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81. BALLBUSTERHARD - Axe Banger Buffalo, New York. There, renowned pianist marilyn nonken performedmy solo piano piece, Aerial Surveying. CURRENT UPCOMING PROJECTS http://www.ballbusterhardmusic.com/Axe Banger/JanFeb2003/rob_sbar.html | |
82. The New Yorker: Goings On About Town: Classical Music also present a program of Saariaho's chamber music at Weill Hall, with some of NewYork's finer newmusic stalwarts (such as the pianist marilyn nonken and the http://newyorker.com/goingson/music/ | |
83. BNACVB | Event Details Guest artist marilyn nonken is a gifted pianist who has performed in such notableplaces as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and the Guggenheim Museum. http://www.bloomingtonnormal.com/cvb/event.php3?EID=165 |
84. San Francisco Examiner (800) 5948499; http//aspa-sfsu.org. CLASSIC/CONTEMPORARY. Sensitive, technicaland cutting-edge all describe pianist marilyn nonken's musical style. http://www.examiner.com/ex_files/default.jsp?story=X0927UPCOMINGw |
85. IRCAM@Columbia 1999 was utilized in every piece; and this pianist, Ensemble 21's codirector and risingstar on the new music performance scene, marilyn nonken, deserves special http://mitpress2.mit.edu/e-journals/Computer-Music-Journal/Documents/reviews/24- | |
86. Ireg Renewal musicologists, + other resources http//www.ensemble21.com/nonken marilyn nonkenNYCPianist Specializing in New Music with Ensemble21 http//bulgarianspace http://www.michaellacroix.com/ | |
87. , , By (10/03/02) FRIDAY OCTOBER 4 marilyn nonken A student of the legendary David Burge, this virtuosopianist serves up a formidable program of contemporary solo piano music. http://www.thestranger.com/2002-10-03/concerts.html | |
88. Upcoming Concerts Brochure A+ 9 sun marilyn nonken, piano Ms 22 th Francine Kay, piano This uniquely talentedpianist has performed often at our Music Room; after a couple of years of http://www.k-wcms.com/cms_sched.htm | |
89. Boston.com / Arts & Entertainment / Music Idil Biret (New York), Alexander Korsantia (Newport), marilyn nonken, Sergey Schepkin Collaborativepianist Karl Paulnack joined the faculty of the Boston http://ae.boston.com/music/stories/20021230_classical.html | |
90. Jacksonville Daily News ECU GUEST ARTIST SERIES GREENVILLE The series includes pianist virtuosoMarilyn nonken, March 20, 8 pm, AJ Fletcher Recital Hall (part of ECUs New http://www.jdnews.com/Details.cfm?StoryID=9392 |
91. Upcoming Events At ECU Chris Grymes, violinist Ara Gregorian, cellist Kelley Mikkelsen, and guest pianistPeter Henderson FESTIVAL CONCERTS marilyn nonken, piano, ticketed $15/$8. http://www.news.ecu.edu/tips.html | |
92. Job Vacancy Bulletin #372 - 7/15/01 The Perlman/Mikkanen/Bailey Piano Trio with violinist Anne Akiko Meyers, pianistNavah Perlman On March 11, marilyn nonken from New York City, in an allBoulez http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/placement/jvb1-15-02.html | |
93. The Age Making Music Out Of Coughs And Clicks There must have been moments when New York composer Jason Eckardt and pianist wifeMarilyn nonken looked on the lives of dotcom contemporaries and sighed. http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/2001/08/14/FFX9DU25BQC.html |
94. »çÀÌÆ®·Î ±¸¼ºÇÑ ¼¼°è¹®Çп¹¼úµµ¼°ü Home Page(UK) Dino MastroyiannisPianist(GR) Paula da MattaPianist(BR) Jon NakamatsuPianistErik NilssonPianist(SE) marilyn NonkenPianist Guiomar Novaes http://school.pressian.com/dictionary/ART_music_07.htm | |
95. Salvatore Martirano: Colleagues & Former Students Lab; John Melby professor of music, U of I at CU; marilyn Nonkenpianist; Ron Pellegrino, President of Electronic Arts Productions; http://cmp-rs.music.uiuc.edu/~martiran/HTdocs/friends.html | |
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