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Home - Pianists - Li Yundi |
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1. Yundi Li Chinese pianist; site includes biographical notes, audio and video clips, articles, recitals, upcoming concerts. http://lugansky.homestead.com/YL.html | |
2. Yundi Li -Unofficial Fan Page A page about yundi li, the young Chinese pianist The pianist, based on the life story of yundi li. http://lugansky.homestead.com/yl_news.html | |
3. Buy Yundi Li (piano) Chopin - Opuscds.com Classical Music Cd Store 19 year old Chinese pianist yundi li won the 2000 International Chopin Competition in Warsaw, and this unequivocal http://www.opuscds.com/cd/30350 | |
4. Pianist yundi li beginnt ein Studium bei Prof. Arie Vardi an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover. Am 6. März 2002 präsentierte der junge chinesische pianist http://www.dispatch.co.za/2000/10/21/foreign/PIANIST.HTM | |
5. FH Promotion Ltd. - Concord Yundi Li the whole event was a 40minute performance from renowned pianist Mr. yundi li with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchastra. http://www.theartoftime.com/Archives/concord_yundi_li.htm | |
6. 2003 Hong Kong Arts Festival were amazed by the balance in yundi li's playing between exceptionally fertile imaginationand impeccable technique. The 18year-old pianist was not only the http://www.hk.artsfestival.org/index.php/prog/05 | |
7. Li Yundi To Visit Taiwan Next February of the Taiwanbased Chinese-language daily China Times, Ars Formosa Company hassigned a contract with internationally renowned pianist li yundi for a series http://www.taiwanheadlines.gov.tw/20001101/20001101s6.html | |
8. Li Yundi Drove Taiwan Audience Crazy The first Chinese pianist to win an award at the Chopin competition is Fou Ts'ong,who ranked third and was given li yundi found himself following Fou Ts'ong. http://www.people.com.cn/english/200102/20/eng20010220_62911.html | |
9. Yundi Li - Chopin - Recital Debut album on DG yundi li plays Chopin. CD 471 479-2. "Being a pianist has been my dream since childhood. http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/special?ID=yundili-chopin |
10. Gold Medalist Pianist Gives Chopin Concert Chinese pianist li yundi won the gold medal October 20 at the 14th Frederic ChopinInternational Piano Competition, the first time the event's top prize has http://fpeng.peopledaily.com.cn/english/200011/26/eng20001126_56152.html | |
11. Chinese Pianist Wins Gold In Poland's Chopin Competition Chinese pianist li yundi won the gold medal Friday at the 14th Frederic Chopin InternationalPiano Competition, the first time the event's top prize has been http://fpeng.peopledaily.com.cn/english/200010/20/eng20001020_53163.html | |
12. [Detailed Article Title Here] - [News] - CRI Online Chinese pianist li yundi has released his latest CD, yundi li liszt on the mainland and plans to start a nationwide tour next March. http://english.cri.com.cn/english/2002/Dec/82951.htm | |
13. [Music Story Title Here] - [Music] - CRI Online Young Prize Winning pianist Releases CD. Nineteenyear-old Chinese pianist li yundi'sfirst CD yundi li Chopin has been released in the Chinese mainland. http://english.cri.com.cn/english/2001/Dec/41543.htm | |
14. Yundi Li Date January 01, 2002 Hey folks, don't forget to buy yundi li's debut CD!! (even if you don't like piano music) He's one of the best Chinese pianists nowadays, even Fou Ts'ong gave very positive comments about this young pianist! http://www.moliu.org/log/postlog/_postlog/0000013d.htm |
15. Pianist Yundi Li English Korean. http://loveyundi.com.ne.kr/ |
16. DG Redirection "Schon von Kindesbeinen an war es mein Traum, pianist zu werden. und Auftritte in Zukunft die Herzen vieler Menschen bewegen werden.". (yundi li bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung am 3. http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/yundili-deutsch | |
17. Pianist Yundi Li The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://loveyundi.com.ne.kr/main1.htm |
18. China's Well-off Society Gives Flourish To Piano Playing: Li Yundi the condition for parents to encourage their children to study various arts, suchas piano playing, painting and dances,renowned Chinese pianist li yundi said. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200302/23/eng20030223_112100.shtml | |
19. "Piano Prince" Plays Chopin In Taiwan Chinese pianist li yundi, the Piano Prince , arrived in Taiwan February 13 to givehis first formal performance after earning his overnight fame as Gold Medal http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/english/200102/14/eng20010214_62365.html | |
20. Yundi Li - Chopin - Recital Insights In doing so he achieves the most interesting thing of which a pianist of our timeis capable yundi li adds a new shading to something long familiar, uncovers http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/special/insighttext.htms?ID=yundili-chopin&DET |
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