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Home - Pianists - Pogorelich Lovro |
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1. Lovro Pogorelich Official Page Offers a career resume and contact details for the Croatian pianist. Includes a photograph. All rights reserved by lovro pogorelich 2000. Photographs by Mio Vesovic / MO http://www.lovropogorelich.com/ | |
2. Lovro Pogorelich Page - Curriculum Vitae uk then World of Jewish Music , with the recital The pianist , promoting the 2001he started to teach for the Summer Piano School lovro pogorelich in Koper http://www.lovropogorelich.com/cv/ | |
3. Jewish Music Institute, SOAS 5.00pm7.00pm, Purcell Room. 'The pianist'. lovro pogorelich, piano. A concert focusing on the brilliant Polish http://www.jmi.org.uk/performance/sbc02/sbc02.html | |
4. Classical Piano Links Links to websites of Classical pianists and other relevant pages on Classical piano.Category Arts Music Keyboard Piano pianists Directories...... RU). Jonathan Plowright pianist (UK), lovro pogorelich pianist (CR).Daniel Pollack pianist, Maurizio Pollini pianist (IT). Roberto http://classicalmus.hispeed.com/pianolinks.html | |
5. Welcome To Piano.com pogorelich, lovro provides information on the Croatian pianist.Polan, David - performer, composer, accompanist, and teacher. http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
6. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:PIANISTS LINKS pogorelich, lovro provides information on the Croatian pianist. Pollini,Maurizio - Italian pianist biography and concert review at Cosmopolis. http://www.phone-soft.com/cyber-world/o2602i.htm | |
7. Royal Festival Hall Op.23 No.7 in C minor Sergey Rachmaninov 10 Preludes, Op.23 - No.2 in B flat majorlovro pogorelich piano The pianist. lovro pogorelich performs music from http://www.hayward-gallery.org.uk/main/events/86134.html?section=contemporary&fi |
8. Jewish Music Institute, SOAS en Buenos Aires, Berlin Cabaret and a recital by lovro pogorelich focusing on Szpilman,the subject of the Prizewinning Polanski film, The pianist. http://www.jmi.org.uk/newsletter/Autumn02/six.html | |
9. Untitled Document 5.00pm 7.00pm Purcell Room The pianist lovro pogorelich, piano A concert focusingon the brilliant Polish pianist-composer Wladyslaw Szpilman, the subject http://www.londonartsfest.org.uk/Concerts_fest/HomeRight.htm |
10. Croatian Music Scene News of the Croatian President, the Second International Competition of Young Composers,entitled lovro Noble Matacic pianist Ivo pogorelich, who vaulted to http://www.croatianmall.com/croatia/music/croatian-music-news.htm | |
11. Artists publishing, etc. lovro pogorelich Official web site of the croatianpianist. ALBERTO SPINELLI pianist and musical operator. LUIGI http://www.duobergantinzagni.com/artists_links.htm | |
12. Robert Laniewski Biography on a proper drilling in scales and other technical materials was lovro pogorelich. Itook four lessons, focusing on technique, from the pianist and teacher. http://www.geocities.com/rlani1/author.html | |
13. CD Bible Poetshaker; pogorelich, lovro provides information on the Croatian pianist.Pogues, The@; Pohjola, Mika@; Poi Dog Pondering@; Point Blank - hardcore band. http://www.cdbible.com/cdbible/artists/WhitePages/wp_16.html | |
14. Caramba! - Klavír lovro pogorelich (Chorvatsko); MarcAndré Hamelin (Kanada); Marc-André Hamelin(2 Frédéric Chopin III; Franz Liszt Page; The Prokofiev Page; Prokofiev as pianist; http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=548 |
15. Dart Occupation pianist Specialisation Classical Music Status Professional Years 13, Box Chopin; Elena Kuschnerova (20 Nov 2000) and lovro pogorelich (2127 http://www.dart.co.za/184 | |
16. Ootw- Wednesday 115 pm, Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert, pianist Atsuko Okamoto. Radio RachmaninovPiano Concerto No 2 in C minor (Op 18) lovro pogorelich (piano) Zagreb http://www.laloge.org/archives/august/7.htm | |
17. Ansøgninger Til Amtsmusikudvalget 2002 koncerter Kirsten Siggård med trio, SvenBertil Taube med pianist, Allan Olsen Classic4/3 Henschel Kvartetten, München 7/4 lovro pogorelich, piano 28/9 http://www.aaa.dk/DAGSOR/BKU/191102/bilag/kultur-bilag-oversigt2002-yde.wpd.htm | |
18. ABC Classic FM Music Details: Thursday 5 March 1998 Sonata in G K.13 Ivo pogorelich, p. DG 698-2 3' Borodin Polovtsian Dances - PhilharmoniaOrch/lovro von Matacic ACC2 9182 3' 1.03 PROFILE pianist Ivan Moravec http://www.abc.net.au/classic/daily/stories/s630614.htm | |
19. ABC Classic FM Music Details: Wednesday 26 February 1997 SCARLATTI Sonata in C K.159 Ivo pogorelich,p DG Gobbi, br; Orch of La Scala, Milan/Lovrovon Matacic. Crawford Mark Knoop is a young Melbourne pianist who has http://www.abc.net.au/classic/daily/stories/s630241.htm | |
20. Croatian Music Info composers. Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra. AriArtWoodwing Quintet. LovroPogorelich - pianist. Unique Charming Harmony of Opposites. Site http://www.romwell.com/travel/advisory/europe/croatia/cromusic.shtml | |
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