestival, which will include 500 artists performing in 45 shows. http://www.redludwig.com/news/archive/052302.html | |
57. RedLudwig.com Music News 28 January 2002, RW Deutsch. NEW GREAT PERFORMERS SEASON ANNOUNCED,pianist andras schiff will open the series in October. Composer http://www.redludwig.com/news/archive/012802.html | |
58. Kennedy Center: and piano András schiff assumes the dual role of pianist and conductor for NationalSymphony Orchestra andras schiff, conducting and piano (Oct 16 18, 2003 http://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/index.cfm?fuseaction=showEvent&event=NECS |
59. New Document series), that will feature internationally renowned artists who will perform inthe intimate setting of the Music Room pianist andras schiff; the Kalichstein http://www.caramoor.org/news/press/02sept13b.html | |
60. IFILM - June de Toth, Piano (1999) The ronowned classical pianist perfomed six andras schiffPlays the Goldberg Variations (1990) andras schiff plays the Goldberg http://www.ifilm.com/ifilm/genre/drilldown/0,4020,200230,00.html |
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