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21. Yundi Li Spielt Chopin Insights Translate this page nur noch durch seine ganz persönlichen Ansichten - und schafft damit das Interessantestewas ein pianist unserer Zeit zu schaffen vermag yundi li fügt dem http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/special/insighttext.htms?ID=Yundili-deutsch&DE |
22. Yundi Li competition winner in the past. There is only one yundi li, and asa pianist he is irreplaceable. The most significant thing he http://www.geocities.com/adagiocanada/YundiLi.html | |
23. Yundi Li yundi li is the 1st prize winner of the 2000 li's emergence from the competition causeda sensation in the Not only was he the first Chinese pianist to capture http://www.geocities.com/pianorecital/yundi.html | |
24. Young Pianist Hits Right Note li yundi, a 18year-old pianist rose to world fame after he won first prize at the14th International Frederic Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw last month. http://www.china.com.cn/english/CAS-e/4098.htm | |
25. Yundi Li V3.com domain names, personal emails, url forwarding.yundi li. pianist Click here to continue. http://go.to/Yundi/ | |
26. Gold Medallist Pianist Gives Chopin Concert Gold Medallist pianist Gives Chopin Concert. li yundi, the gold medal winner at the14th Frederic Chopin International Piano Competition, gave a Chopin concert http://www.china.org.cn/english/4524.htm | |
27. Hear The New Year With A Mix Of Music The concert will star several widely known musicians, including the young buttalented Chinese pianist li yundi, American violinist Sarah Chang, popular http://www.china.org.cn/english/LI-e/24423.htm | |
28. KlassikAkzente Yundi Li Nocturnes Aus Tschungking Translate this page Nach 15 Jahren Pause bekam mit yundi li erstmals wieder ein pianist den 1.Platz desrenommierten Chopin-Wettbewerbes zugesprochen. Und das ist erst der Anfang. http://www.klassikakzente.de/CDA.jsp?objectId=6173&menu=genre |
29. Li Yundi To Arrive February 12 li yundi, the firstprize winner of the Chopin International Piano Competition in withthe Budapest Symphony Orchestra under the baton of pianist maestro Tamas http://th.gio.gov.tw/show.cfm?news_id=7284 |
30. Taiwan Pianist Wins Prize In Italy was named one of the competition selectees, along with another young pianist, HuangKai in a music summer camp in Europe, where she met li yundi, the mainland http://th.gio.gov.tw/show.cfm?news_id=8677 |
31. Muzi.com | LatelineNews : Chinese Industrial City Produces Prodigy Pianist 10330 LatelineNews 200012-22 SHENZHEN - It is perhaps against all oddsthat li yundi has become such a promising young pianist. The http://news.1chinastar.com/ll/english/1033028.shtml | |
32. Muzi.com | News : Coverages: Entertainment : Music : Musicians : Performer : Pia He was 51. Chinese industrial city produces prodigy pianist SHENZHEN It is perhapsagainst all odds that li yundi has become such a promising young pianist. http://news.1chinastar.com/cc/english/21804.shtml | |
33. MusicalOnline: Winners Of Recent Music Competitions li yundi Music_etc@mydeja.com pianist from China, li yundi, won theGold Medal at the Warsaw International Chopin Competition 2000. http://www.musicalonline.com/whatsnew/winners.htm | |
34. Shenzhen Daily News li yundi li is a very talented young man of rich experience in performing. Hisinterpretation of Chopin during the contest showed that he is a pianist of | |
35. Shenzhen Daily News But this past Sunday, many local kids cooked for their moms to celebrate Mother'sDay. Among them was li yundi, the whizkid pianist from Shenzhen Art School. | |
36. 1010 Yundi Li Music Showcase Worldrenowned pianist yundi li charmed Hong Kong music lovers again by a captivatingperformance at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Jockey Club http://www.csl1010.com/text/personal_en/whatishot/wh_evnt_04.jsp |
37. Yundi Li [dh's Memoranda] Posted by AGM on January 28, 2003 0232 PM. yundi li is called KIMUTAKUof pianist in Japan. Kimutaku is the most popular young actor in Japan. http://uva.jp/dh/mt/archives/000068.html | |
38. E-bannerx.com Exchange And Directory: Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/P li, yundi Chinese pianist; site includes biographical notes, audioand video clips, articles, recitals, upcoming concerts. (Hits http://www.e-bannerx.com/pages2/Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/P | |
39. International Frederick Chopin Piano Competiotion the youngest winner of the Competition yundi li (China) Award granted by the FrederickChopin Society in Tokyo USD 1,000 for the best Polish pianist at the http://www.konkurs.chopin.pl/extra_new.html | |
40. Classical Success Story time there was a firstprize winner, li yundi was a His victory, which assures liof an entree to the and recording studios, has turned the pianist into an http://members.tripod.com/~journeyeast/classical_success_story.html | |
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