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21. Toronto Symphony Orchestra - About The TSO Mr. Fisch is also an accomplished pianist. jon (Jackie) kimura parker is one ofthe few concert artists who finds tuxes and tails passé and favours http://www.tso.on.ca/2002_2003/about/press_releases/about07.14.cfm | |
22. Piano Six Artist Biographies Fialkowska is an absolute dream of a pianist, and in this repertoire, aconsummate musician. PIANO AND KEYBOARD MAGAZINE. jon kimura parker. http://www.pianosix.com/bios.html | |
23. Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? No, It's A X-files Fan With A Grand Piano - Smh.com and slipped the XFiles theme into a Mozart concerto, but now jon kimura parker hasbecome the kimura parker, who is replacing pianist Yefim Bronfman http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/05/28/1022569770095.html | |
24. University Of Alabama News pianist jon kimura parker to Headline Celebrity Series Season Finale.TUSCALOOSA, Ala. Internationally acclaimed pianist jon kimura http://uanews.ua.edu/mar00/parker032300.htm | |
25. University Of Alabama News pianist jon kimura parker to Headline Celebrity Series Season Finale,3/23/00. UA to Host Alabama Youth Summit on March 23, 3/22/00. http://uanews.ua.edu/mar00/ | |
26. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Features pianist jon kimura parker Plays Mendelssohn with the Honolulu Symphony; Samuel Wongconducts; also performing, mezzosoprano Florence Quivar and tenor Anthony http://starbulletin.com/1999/01/07/features/story3.html | |
27. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Features Honolulu Symphony pianist jon kimura parker will interpret pieces byMendelssohn. Internationally renowned pianist jon kimura parker. http://starbulletin.com/98/02/23/features/story2.html | |
28. Concert Calendar & Tickets with conductor Andreas Delfs hailed as a brilliant technician and commandingmusician by The New York Times and pianist jonkimura parker. http://www.nws.org/cct/5.html | |
29. Parker Piano Preview In 1984 young JapaneseCanadian pianist jon kimura parker shot into the spotlighttaking the top prize at the Leeds International Piano Competition in Britain. http://www.scena.org/lsm/sm2-8/parker.html | |
30. Marek Jablonski (1939-1999) : Light And Shadow Film Board of Canada produced Jablonski, a film about the pianist. students nowhave flourishing careers, among them jon kimura parker, Kevin Fitzgerald http://www.scena.org/lsm/sm5-6/Jablonski-en.htm | |
31. The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints Feedback Site SALT LAKE CITY The Orchestra at Temple Square, will be joined by jon kimura parker,internationally acclaimed solo pianist, for the opening concert of its http://www.lds.org/media2/newsrelease/0,5637,666-1-12726,00.html | |
32. Virginia Parker Prize 1999 - Lucille Chung Auger, conductor (1987); Sandra Graham, mezzosoprano (1986); Sophie Rolland, cellist(1985); Louis Lortie, pianist (1984) and jon kimura parker, pianist (1983 http://www.canadacouncil.ca/archival/ccnews/co9921-e.htm | |
33. Sylva Gelber Award Ian parker studied thirteen years with his father, noted pianist Edward J for theArts, and received coaching from his cousins, James and jon kimura parker. http://www.canadacouncil.ca/archival/ccnews/co9822-e.htm | |
34. Glenn Gould Studio March 2003 Schedule in this programme of art songs and arias by Latvian Canadian pianist Sandra Mogensen. CBCRadio's OnStage presents parker Duo jon kimura parker and James http://glenngouldstudio.cbc.ca/0303.html | |
35. Glenn Gould Studio September/October 2000 Schedule Tonight, violinist Martin Beaver, violist David Harding, cellist Bryan Eppersonand pianist jon kimura parker play Mozart's Piano Quartet No. http://glenngouldstudio.cbc.ca/0009-10.html | |
36. Jan. 30, 2002 - The Sackville Tribune-Post -- Arts & Entertainment Internationally renowned pianist jon kimura parker will be featuredin an upcoming masterclass at Mount Allison University. Presented http://www.tantramar.com/trib/2002/01/30/aande.html | |
37. Untitled In 1984 young JapaneseCanadian pianist jon kimura parker shot into the spotlighttaking the top prize at the Leeds International Piano Competition in Britain. http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/scena_musicale/html/1997/sm2-8/parker.h | |
38. Untitled Internationally acclaimed concert pianist jon kimura parker is deep into the finalflourishes of a Mozart concerto cadenza when, without warning (even to his http://www.udayton.edu/news/nr/020800.html | |
39. About 'Up And Coming' ABOUT 'UP AND COMING' with jon kimura parker, host and pianist. CBCRadio Two's new fivepart series Up And Coming showcases the http://www.cbc.ca/upandcoming/about.html | |
40. NCSO - Overture On January 31 and February 1, outstanding Canadian pianist jon kimura parker joinsthe North Carolina Symphony at 8pm in Meymandi Concert Hall at the BTI http://www.wcpe.org/overture/NCSO_search.shtml | |
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