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Home - Pianists - Pletnev Mikhail |
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81. Presto Classical - EMI & Virgin Promotion Special £9.99. Add this item to your basket. Mozart Piano Concertos Nos 23 24. mikhail pletnev (piano). Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. Virgin. 7592802. http://www.prestoclassical.co.uk/cgi/shop/emivirgin.php?keyword=Mozart&keytitle= |
82. Piano Recital By Many-faceted Musician Mikhail Pletnev Kicks Off Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), worldrenownedpianist mikhail pletnev will give a recital, which kicks off the Encore Series http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/dept/pressrelease/apr/1304.5.htm |
83. La Folia -- Pletnev's C.P.E. Bach April 2002.. When Mike, our editor, asked me to give a listen to a CD of MikhailPletnev, a Russian pianist, playing CPE Bach, I was moved to write a poem http://www.lafolia.com/archive/levin/levin200204pletnev.html | |
84. Welcome To Www.madaboutbeethoven.com Kagan's pace is brisk, nononsense; the Russian pianist mikhail Pletnevtakes a more contemplative approach. Number 7, for instance http://www.madaboutbeethoven.com/pages/beethoven_news/news_kagan_pletnev_review. | |
85. ClassicWeb: Piano Search Categories Performers (9). Links mikhail pletnev Russianpianist and conductor (Added 17-May-98 Hits 12). mikhail pletnev http://www.classicweb.com/links/Piano/more4.html | |
86. Evgeni Mikhailov, Pianist Russian pianist; information and sound files.Category Arts Music Instruments Keyboard Piano pianists M...... Paul BaduraSkoda E.Mikhailov is an excellent pianist, demonstrating bright MikhailPletnev In September 1995 the Russian National Orchestra performed A http://www.kcn.ru/Mikhailov/ | |
87. Cbcca Home Shop · Help · Contact · Search Tuesday January 19 The Concert From the 1998 Schwetzingen Festival, pianistMikhail pletnev in recital Beethoven Piano Sonata in A Major, Op. 2 No. http://radio.cbc.ca/programs/inperformance/russiadoc.htm | |
88. Cbcca Home Shop · Help · Contact · Search January 19 The Concert From the 1998 Schwetzingen Festival, pianist MikhailPletnev in recital Beethoven Piano Sonata in A Major, Op. 2 No. http://radio.cbc.ca/programs/inperformance/jan99lst.htm | |
89. Russian National Orchestra Makes Debut In China Russian National Orchestra (RNO), under the baton of world famous conductor MikhailPletnev, made a brilliant debut in Beijing Saturday. Guest pianist Li Yundi http://fpeng.peopledaily.com.cn/200202/04/eng20020204_89861.shtml | |
90. Ringhotel Adler Post - Musik Translate this page Barbara Hendricks. Opernsängerin. Mara Kayser. Schlagersängerin. MikhailPletnev. pianist. Helmut Deutsch. pianist. Ruth Ziesak. Opernsängerin. nachoben. http://www.adler-post.de/1/Gastebuch/Musik/hauptteil_musik.html | |
91. Mikhailov(evgeni) Paul BaduraSkoda E.Mikhailov is an excellent pianist demonstrating bright MikhailPletnev In September 1995 the Russian National Orchestra performed A http://www.musiciansgallery.com/start/keyboards/pianists/mikhailov(evgeni).html | |
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