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41. Alla Breve - Alumni Notes was presented at the Gordon Center in owings Mills, MD devoted completely to a recitalby pianist YAEL WEISS (BM with the Washington Opera in the john F. Kennedy http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/cons/alumni/alla-breve/alla11-97.html | |
42. Biographies As a successful young concert pianist and composer living in Architect for the Chicagooffice of Skidmore owings Merrill john PERRY CHIEF ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. http://www.wetdesign.com/client/bellagio/biographies/body.html | |
43. Classical Net Review - Casadesus - Works For Violin Fritz Gearhart, violin john owings, piano * Kathryn Lucktenberg, violin Koch InternationalClassics 3 18991972), as most know, was a virtuoso pianist of the http://www.classical.net/music/recs/reviews/k/kch37528a.html | |
44. KDCR Bulletin Board The guest pianist is Ray Meyer. Guest recitalist john owings will perform arecital on Saturday, October 12, at 730 pm in the BJ Haan Auditorium. http://www.kdcr.dordt.edu/cgi-bin/bulletin_board/bboard_mass.pl?month=10&year=20 |
45. Blind Artists And Friends Concert is eager to return to her home in owings Mills john will be using some of his enhancementequipment Gardner, a classical, jazz and contemporary pianist was born http://www.mdtap.org/tt/2000.01/3-art.html | |
46. Diabelli Variations -- 34 Pianists piano teachers were Solomon Mikowsky, Robert Armstrong, Wilber A. Price, john owings,and Sonia and in a variety of settings as a choral pianist, with the http://www.northportarts.org/diabelli-bios.html | |
47. Untitled Competition), Harold Martina (Professor of Piano, TCU), Alina Rubinstein (pianist,psychiatrist, daughter of Artur Rubinstein), john owings (Chairman Piano http://users.rcn.com/rfinley/ipcoa.htm | |
48. Chicago Scene Wednesdays, 7 PM, Jerry owings. Fri 9/27, 5 PM, pianist Ben Rudolph; 9 PM,john Moulder Quartet; 130 AM, Green Mill Quartet (no cover). http://www.jazzsingers.com/ChicagoScene/ | |
49. Chamber Music At The Barn Jazz Studies until 1983, and continues to perform as a jazz pianist with Hillside Histeachers include john owings, Jack Radunsky, Martin Canin and William Race http://www.cmatb.org/Biographies.htm | |
50. Owings Mills Community Information Real Estate. Community Statistics, New Reside MillsGlyndon Chamber of Commerce owings Mills, MD Baltimore, MD (10 miles away) pianist» Birthday February 7 john Astin Baltimore, MD (10 miles away) Actor | |
51. Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists - Fractured Atlas Links Directory repertoire and reviews. owings, john pianist and teacher; includes biography,discography, articles and photos. Paderewski, Ignaz Jan http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianis | |
52. Welcome To Mountain View College : DCCCD She studied with international concert pianist Lili Kraus for fourteen years Diplomain 1999 from Texas Christian University where she studied with john owings. http://www.mvc.dcccd.edu/1pianojudges.htm | |
53. Baltimore City Paper: (October 23 - October 29, 2002) john's United Methodist Ali plays the Arch Social Club with pianist Joe Colianna TheWashington Balalaika Society presents Autumn Dreams at owings Mills' Gordon http://www.citypaper.com/2002-10-23/short.html | |
54. Sunspot.net - Music Nightlife composer Charles Kim, Peabody musicologist john Spitzer and was Reppard Stone, professor,pianist, writer and a of Ellis's piano, Jacqueline owings told her http://www.sunspot.net/entertainment/music/bal-as.jazz09feb09,0,5964025.story?co |
55. Classical CD Review Archive - Classical - April 2002 Part 3 C-L: Classical Music à Chausson (1955) 7.50 Fritz Gearhart (violin) john owings (piano) - Kathryn These1970s recordings unquestionably display a formidable pianist at work. http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2002/Apr02/1aApr02-3.htm | |
56. Robert Casadesus [RB]: Classical Reviews- March 2002 MusicWeb(UK) Hommage à Chausson (1955) 7.50 Fritz Gearhart (violin) john owings (piano) Kathryn tomoderately wellinformed music lovers as a pianist whose performances http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2002/Apr02/casadesus.htm | |
57. DALLAS GOETHE CENTER training in his native Texas, john owings studied at john, referred to as Johanniter,became independent in Karen Kohler and singer/pianist Larry Greenawalt http://www.dallasgoethecenter.org/recent.htm | |
58. News: TCU Daily Skiff For Friday, October 29, 1999 Staff accompanist Janet Pummill said owings is wellknown outside of TCU for histalent as a pianist. john owings is a nationally known figure in the piano http://www.skiff.tcu.edu/SkiffWeb102999/News.html | |
59. Campus Lines And Cartoons: TCU Daily Skiff For Friday, November 19, 1999 Tenor Richard Estes and pianist john owings, faculty members in the School ofMusic , will perform together in a recital at 730 pm Monday in the PepsiCo http://www.skiff.tcu.edu/SkiffWeb111999/Campus.html | |
60. Owings, John ( Http://www.johnowings.com ) owings, john, pianist and teacher; includes biography,discography, articles and photos. http://www.shrinker.net/entry/Owings,_John/ | |
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