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61. RIT News Events Features World famous pianist jon nakamatsu performed a special recital for thechildren at Margaret's House. He was in Rochester to celebrate http://www.rit.edu/~930www/Proj/NewsEvents/2001/Dec01/playtime.html&e=747 |
62. University Magazine - Spring 2002 pianist jon nakamatsu, 1997 winner of the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition,performed for children at Margarets House, RITs oncampus day-care http://www.rit.edu/~umagwww/spring2002/nakamatsu.html&e=747 |
63. Yamaha Corporation Of America - Music Education he Tenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition took place last June inFort Worth, TX, where pianist jon nakamatsu was named the Gold Medalist. http://www.yamaha.com/musiced/accent/Accent497/pg4.html&e=747 | |
64. Heidelberg College News Release Melville was commenting on jon nakamatsu, a popular American pianist, who will performa free recital March 25 at 815 pm in the Ohl Concert Hall of Brenneman http://www.heidelberg.edu/publications/releases/0203-nakamatsu.html&e=747 |
65. The Bozeman Daily Chronicle The late Argentine pianist, composer and arranger was the genius responsible forarranging and playing keyboards on guitarist George Benson jon nakamatsu Piano. http://www.gomontana.com/symphony/artists.html&e=747 | |
66. Van Cliburn Foundation When jon nakamatsu won the Cliburn gold in 1997 nakamatsu shows impeccable taste;he puts a the Seventh Cliburn Competition, French pianist Philippe Bianconi http://www.cliburn.org/concerts/0203press.html&e=747 |
67. Van Cliburn Foundation Paganini Olga Pushechnikova German Waltz; Avowal; Promenade jon nakamatsu Davids byVan Cliburn) $29.98 Van Cliburn Concert pianist (1996 documentary http://www.cliburn.org/vcf/vcfvideo.html&e=747 |
68. Welcome To Piano.com nakamatsu, jon provides information on the Amercian pianist. Nonken, Marilyn- provides information on the pianist who specializes in new music. http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm&e=747 |
69. Pioneer Log - Arts pianist nakamatsu's talents delight PSU. and Sunday, Portland was fortunate enoughto host a gifted musician the visiting performer, jon nakamatsu, who gave http://www.lclark.edu/~piolog/archive/971024/arts/nakamatsu.html&e=747 |
70. The Courier - Old Dominion University 9 with pianist jon nakamatsu. The season opens Sept. 9 with a recital by pianistjon nakamatsu as part of the series partnership with the Virginia Symphony. http://www.odu.edu/ao/instadv/archive/vol32issue01/stories/nakamatsu.html&e=747 |
71. Corvallis-OSU Music Association Concert History Portland Youth Philharmonic. 199798. jon nakamatsu (pianist). Sejong Soloists(strings group). Portland Youth Philharmonic. Bale Folclorico da Bahai. 1998-99. http://www.music.peak.org/history.htm&e=747 |
72. 01-03-00 Jon Nakamatsu, Miami String Quartet To Play At OSU Jan. CORVALLIS The Miami String Quartet and award-winning pianist jon Nakamatsuwill perform in concert on Friday, Jan. 14, at Oregon State University. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ncs/newsarch/2000/Jan00/miami.htm&e=747 |
73. RONDO-Archiv Rachmaninow, Klavierkonzert Nr. 3, Nakamatsu Translate this page gewesen, lesen wir im Lebenslauf des pianisten jon nakamatsu. nakamatsu gewann 1997den Van-Cliburn-Wettbewerb in dessen Endrunde jeder pianist Rachmaninows d http://www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/r/rachmaninow/sr11.htm&e=747 |
74. Poet Of The Keyboard Moves In Poet of The Keyboard Moves In pianist jon nakamatsu Here for a FourDayResidency, erformances Plus!, the Fine Arts Center's performance http://www.umass.edu/fac/spotlight/archive/2002-2003/volume18-1/section/performi |
75. Van Cliburn Foundation Cliburn Concerts 2002-2003 Upon winning the 1997 Cliburn gold, jon nakamatsu became a popular at the SeventhVan Cliburn International Piano Competition, French pianist Philippe Bianconi http://www.cliburntix.org/0203.htm&e=747 |
76. This Week's Issue pianist jon nakamatsu. Ramsey Concert Hall, UGA campus. If you find yourself alwaysrooting for the underdog, you might want to see pianist jon nakamatsu. http://www.flagpole.com/Issues/02.25.98/outthere.html&e=747 |
77. Green Music Festival 2002 Guest pianist, jon nakamatsu, a gold medal winner of the Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition, will join them for Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor http://www.greenmusicfestival.org/&e=747 |
78. Chamber Music Society Of Fort Worth, Texas She is a fiery pianist from San Francisco and she always warms up the stagewith her performance. jon nakamatsu is one of our alltime favorites. http://www.chambermusicsocietyoffortworth.com/artists.htm&e=747 |
79. German Pianist Aims For Next Rung On Ladder Of Success Before American jon nakamatsu won this year's Van Cliburn Competition, for example,he A similar thing happened to Fazil Say, a Turkish pianist who performed a http://arizonachambermusic.org/Pawlik.htm&e=747 |
80. Pittsburgh Chamber Music Society Berlin Philharmonic Wind The five members, whose primary jobs are playing in arguably the best orchestrain the world, joined American pianist jon nakamatsu to open the Pittsburgh http://trfn.clpgh.org/pcms/Review_Berlin.shtml&e=747 |
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