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81. FOCUS: New Series. Volume 2 Number 1 li yundi (?) won the acclaimed gold medal at the 14th Frederic Chopin InternationalPiano At 18, he is the youngest pianist in the world and the first http://www.lib.hku.hk/general/focus/jun02/6_2.html | |
82. Flag Raising Marks The Fifth Anniversary Of The HKSAR Government conclusion of the inaugural ceremony, a 40minute cultural programme was held featuringperformances by internationally acclaimed pianist Mr li yundi as well http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200207/01/0701125.htm | |
83. Celebration Activities To Mark HKSAR's Fifth Anniversary And CE's Inauguration The inaugural ceremony will be followed by a 40minute cultural performance, featuringworld renowned pianist Mr li yundi as well as violinist Mr li Chuan Yun http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200206/27/0627228.htm | |
84. Daily Yomiuri On-Line The Chinese pianist yundi li won the Chopin Competition in 2000, which is held everyfive years and had not awarded a first prizewinner for 15 years before li. http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/newse/20030213woa5.htm |
85. Sa Chen ¨C ¡°The Most Musically Sensuous Pianist To Emerge From China¡± Sa Chen is hitherto the only Chinese pianist winning prizes in both the importantcompetitions of the kind, who also shared with compatriot yundi li the prize http://consulatesf.webchina.org/culture/music.htm |
86. Volgende Maand Luister Een reportage over jong, aanstormend talent en de plannen van de platenmaatschappijen.pianist yundi li jong talent. Pianozilver. http://www.luister.nl/luister/maanden/0202.htm | |
87. Piano Strikes A Chord With Middle Class In China allowed to listen to was classical and Chinese traditional music, says one pianist. Amongother names, the most mentioned is 19year-old li yundi, who did not http://csmweb2.emcweb.com/durable/2001/06/26/p1s4.htm | |
88. Netscape Search Category - Pianists Biography, discography, sound clips. li, yundi Chinese pianist; site includesbiographical notes, audio and video clips, articles, recitals. | |
89. Yundi Li Web Site yundi li Winner of the Warsaw Chopin Competition 2000. http://yundi2000.homestead.com/ | |
90. Li Yundi Rules Out Future Competitions, Li Yundi Rules Out Future Competitions Published February 14, 2001 Source The China Post. Mainland Chinesebornpianist li yundi, left, during a press conference in Taipei yesterday. http://www.taiwanheadlines.gov.tw/20010214/20010214s5.html | |
91. Yundi Li yundi li links to Audio and Video Files. . . .. Russian pianistNikolai Lugansky Winner of the 1994 Tchaikovsky Competition. http://lugansky.homestead.com/YL_multimedia.html | |
92. GayMusic - Chopin, Frédéric - Klaviersonate Nr.3 - Li, Yundi Translate this page Nach 15 Jahren Pause bekam mit yundi li erstmals wieder ein Pianistden 1. Platz des renommierten Chopin-Wettbewerbes zugesprochen. http://gaystation.de/music/k/klavierkonzerte/chopin_frederic_klaviersonate_nr_3_ | |
93. Asiaweek.com | People | 2/2/2001 Classical music enthusiasts were thrilled recently when it was announced that Shenzhenbasedpianist li yundi was to give a one-night-only performance in the http://www.asiaweek.com/asiaweek/magazine/nations/0,8782,96639,00.html | |
94. The Warsaw Voice - News This year's winner, 18year-old yundi li of China, was probably the only pianistwho didn't raise any doubts regarding his inclusion in the finale. http://www.warsawvoice.pl/old/v627/News00.html | |
95. Untitled Document yundi li, the 19year-old Gold Medal Winner of Ms. Nancy Loo, a renowned local pianistand one adjudicators of the competition, said, yundi's performance is http://www.tomleemusic.com/specialpage/event/ev030/review.htm | |
96. Asahi.com : ENGLISH Hanover in Germany, under the guidance of esteemed Israeli pianist Arie Vardi YundiLi is scheduled to perform with the NHK Symphony Orchestra in September and http://www.asahi.com/english/culture/K2003030700297.html | |
97. Angela Jia Kim - Pianist Information about upcoming performances; photos and links.Category Arts Music Instruments Keyboard Piano pianists K......Classical pianist Angela Jia Kim NEW "dances and Fantasies" album http://www.angelajkim.com/ |
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