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81. Weekly News Briefs On Saturday, Dec. 18, 8 pm, the Lehigh Valley Chamber Orchestra (LVCO) will presenta unique concert featuring 17year-old virtuoso pianist lang lang. http://www.tnonline.com/archives/news/1999-weeklies/12.01/lehigh/briefs.html | |
82. :: Veranstaltungen 2002 :: der 20-jährige, in der Mandschurei geborene pianist lang-lang mit wahrhaft http://www.steinwayaustria.at/a_veranstaltungen2002.htm | |
83. Ravinia Sitting Pretty This Summer With Lively Lineup 1 with pianist PierreLaurent Aimard and conductor James Conlon July 18; No. 2,Emanuel Ax and Leonard Slatkin, July 5; No. 4, lang lang and Eschenbach, Aug. http://www.suntimes.com/output/delacoma/cst-ftr-rav20.html | |
84. LANG LANG ENCORE PERFORMANCE Rachmaninoff, Tan Dun and Liszt Taking the music world by storm, lang lang has drawn TheLos Angeles Times said, He is a staggering pianist with a very rare http://www.tbpac.org/shows/fl_orch_lang_04/fl_orch_lang_04.html | |
85. La Scena Musicale Articles / Article De La Scena Musicale lang's fingers work magic, John Terauds, Toronto Star, 2/23/2003. pianist Devotesan Evening to the Concept of Fantasy, Allan Kozinn, New York Times, 2/20/2003. http://piano.scena.org/ | |
86. Culture - The Journal Twentyyear-old internationally-acclaimed pianist lang lang performs for an audienceat a free lecture and demonstration at Webster Community Music School in http://websterjournal.collegepublisher.com/sections/115382.html |
87. Saint Paul Sunday, October 2001 Broadcast Listings Chinese pianist lang lang, who has just turned nineteen, is this kind of artist,and he is Bill McGlaughlin's guest this week on Saint Paul Sunday. http://sunday.mpr.org/listings/shows01_10.htm | |
88. December - 2000 8 1. Chicago Artists 2D Art 2. Exhibit 5 3. Lake Zurich Chorale Group4. lang lang, pianist 5. Mark Twain`s Big River , 9 1. Chicago http://www.northstarnet.org/cgi-bin/Admin/Calendar/calendar_new.cgi?year=2000&mo |
89. Chinese Piano Prodigy Makes Collaboration Debut With Philadelphia Orchestra The engrossed young pianist's passion and skill carried away the audience of some10,000, who applauded ardently for an encore. lang lang played two extra http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200106/02/eng20010602_71606.html | |
90. Lang Lang lang lang. 3/25/2003 McCallum Theater 17-year old pianist; 8 pm, tickets $20-55,call (760) 340-2787 or www.mccallumtheatre.com Sponsored byMcCallum Theatre. http://www.cityofpalmdesert.org/ViewEvent.asp?EID=278 |
91. Peabody News | September/October 2001 Sometime last April, my friend Anadel Rich and I drove from Washington to Baltimoreto hear pianist lang lang play the Grieg concerto under Yuri Temirkanov's http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/concerts-and-events/pn/sept01/vancliburn.html | |
92. The Quintessential Eddie Lang 1925 1932 On such occasions, a pianist and reed player completed the lineup. The vibrantpresence of the Venuti/lang partnership enhanced many commercial dance band http://www.redhotjazz.com/langarticle.html | |
93. Local News by Deborah Stone For one spectacular evening, Chineseborn pianist lang lang performedworks by Handel, Brahms, Scriabin, Tchaikovsky and Balakirev at Meany http://www.nwnews.com/editions/20010205/local1.html |
94. 2000-01 Cornell Concert Series and the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra will showcase its extraordinary new music director,Yuri Temirkanov, with the talents of 17year-old pianist lang lang. http://www.news.cornell.edu/Chronicle/00/8.31.00/concert_series.html | |
95. [echeng.com/output] - 01/16/2003: "Lang Lang" of the lower orchestra section of Davies Symphony Hall to hear lang lang performRachmaninoff's when seeing him play last year he is the best pianist I have http://www.echeng.com/output/archives/00000236.shtml | |
96. CD Review Lang Lang, Yuri Temirkanov And The St. Petersburg Since his careermaking performance at the Ravinia Festival in 1999, Chinesepianist lang lang has become a major new voice in the classical world. http://www.redludwig.com/reviews/archive/041702.html | |
97. LONDON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA . SUPPORT THE LPO In the presence of LPO patron His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, the virtuosicpianist lang lang will perform a private recital, which will be followed by a http://www.lpo.co.uk/support_the_lpo/gala.html | |
98. Living - The Cincinnati Post Concert review by Mary Ellyn Hutton Post contributor Whether Chineseborn pianistlang lang will change the world as Teen People predicted in its April http://www.cincypost.com/2003/02/28/cso02-28-2003.html | |
99. SFS Press Release San Francisco, December 17, 2002 WHAT Twenty yearold Chinese pianist LangLang returns to Davies Symphony Hall January 15-18 for San Francisco Symphony http://www.sfsymphony.org/templates/pressReleasePrint.asp?releaseid=149 |
100. Society For The Performing Arts - Houston, Texas - Presenting The Highest Qualit Hailed as the biggest, most exciting young pianist to come along in years, LangLang has shown to be an artist of maturity and depth well beyond his years. http://www.spahouston.org/music.htm | |
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