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21. News - Willamette University - Salem, Oregon 11, 2003 The Distinguished Artist Series continues at Willamette Universitywith pianist jon nakamatsu Wednesday, April 2, at 8 pm in Hudson Hall. http://www.willamette.edu/news/&e=747 |
22. Calendar Of Events - Willamette University pianist jon nakamatsu, winner of the Tenth Van Cliburn International Competitionwill perform a recital on Wednesday, April 2. jon nakamatsu's extensive http://www.willamette.edu/cal/event.cgi/2669&e=747 | |
23. Archive Article - Published In Fall 1998 / Interview With Jon jon nakamatsu is the Gold Medallist of the 1997 Tenth Van During the 199899 season,Mr. nakamatsu will tour the MOL Do you have a favorite pianist or musician http://www.musicalonline.com/molmagazine/news_archive/winter_98_a2.htm&e=747 |
24. NPR Performance Today Jon Nakamatsu jon nakamatsu, American pianist jon nakamatsu's breakthrough came in 1997 when hewon the gold medal at the 10th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. http://www.npr.org/programs/pt/features/nakamatsu.html&e=747 |
25. NPR Performance Today Feature Archive jon nakamatsu On Tuesday's show, this American pianist joins the Berlin PhilharmonicWind Quintet in a performance of Ludwig Thuille's Sextet for Piano and http://www.npr.org/programs/pt/features/archive.html&e=747 |
26. Bronson Piano Studio Date, Review, Organization. 10/10/99, pianist jon nakamatsu, SalinasConcert Association. pianist jon nakamatsu. By Lyn Bronson. On a warm http://www.bronsonpianostudio.com/reviews/101099r1.htm&e=747 |
27. Bronson Piano Studio 10/21/00, Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet pianist jon nakamatsu, Chamber MusicMonterey Bay. 6, by Ludwig Thuille, pianist jon nakamatsu joined the musicians. http://www.bronsonpianostudio.com/reviews/102100r1.htm&e=747 |
28. WRR Classical 101.1 FM The First Radio Station In Texas, Est. Celebrated pianist jon nakamatsu visits the WRR Studios in Fair Park. BackRow Greg Davis, jon nakamatsu, Philip Lewis Front Row Mike Holbrook. http://www.wrr101.com/wrr_info/event_photos/nakamatsu.shtml&e=747 |
29. AACC 2000 Winners Celebrated pianist jon nakamatsu will receive his overdue associate degree at FoothillCollege in Los Altos Hills, Calif., this spring when he delivers the http://www.aacc.nche.edu/content/navigationmenu/AboutAACC/Awards/AlumniAward/200 |
30. Jon Nakamatsu Article jon nakamatsu, the 30year-old Sunnyvale pianist who won the Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition in 1997, made his Carnegie Hall debut Monday night and http://www.kamsa.com/racism/nakamatsu.html&e=747 |
31. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Features said. It really wouldn't mean anything if there wasn't the human sideto it. . Asian Youth Orchestra with pianist jon nakamatsu. In http://starbulletin.com/1999/08/26/features/story4.html&e=747 |
32. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Features pianist jon nakamatsu, in his third tour through Hawaii in four years, is alwaysa pleasure to hear. Last year, he performed Rachmaninoff's Concerto No. http://starbulletin.com/2002/01/08/features/story3.html&e=747 |
33. Featured Artist On June 8, 1997, pianist jon nakamatsu was named the Gold Medalistof the Tenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. He http://harmoniamundi.com/featured_artist.asp?Artist=34&e=747 |
34. Featured Artist On June 8, 1997, pianist jon nakamatsu was named the Gold Medalistof the Tenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. He http://harmoniamundi.com/hmuk2/featured_artist.asp?Artist=34&e=747 |
35. KDFC 102.1FM - Jon Nakamatsu The chances are slight, but in June 1997, pianist jon nakamatsu did justthat, becoming the first American to achieve that honor since 1981. http://www.kdfc.com/classical/interview_nakamatsu.shtml&e=747 |
36. Wind Quintet With Jon Nakamatsu To Perform At Purdue Traveling across the globe with noted pianist jon nakamatsu, the BerlinPhilharmonic Wind Quintet will perform at Purdue University on Oct. 11. http://news.uns.purdue.edu/UNS/html3month/000915.Convos.quintet.html&e=747 |
37. The San Jose Chamber Music Society - Concert Schedule 2002 - 2003 Times, London, To Top. November 10, 2002 SOLD OUT. SAN JOSE CHAMBERPLAYERS with pianist jon nakamatsu, Robin Mayforth, Violin; Janet http://www.sjchambermusic.org/schedule0203.html&e=747 |
38. News Release Van Cliburn Winner Jon Nakamatsu Joins Santa Rosa Guest pianist, jon nakamatsu, a gold medal winner of the Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition, will join them for Grieg's Piano Concerto in A Minor http://www.sonoma.edu/pubs/release/2002/255.html&e=747 |
39. National Arts Associates - MNO CincinnatiAlumnae 1997. * = deceased Nadeau, Roland pianist, Boston Alumnae1983; nakamatsu, jon - pianist, San Francisco Alumnae 1999; Nelson, Dr http://www.sai-national.org/mship/naam.html&e=747 |
40. A Hero's Welcome What pianist jon nakamatsu appears in concert as part of Stanford LivelyArts' Chopin Celebration. When Show times are 230 and 8 pm Sunday. http://www.paweekly.com/PAW/morgue/cover/1999_Oct_15.ARTS15.html&e=747 |
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