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Home - Pianists - Parker Jon Kimura |
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41. NCSO - Overture No. 21, performed by guest pianist jon kimura parker, with its lushsecond movement often nicknamed Elvira Madigan. Concertgoers http://www.wcpe.org/overture/NCSO_highlights.shtml | |
42. Sheet Music Live jon kimura parker. pianist. Since winning Great Britain's Leeds InternationalPiano Competition in 1984, jon kimura parker has become http://www.sheetmusiclive.net/parker.cfm | |
43. Welcome To Piano.com information. parker, jon kimura Planer, Sharon pianist available forparties, weddings, and other events throughout central Minnesota. http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_misc.cfm | |
44. WHOLE NOTES - The Stories Behind The Classics Hosted by internationally acclaimed concert pianist, jon kimura parker, WholeNotes features performances by the National Arts Centre Orchestra of Canada http://www.soundventure.com/web/wholenotes/ | |
45. DallasNews.com | Dallas-Fort Worth | Arts/Entertainment Music of Puts, Adams and RimskyKorsakov. April 23-25 Conductor YoelLevi and pianist jon kimura parker. Music of Prokofiev and Brahms. http://www.dallasnews.com/entertainment/stories/031003dnlivfwso.187e7.html | |
46. LANFEST 98 HIGHLIGHTS Mary Church. The Lancaster Festival Orchestra with pianist jon kimuraparker. July CANDLELIGHT CONCERT with pianist jon kimura parker. July http://www.lanfest.org/archive/98/season98.html | |
47. Orcas Chamber Music Festival, Aug 29 - Sep 5, 2001. The Artists Internationally acclaimed concert pianist jon kimura parker has given two commandperformances for Queen Elizabeth II, and has, in recent seasons, performed as http://www.sanjuanweb.com/orcaschambermusic/artists.html | |
48. Oregon Symphony News Releases the last of three Stravinsky ballets performed this season, in a Classical concertfeaturing distinguished pianist jon kimura parker performing Rachmoninoff's http://www.orsymphony.org/news/releases99-01/CL5release2000.html | |
49. Baltimore City Paper: (March 29 - April 4, 2000) Guest conductor Sergiu Commissiona leads the Baltimore Symphony Orchestraand guest pianist jon kimura parker at Meyerhoff Symphony Hall. http://www.citypaper.com/2000-03-29/short.html | |
50. Artist Recital Series of the Artist Recital Seriesfeatures the Cleveland Orchestra; the Colorado Quartet;the Detroit Symphony Orchestra; pianist jon kimura parker; and mezzo http://www.oberlin.edu/newserv/releases/artistrecitalseries.html | |
51. Muziqnet.com: Dir: Artists: P Traditionele Europese Muziek. HOME text/html . parker, jon kimura -Classical pianist jon kimura parker - text/html . Parry, Alan - Rock http://www.muziqnet.com/dir/Artists/P/ | |
52. K-W Symphony - Masterpiece Series jon kimura parker, piano* Worldrenowned Canadian pianist, the extraordinary jonkimura parker is back to bring our season to a thundering grand finale. http://www.netscapades.com/kws2000/masterpc.html | |
53. Telarc International: Canadian pianist jon kimura parker recently returned to his native countryon a tour with a group of other Canadian pianists, known as Piano Six. http://www.telarc.com/gscripts/title.asp?gsku=0441 |
54. Untitled Document 5. Mr. parker steps in for Juilliard pianist Terrence Wilson, who was past recipientshave included John Root, Panayis Lyras, jon kimura parker, HaiKyung Suh http://www.juilliard.edu/press/archive/pr032902.html | |
55. Scarlet's Web - 1/24/97 - Arts Page January 24, 1997. pianist jon kimura parker (shown at right) is featured withthe Warsaw Philharmonic. Orchestra Brings European Accent to Lied Center. http://www.unl.edu/scarlet/v7n3/v7n3arts.html | |
56. Weekly Planet | EVENTS HOME Internationally acclaimed concert pianist jon kimura parker performs at SafetyHarbor Spa as part of The Florida Orchestra's Amadeus Series. more . http://tampahappenings.creativeloafing.com/gbase/Events/index | |
57. CBC Radio -- In Performance -- November 2001 Schedule 1, 2. From the Centre in the Square. The KitchenerWaterloo Symphony Orchestra, MartinFischer Dieskau, conductor; jon kimura parker, piano. pianist Arthur Ozolins. http://www.radio.cbc.ca/programs/inperformance/01Nov/01Nov_calendar.html | |
58. CBC Radio Two -- In Performance -- Listings June 2002 with host jon kimura parker on Mondays in June. The Vancouver Symphony Orchestraunder the direction of Kazuyoshi Akiyama with pianist Angela Hewitt. http://www.radio.cbc.ca/programs/inperformance/2002/02Jun_listings.html | |
59. CMC: Gellman, Steven [E] (1947 ) Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.Category Arts Music Composition Composers Contemporary G...... his teenage years he appeared frequently as a pianist and composer In the wake ofUniverse Symphony , jon kimura parker commissioned Steven Gellman to compose a http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/f_/Gellman_Steven.html | |
60. Canadian Musicians P. parker, jon kimura Classical concert pianist. Plamondon, Luc Composer. ThePursuit of Happiness Band. Pure Band; Philosopher Kings; Paula Griffith. Q. http://www.canadianclothing.ca/cccanadianmusicians.html | |
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