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Home - Pianists - Persone Pedro |
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1. Clickmusic: Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Harpsichord/Performers Biography, repertoire list. persone, pedro Brazilian harpsichordist and fortepianist. Rhodes,Julian English pianist, organist and harpsichordist. http://www.clickmusic.co.uk/Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Harpsichor | |
2. The Music Dealer's Network of the Russian pianist. This site has received 6 hits from this directory. persone, pedro. Harpsichordist and http://www.music-dealers.net/start/Keyboard_Players/more-8.html | |
4. MusicalOnline: Pianists pianist, leader, concert promoter and educator including info on Finas Productions. Harpsichord Top. pedro persone http://www.musicalonline.com/musicians/keyborad/pianists.htm | |
5. Piano / Keyboard Links @ The A-N-T-H-I-L-L pianist known for his improvisation and transcription of American piano jazz greats such as George Gershwin and Fats Waller. pedro persone, http://www.angelfire.com/music/anthill/wa/music/other/piano.htm | |
6. MusicMoz - Instruments: Keyboard: Piano: Pianists: P Kimura Canadian pianist's web page, includes touring schedule, biography, interviews,reviews, pictures and recordings. persone, pedro - Harpsichordist and http://musicmoz.org/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/P/ | |
7. MusicMoz - Instruments: Keyboard: Piano: Pianists: P pianist's web page, includes touring schedule, biography, interviews, reviews, pictures and recordings. persone, pedro http://www.musicmoz.org/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/P | |
8. MusicMoz - Instruments: Keyboard: Harpsichord: Performers: Links Biography, repertoire list. persone, pedro Brazilian harpsichordist and fortepianist. Rhodes,Julian - English pianist, organist and harpsichordist. http://musicmoz.org/Instruments/Keyboard/Harpsichord/Performers/Links/ | |
9. Excite Italia - Cartoline MarieLuise - German pianist; includes CDs, photos, biography, interview, reviews. persone, pedro - Harpsichordist and http://www.bluemountains.it/directory/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pian | |
10. Clickmusic: Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists persone, pedro Harpsichordist and fortepianist. Discography, recitals, comments.Piano Players pianist bios, information, music links and music by new piano http://www.clickmusic.co.uk/Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pian | |
11. E-bannerx.com Exchange And Directory: Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/P Parker, Jon Kimura Canadian pianist's web page, includes touring schedule, biography,interviews, reviews persone, pedro - Harpsichordist and fortepianist. http://www.e-bannerx.com/pages2/Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/P | |
12. E-bannerx.com Exchange And Directory: Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/H persone, pedro Brazilian harpsichordist and fortepianist. Biography, discography,articles. Rhodes, Julian - English pianist, organist and harpsichordist. http://www.e-bannerx.com/pages2/Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Harpsic | |
13. Equipment And Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists persone, pedro Harpsichordist and fortepianist. Discography, recitals, comments.Piano Players- pianist bios, information, music links and music by new piano http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/iomusic_mp3 | |
14. Equipment And Instruments/Keyboard/Harpsichord/Performers Biography, repertoire list. persone, pedro Brazilian harpsichordist and fortepianist. Rhodes,Julian- English pianist, organist and harpsichordist. http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Harpsichord/Performers/iom | |
15. Untitled music. . Achille Picchi, pianist, conductor and composer (São Paulo Brazil). I instrument. pedro persone is a claveciniste! . Felipe http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Stage/1803/comments.html | |
16. Pianista Classico - Michel Mañanes Translate this page Concert pianist MICHEL MAÑANES. gluria formata de cattedratici quali Miguel Flechillae pedro Zuluaga quell'anno, concorrendo con altre quaranta persone, con la http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Studio/2717/italianindex.html | |
17. Pianists : Art Directory Canadian pianist's web page, includes touring schedule, biography, interviews, reviews,pictures and recordings. (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. persone, pedro http://www.123artist.com/art/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/more | |
18. Performers : Art Directory (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. persone, pedro Brazilian harpsichordist and 0.00Votes 0) Rate It. Schrader, David American harpsichordist, organist, pianist. http://www.123artist.com/art/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Harpsichord/Perform | |
19. Piano Instruments ( 323 Human Selected Links ) Pirojenko, Alexandre (b.1979) persone, pedro -Parker, Jon Paula -Crivellari, Alberto-Caramiello, Francesco (b. 1964) -Bohdan Bubak czech pianist -Bates, Leon http://www.cbel.com/piano_instruments/?order=alpha |
20. Pianists Top Arts Music Instruments Keyboard Piano persone, pedro Harpsichordist and fortepianist. Pirojenko, Alexandre(b.1979) Biography and repertoire of the Russian pianist. http://alchoholism.gowebinfo.com/Top/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Piani |
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