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81. Glossary: Spirit Into Sound Gioacchino Rossini, Italian opera composer, 17921868. arthur rubinstein,pianist, 1887-1982. Dane Rudhyar, Composer and mystical philosopher, 1895-1985. http://www.mhart.com/Pages/sispgs/sisglos.html | |
82. Peripatetic Pianist Still Finds Beethoven Rewarding - Theage.com.au 20thcentury Polish composer, Karol Szymanowski, whom the pianist raves about. Schooland, in 1974, he won the first arthur rubinstein International Piano http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2002/07/12/1026185101249.html | |
83. Musikfeature - Programmüberblick 19. Dezember 2002 Translate this page den pianisten arthur rubinstein von Roland Kunz. Vor 20 Jahren, am 20. Dezember 1982,starb er 95-jährig in Genf. Der amerikanische pianist polnisch-jüdischer http://www.wdr.de/radio/wdr3/sendungen/musfea/20021219.html | |
84. MSS 34, The Parker Bailey Papers In The Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Of Yale The composer, pianist, and lawyer Parker Bailey was born in Kansas City, Missouri,on March 1 By the summer of 1940 Beryl rubinstein and arthur Loesser were http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/music/bai-col.htm | |
85. Arthur Rubinstein - Press Release New World Symphony, arthur Post, conductor The Miami String Quartet Prof. Arie Vardipianist and lecturer. First laureates of the rubinstein Contest (1995 1998 http://www.arims.org.il/miami.htm | |
86. Rubinstein, Arthur. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: 2000. rubinstein, arthur. DATES 18871982. Polishborn American pianistparticularly known for his interpretations of the works of Chopin. http://www.bartleby.com/61/58/R0335800.html | |
87. Arthur Rubinstein A biography of arthur rubinstein. http://www.multied.com/bio/people/Rubinstein.html | |
88. Rubinstein, Arthur (1886 - 1982) http://www.komponisten.at/rubinstein.htm | |
89. Kulturspeilet There will be a discussion who might be deserved to be called the pianist of thecentury. But there will be no discussion at all that Artur rubinstein will be http://www.pluto.no/KulturSpeilet/faste/cd/Pianists_Rubinstein2.html | |
90. Sonning :: Alle Prismodtagere:: Arthur Rubinstein Foto Eva rubinstein. Prismodtager 1971 arthur rubinstein, pianistarthur rubinstein (18871982) blev født i Lodz i Polen. Allerede http://www.sonningmusik.dk/cms/view/index.asp?ipageid=24 |
91. Rubinstein Arthur Translate this page http://www.sieber-online.ch/kompon/rubinstein_ar.htm | |
92. Anecdote Bench Warmer? Rubinstein Seats Witty Replies replied, may I be seated at the piano? rubinstein, arthur (18861982), Americanpianist noted for for his interpretations of the works of Chopin Sources B http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=4168 |
93. Boston Globe.html It may be the last place you would expect to find a grandson of the great concertpianist arthur rubinstein, pumping away on a concertina, belting out a bold http://www.davidcoffin.com/Pages/Boston Globe.html | |
94. Arthur B. Rubinstein arthur B. rubinstein. CELEB http://www.rottentomatoes.com/p/ArthurBRubinstein-1060601/ | |
95. The Léonie Sonning Music Prize 1969, Boris Christoff, singer. 1970, Sergiu Celibidache, conductor. 1971, ArthurRubinstein, pianist. 1972, Yehudi Menuhin, violinist. 1973, Dmitri Shostakovitch,composer. http://www.ffaire.com/sonning/sonning3.html | |
96. Artist Gallery IGOR TCHETUEV. IGOR TCHETUEV Laureate of the First Prize. The 9th ArthurRubinstein International Piano Master Competition TelAviv, 1998. http://web02.hnh.com/scripts/artists_gallery/artist_pro_new.asp?artist_name=Tche |
97. Musiklehre ONLINE Kapitel 13: Komponisten+Musiker,Komponisten Biografien, Seite http://www.musica.at/musiklehre/13_013.htm | |
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