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Home - Pianists - Li Yundi |
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61. Latest ACE News tour to the Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw two years ago, our ACE group heardthe sensational debut of a young Chinese pianist, yundi li, who celebrated http://www.study-tours.org/news.htm | |
62. Taipei Times - Archives yundi li liSZT yundi li, piano Deutsche Grammophon 471 5852 yundi li caused quite It'sthe second CD from a young Chinese pianist who has taken the classical http://taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2002/12/27/188824 | |
63. Piano In Tune With Chinese Style among whom was China's first international gold medallist li yundi. li was only18 when he won the cultural recreation, said Bao Huiqiao, a renowned pianist. http://test.china.org.cn/english/LI-e/35207.htm | |
64. Pianists : Art Directory It. li, yundi Chinese pianist; site includes biographical notes, audio and videoclips, articles, recitals, upcoming concerts. (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. http://www.123artist.com/art/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/more | |
65. Chan To Topline H.K. 'Art Of War' other 30episode series Love Affairs in Tang Dynasty, A Tale of Two Emperors and The pianist, based on the life of Chinese pianist li yundi, who won the http://vikingphoenix.com/public/SunTzu/chansuntzu.htm | |
66. Muzi.com | LatelineNews : Chinese Industrial City Produces Prodigy Pianist 10330 LatelineNews 200012-22 SHENZHEN - It is perhaps against all oddsthat li yundi has become such a promising young pianist. . http://latelinenews.com/ll/english/1033028.shtml | |
67. Classical Piano Links links to websites of Classical pianists and other relevant pages on Classical piano.Category Arts Music Keyboard Piano pianists Directories...... Simon Lepper Piano Accompanist (UK), Michael Lewin pianist. yundi li pianist(CN), Carol lian pianist. Jenny lin pianist, Dinu lipatti pianist (d. 1950). http://classicalmus.hispeed.com/pianolinks.html | |
68. Welcome To SVAY.org! events, our assistance to coproduce the concerts in the Silicon Valley by worldrenowned pianist Fou Ts'ong, by the 2000 Chopin Laureate li yundi, by the http://svay.org/main.htm | |
69. Amadeus så den anden cd i rækken med den 20årige pianist fra Kina. mest krævende indenforklaverlitteraturen ligger naturlig i hænderne på yundi li, der hævder http://www.dr.dk/amadeus/ugenscd.html | |
70. POLISH NEWS - Straight From POLAND - November 2000. Chinese pianist li yundi Won the Chopin Prize Not a single young Polish pianist hasmade it to the finals of this year's prestigious Chopin International Piano http://www.polishnews.com/fulltext/straight/2000/hotnews55_1.shtml | |
71. Piano Instruments ( 323 Human Selected Links ) Find on this page pianists Alvarez , Carmen -li, yundi -Paderewski, Ignaz Alberto-Caramiello, Francesco (b. 1964) -Bohdan Bubak czech pianist -Bates, Leon http://www.cbel.com/piano_instruments/?order=alpha |
73. Browsing Arts Music Instruments Keyboard Piano Pianists L Category li, yundi Chinese pianist; site includes biographical notes, audio andvideo clips, articles, recitals, upcoming concerts. http//lugansky http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pian | |
74. Totallyhk Newsletter conduct Legendary maestro Kurt Masur will draw on more than half a century of musicianshipwhen he makes his Hong Kong debut with pianist yundi li this month. http://www.scmp.com/newsletter/thknewsletter.html | |
75. Sunny BBS Oh great! It shows that yundi li is not only an Idol pianist who appeals togirls. No doubt he is quite good looking, but he has the talents too, ya? http://bbs4.cgiboy.com/masa1174 | |
76. Flag-raising, Fireworks And Songs To Mark The Day The inaugural ceremony will be followed by a 40minute cultural performance, featuringworld renowned pianist li yundi as well as violinist li Chuan Yun and http://www1.chinadaily.com.cn/highlights/doc/2002-07-01/75930.html | |
77. CSO 2003-2004 Season Announcement Two brilliant young soloists Chinese pianist yundi li and Japaneseviolinist Akiko Suwanai will perform with the orchestra on tour. http://www.cincinnatisymphony.org/news/CSO0304season.htm | |
78. Welcome To Gramophone - The World's Best Classical Music Magazine yundi li, China's most prominent young pianist who won the Warsaw Chopin Competitionin 2000 (and newly signed to Deutsche Grammophon), will perform Chopin's http://www.gramophone.co.uk/newsMainTemplate.asp?storyID=802&newssectionID=1 |
79. THE 6TH SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL But no matter what, I am only an actor, not a professional pianist. most famous Chopinexperts, Mr. Fu Cong, but also last year's Chopin Award winner li yundi. http://www.siff.com/6/eng/news3_36.htm | |
80. Friends Of The Salzburg Festival Also appearing are yundi li, a pianist from China who won the Chopin Competitiontwo years ago in Warsaw, and Fazil Say from Turkey, who will perform Stravinsky http://www.festspielfreunde.at/english/frames/200212/ef_200212_58.htm | |
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