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61. VALENTIN GHEORGIU As pianist soloist, VALENTIN GHEORGHIU participated in International Festivalsof for Composition the concert for piano - dinu lipatti Award - Doctor http://www.enescu.pcnet.ro/infos/Gheorghiu.htm |
62. Bomis: The Arts/Music/Styles/Classical/Performers/Pianists Ring members.xoom.com. 14. lipatti, dinu 19171950. Rumanian pianist. Briefbiography. www.webcom.com. 15. Godowsky, Leopold 1870-1938. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mperformers-pianists-arts/ | |
63. NY-Jan 2003 Music Series TRIO lipatti Three young Romanianborn musicians team up in a triohonoring the music of the Romanian composer and pianist dinu lipatti, and that http://roboston.home.attbi.com/NY-Jan2003.html | |
64. Antonio Janigro, Cellist He began a solo career immediately upon graduation (1937), playing in recitalswith dinu lipatti and Paul BaduraSkoda, the gifted pianist. http://www.cello.org/cnc/janigro.htm | |
65. Bibliographie Nationale Française Livres - Numéro 24/2001 - 78. Musique Translate this page Titre original The pianist's progress. BN 02692015 notice au format Unimarc ISO-270901-52603 Mailliet Le Penven, Benoît dinu lipatti ou L'amitié de la http://bibliographienationale.bnf.fr/Livres/M24_01.H/cadre78-1.html | |
66. : Constantin Roman | Book - Continental Drift: Colliding Continents, Converging Claude 175 LIMOND, William ( Bill ) 101, 116 lipatti, Valentin, Prof., Ambassadorto UNESCO 3335, 127 lipatti, dinu, composer, pianist 33, 34 LOVATT, Dr http://www.constantinroman.com/continentaldrift/cul_contdrift_ind_peo_01.html | |
67. Variations In New York - Www.ezboard.com 12th) is being given on the 14th Sara Davis Buechner, pianist Wednesday evening willperform Mozart's Sonata in D major KV 576, dinu lipatti's Sonatina for http://pub2.ezboard.com/fmiklosrozsatherzsaforum.showMessage?topicID=470.topic |
68. Iclassics.com - Classical Music And More dinu lipatti was born in Bucharest, Romania. In 1934, at an international competitionin Vienna, the French pianistconductor Alfred Cortot resigned from the http://www.iclassics.com/iclassics/artists_bio.jsp?entityId=553 |
69. Record Error ; Others - Youngrok LEE's Music Page 1980s as Supraphon recording of Halina CzernyStefanska(Polish female pianist, famousnot BBC(Of course he checked the tape with Madeleine lipatti, dinu's widow http://my.dreamwiz.com/fischer/RecordError/EOthers.htm | |
70. Nick Drake Tablature Piano Recital Nick Drake Guitar Tab Nick Drake Guitar Tab C lipatti dinu Classical Piano Recital Piano Recital Classical lipatti, dinu Worksfor Me in the chamber music room of the Erawan Hotel by US pianist Myron Kropp http://www.arlab.net/balwlad.asp | |
71. The Classical Music Guide March 17 Monday dinu lipatti pianist Born 1917 Betty Allen Mezzo Born 1930. March 18 Tuesday James Conlon Conductor 1950. http://www.classicalmusicguide.com/mcalendar.htm | |
72. Suzuki Piano Basics Foundation News, Volume 7.2, March/April 2002 flat, Op. 42 by Chopin. Dr. Kataoka is asking the students to listento the recording of pianist dinu lipatti. This recording of http://core.ecu.edu/hist/wilburnk/SuzukiPianoBasics/News/PB72-Mar02.htm | |
73. General Books On Music, Composers, And Performance This is the first comprehensivestudy, to appear in English, of the legendary pianist, dinu lipatti....... Author Dragos Tanasescu Grigore Bargauanu. http://www.boldstrummerltd.com/general2.htm | |
74. Great Recordings dinu lipatti the legendary Romanian pianist who died in 1950 at the tragicallyyoung age of 33 - in Chopin's 14 Waltzes, a recording, it was said, that http://www.emiclassics.com/groc/groc_great_masters.html | |
75. Great Releases The genius of the Romanianborn pianist dinu lipatti (who died of leukaemia in 1950,at the tragically young age of 33) has long been celebrated, yet his small http://www.emiclassics.com/groc/releases8/schumann.html | |
76. Pianists Top Arts Music Instruments Keyboard Piano Lin, YouChiung (b.1971) Concert pianist based in the UK, active as a soloist, chambermusician and accompanist. lipatti, dinu (1917-1950) Brief biography of http://alchoholism.gowebinfo.com/Top/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Piani |
77. Classical Music CDs G 01/56. lipatti,dinu (19171950, Bucharest). 01/57. LUPU, Radu (b.1945, Romania).01/58. MAGALOFF, Nikita (Swiss pianist, b.1912, St Petersburg). 01/59. http://library.canterbury.ac.nz/art/musi/cd/cdmusg.shtml | |
78. StereoTimes -- Strictly On The Record By Igor Kipnis Daniel Barenboim conducting both works and also participating as pianist in K a firstthe Bartók Third Piano Concerto with the great dinu lipatti, recorded in http://www.stereotimes.com/mr122900.shtm | |
79. Media Centre A piano recital by Mr Jinho Kim to commemorate the passing of a worldclass pianist,dinu lipatti, 50 years ago, will be held here on 17 November 2000 at the http://www.hongleong.com.sg/Archive_2000_3nov.htm | |
80. Chopin: As Seen By A Pianist Aspects of Chopin, and Jean Jacques Eigeldingers Chopin pianist and Teacher thelatter for his unsurpassed technique; for the Waltzes, dinu lipatti; for the http://www.scena.org/lsm/sm5-5/Chopin-en.htm | |
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