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41. Weekend Preview Sunday. pianist jon nakamatsu performs works by Bach, Chopin and others at 230and 8 pm at Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Stanford University. Call (650) 7251960. http://www.paweekly.com/PAW/morgue/listings/1999_Oct_13.WEDBOX13.html&e=747 |
42. Jon Nakamatsu To Be Honored At Japanese American National Museum David nakamatsu of San Jose, jon is currently During the 16day competition, nakamatsuperformed Beethoven's which chronicled the life of pianist David Helfgott http://www.janm.org/whatsnew/dinner.htm&e=747 |
43. Friends @AYO - Jon Nakamatsu On June 8, 1997, pianist jon nakamatsu was named Gold Medalist of the Tenth VanCliburn international Piano Competition, the first American to have achieved http://ayo.cwls.net/bio/nakamatsu-jon.htm&e=747 |
44. Friends @AYO - Press Release pianist jon nakamatsu is with the orchestra for part of the tour. OnMonday, he was the soloist in Beethoven's Third Piano Concerto. http://ayo.cwls.net/press.htm&e=747 |
45. The Salt Lake Tribune Seaman Says Timpani Set His Course For Seaman Says Timpani Set His Course for Conducting Career pianist jon nakamatsu. Heguest conducts the Utah Symphony, with pianist jon nakamatsu, this week. http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Feb/02022003/arts/25372.asp&e=747 |
46. The Salt Lake Tribune Seaman, Nakamatsu Team Up With Symphony BY CATHERINE R. NEWTON THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE British conductor Christopher Seamanand American pianist jon nakamatsu collaborated with the Utah Symphony for an http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Feb/02082003/Saturday/27562.asp&e=747 |
47. News Release 09-03-02 September Planner at Bates in September include appearances by outspoken journalist Christopher Hitchens,Pulitzer Prizewinning poet Carl Dennis and pianist jon nakamatsu. http://www.bates.edu/x27645.xml&e=747 |
48. Contact Lee Streby jon nakamatsu, pianist. Saturday, October 25, 2003, 730 pm in Legacy Hall.jon nakamatsu claimed a distinguished place on the international http://www.rivercenter.org/ArtBeatNews/premier04.html&e=747 |
49. The State News - Award-winning Pianist To Take Wharton Stage - Ever since jon nakamatsu was 6 years old, he knew he wanted to becomea pianist, but he never thought it could become a career. http://www.statenews.com/editionsspring98/032098/ms_cliborn.html&e=747 |
50. Asian American Times Online, Aatimes July 2001 ISSUE Vol. 2, No. 10 Northern California Edition. jon nakamatsuThe Young Concert pianist. As jon nakamatsu ran his nimble http://www.gresmall.com/aatimesJULY01/cat8.html&e=747 |
51. Chamber Music International In April of 2000 Mr. Fleisher became the first living pianist to be inducted Artistswho also play the Piano MengChieh Liu jon nakamatsu Gustavo Romero Andr http://www.chambermusicinternational.com/index.php?main=artists&e=747 |
52. Chamber Music International Elizabeth International Piano Competition, Belgium; First living pianist inductedinto jon nakamatsu, jon nakamatsu Piano Grand Prize winner, 1997 Van Cliburn http://www.chambermusicinternational.com/index.php?main=artists&artist_id=16&e=7 |
53. Champion Pianist Champion pianist. First events. Last Sunday, America'sand Asian America'sgreathope was 28year-old jon nakamatsu of Sunnyvale, Calif. http://www.asianweek.com/061397/newsmaker.html&e=747 |
54. San Francisco Public Library; M/PA VF - N pianist) See also Quicksilver Messenger Service (Musical group) Nagano, Kent (Conductor)Nagle, Ron See Art (vf) nakamatsu, jon (pianist) Nalbandian, Albert http://sfpl4.sfpl.org/ARTMUSIC/mpn.html&e=747 |
55. Www.parkerartists.com/nakamatsu.html It's not often that Liszt's Piano Concerto 1 receives the kind of silky lyricismand fleetfingered virtuosity that pianist jon nakamatsu provided. http://www.parkerartists.com/NewPages/nakamatsu.html&e=747 |
56. Search The Archive For information call (650) 9484444. @vcreditCourtesy of Foothill College.pianist jon nakamatsu From Mountain View to Carnegie Hall. By Ruth Patrick. http://www.mv-voice.com/morgue/2000/2000_06_23.nakam230.html&e=747 |
57. Search The Archive Performance by pianist and former St. Francis High teacher jon nakamatsu to highlightseason By Candice Shih. 'Tis the season for youth symphony concerts. http://www.mv-voice.com/morgue/2002/2002_03_01.youth.html&e=747 |
58. Jon Nakamatsu To Perform At UW-Eau Claire EAU CLAIRE pianist jon nakamatsu, gold medalist of the 10th Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition, will open this season's Artists Series at the http://www.uwec.edu/newsbureau/release/past/1997/97-09/93Nakamatsu.html&e=747 |
59. Artists - Pro Art Symphony Orchestra with regional and international reputations jon nakamatsu, pianist 1997 Van Cliburn International PianoCompetition Gold Medalist; http://www.proartsymphony.com/artists.html&e=747 |
60. US Net Search Links to websites of Classical pianists and other relevant pages on Classical piano.Category Arts Music Keyboard Piano pianists Directories...... Marco Lo Muscio pianist (IT), jon nakamatsu pianist. Erik Nilsson pianist (SE),Marilyn Nonken pianist. John Ogdon Foundation (UK), Lambert Orkis pianist. http://classicalmus.hispeed.com/pianolinks.html&e=747 | |
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