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61. TDN-ee, Features Section2 15. The festival hosted Austrian pianist albert sassmann on Oct. 16.sassmann performed the works of Turkish and Austrian composers. http://www.turkishdailynews.com/old_editions/10_22_01/feature2.htm | |
62. Index Translate this page SAPELINIKOFF (?), .pianist um 1890). SAPHIR, (Mme ?). (?). sassmann, Hans.SASSONE, SCHWEIGHOFER, Felix. SCHWEITZER, albert. SCHWEIZ, Bibliotheken 1951. http://ezines.onb.ac.at:8080/moravec/pub/index/1S.htm | |
63. CLS RP-SCHTZ REC.38/45 308595H SAINTSAENS/BEETHOVEN/CHO 19TH CENTURY pianist 1 CD B066031 SASS,SYLVIA ARIA'S 1 CD 30.99 HUNGA 12901 NL B877637 sassmann, albert PIANO SOLO http://www.tclimports.com/CLS-RP-SCHTZ.html |
64. Bands And Artists Website Results :: Linkspider UK Includes dates and downloadable music samples. albert sassmann piano -This is the official Homepage of the Austrian pianist albert sassmann. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Regional/Europe/Austria/ArtsandEntertainment/Music/B | |
65. Tasten Translate this page sassmann, albert - Homepage des österreichischen pianisten mit Lebenslauf und Hörbeispielenin Frank-Immo - Der 1962 geborene Berliner pianist gibt Auskundt http://dmoz2.telekurier.at/World/Deutsch/Kultur/Musik/Genres/Klassische_Musik/In | |
66. Freenet.de Suche - Kultur - Musik - Genres - Klassische Musik - Interpreten - Ta Translate this page sassmann, albert - Homepage des österreichischen pianisten mit Lebenslauf und Hörbeispielen Schlüter,Michael - Der deutsche pianist informiert über sich http://webkatalog.freenet.de/freenet_page_88769197ff0637a3ed98830895f7f378_anz_p | |
67. Freenet.de Suche - Language: Englisch - Arts - Music - Instruments - Keyboard - 129. Saracino, Siro Curriculum, concerts, repertoire. 130. sassmann,albert - Official site of the Austrian pianist. 131. Schembri http://webkatalog.freenet.de/freenet_page_c9b154d904fb05163ecb94a818ae9a18_anz_p | |
68. The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Editorial the Austrian Ambassador and spouse Shovana Narayan Traxl are hosting an evening ofclassical music with Viennese artists albert sassmann (pianist) and Wolfgang http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001106/edit.htm | |
69. Dir For Todoinspokane.com and CD reviews. sassmann, albert Open this link in a new window Official Homepage of the Austrian pianist. Saracino, Siro Open http://dir.todoinspokane.com/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/ | |
70. Music : Top : Regional : Europe : Austria : Arts And Entertainment : Music Sites. albert sassmann piano This is the official Homepage of theAustrian pianist albert sassmann. Austria Baroque Academie The http://www.theolympicsite.org/Top/Regional/Europe/Austria/Arts_and_Entertainment | |
71. Dir For Snn.gr german/english; albert sassmann piano Open this link in a new window- This is the official Homepage of the Austrian pianist albert sassmann. http://dir.snn.gr/Regional/Europe/Austria/Arts_and_Entertainment/Music/ | |
72. Index Translate this page (pianist um 1890) SAPHIR, (Mme ?) SARASATE, Pablo de SARONDEAU sassmann, HansSASSONE Josef von SCHWEIGHOFER, Felix SCHWEITZER, albert SCHWEIZ, Bibliotheken http://www.musikerbriefe.at/indexe.asp?anfb=S&verz=1 |
73. FindRex.com: Albert this the official homepage,austrian pianist mitglied.lycos.de/albertsassmann sassmann,albert official site the austrian pianist http://www.findrex.com/destination/albert.htm | |
74. DIRECTORY.INFOBASE-INTL.COM - Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pia sassmann, albert Official site of the Austrian pianist. Schembri , Brian- pianist/conductor; page includes biograghy, reviews, photos, etc. http://directory.infobase-intl.com/Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Pian | |
75. Rubrik / Kultur / Musik / Genres / Klassische Musik / Interpreten / Tasten Translate this page www.volny.cz/m.rezek Roggan, Carlos Der pianist und Kammermusiker http//rosenfeldmusic.com/sassmann, albert Homepage des österreichischen pianisten mit http://whoare.de/Rubrik/Kultur/Musik/Genres/Klassische_Musik/Interpreten/Tasten/ | |
76. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska 122. sassmann, albert Official Homepage of the Austrian pianist. http//www.angelfire.com/ks/siro/ DMOZ/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/pianists 123. http://katalog3.wp.pl/DMOZ/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/index6 | |
77. Tasten, Interpreten, Klassische Musik, Genres, Musik, Kultur Translate this page sassmann, albert Homepage des österreichischen pianisten mit Lebenslauf und Hörbeispielenin mp3. Frank-Immo Der 1962 geborene Berliner pianist gibt Auskundt http://www.allemannda.de/Deutsch/Kultur/Musik_Genres_Klassische_Musik_Interprete | |
78. MusicMoz - Regional: Europe: Austria: Bands And Artists albert sassmann piano - This is the official Homepage of the Austrianpianist albert sassmann. Blue Body Red Soul - it's a jazz band. http://musicmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Austria/Bands_and_Artists/ | |
79. Pianists : Art Directory (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. sassmann, albert Official Homepage of the Austrianpianist. (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. Schiff, Andras (b.1953) From the http://www.123artist.com/art/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/more | |
80. Excite Deutschland - Web - Katalog - Bands And Artists Translate this page 1. albert sassmann - piano, This is the official Homepage of the Austrian pianistalbert sassmann. http//members.tripod.de/albertsassmann/index_e.htm. http://www.excite.de/directory/Regional/Europe/Austria/Arts_and_Entertainment/Mu | |
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