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61. Classical Music CDs G 01/24. ESCHENBACH, Christoph (German pianist, b. 1940). 01/25. FISCHER, Edwin (18861960,Switzerland). 1 no. 2. kempff, wilhelm (1895-1991, Germany). 01/45 no.1 no. http://library.canterbury.ac.nz/art/musi/cd/cdmusg.shtml | |
62. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:PIANISTS LINKS kempff, wilhelm 18951991 - Includes biography and detailed discoraphyby Frank Forman. Kim, Sung-Im - South Korean pianist. Kimbell http://www.phone-soft.com/cyber-world/o2602i.htm | |
63. Movies Unlimited: Product Page Master pianist wilhelm kempff showcases his musical prowess as he interprets classicworks of Beethoven in this archival footage from the CBC in Montreal. http://www.moviesunlimited.com/musite/product.asp?sku=221051 |
64. Aus Der Geschichte Des Nikolaisaals Translate this page Auch seine Söhne, der spätere Kirchenmusikdirektor Georg kempff und vor allemder weltbekannte pianist wilhelm kempff, sollten in den folgenden Jahrzehnten http://www.nikolaisaal.de/haus/haushis.html | |
65. Paola Alessandra Tròili - Pianista Translate this page she was invited to take part in the wilhelm kempff Kulturstifung at the BeethovenCourse in Positano which was dedicated to young pianist of exceptional http://utenti.lycos.it/troili/ | |
66. Directory :: Look.com up in 1999. The pianist wilhelm kempff is dead Obituary on the greatGerman pianist by B. John Zavrel (May 24, 1991). Help build http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=533030 |
67. Marcus Andrews, Pianist In June 2001 he studied intensively with John O'Conor at the Beethoven Coursein Positano, Italy, run by the Fondazione Culturale wilhelm kempff. http://www.earlymusic.net/marcusandrews/biography.html | |
68. Marcus Andrews, Pianist of Music http//www.music.uconn.edu/ Fondazione Culturale wilhelm kempff - http//www.casa fujikura.htmMichael Mac Cooney, composer and pianist - http//www http://www.earlymusic.net/marcusandrews/links.html | |
69. Items For Purchase By A Moscow pianist Recordings By A Moscow pianist purchase information. wilhelmkempff Rare Recordings (1936 - 1945) wilhelm kempff Rare Recordings (1936 http://www.bizave.com/store/page1465.html |
70. KRONENBERG - Auktionen Translate this page 50. 3657, bieten, kempff, wilhelm, deutscher pianist und Komponist. SIG inProgrammheft (4 S. 12mo quer) zu seinem Auftritt in Neuchâtel, 1963. 45. http://www.kronenberg-auktionen.ch/atexte/auktion/musik.html | |
71. Elly Ney, Biographie, Diskographie Und Pressestimmen Translate this page Später stand als pianist ihr am nächsten zeitlebens wilhelm kempff (1895-1991),als Leschititzki-Schüler muß auch Artur Schnabel (1882-1951) hier erwähnt http://www.proclassics.de/elly-ney.htm |
72. Bomis: The Arts/Music/Styles/Classical/Performers/Pianists Ring Fischer, Edwin 18861960. Excerpts from pianist Alfred Brendel's essay on his pianoteacher. www.geocities.com. members.home.net. 24. kempff, wilhelm 1895-1991. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mperformers-pianists-arts/ | |
73. Franz F. Eichberger, Pianist Translate this page Franz F. Eichberger pianist. Weitere Repertoirestudien bei Prof. JacquesFévrier, Alexis Weissenberg und wilhelm kempff in Positano. http://www.organisten.de/eichberger/home.htm | |
74. Guardian Practice Makes Imperfect A fan of the distinguished German pianist wilhelm kempff once asked him How comeyou never play any wrong notes? kempff replied I only practise the right http://www.guardian.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4578346,00.html |
75. /Arts/Music/Styles/Classical/Performers/Pianists - Www.KOL-ISRAEL.com - Web Dire Fischer, Edwin 18861960 - Excerpts from pianist Alfred Brendel's essay on his kempff,wilhelm 1895-1991 - Includes biography and detailed discoraphy by Frank http://cgi.botbot.com/dir/$/Arts/Music/Styles/Classical/Performers/Pianists | |
76. Martha Argerich - Music By Mainseek.com Adams Glass - Reich. Joaquin Rodrigo. Beethoven -kempff, wilhelm (pf). VariousArtists. Sampler. Chopin Piano Sonata No. 3, Op. 58. Great pianist Vol. 03. http://classical-music.mainseek.com/45509/25/Martha_Argerich.html | |
77. Kempf Translate this page Bekannte Persönlichkeiten mit Namen Kempf. kempff, wilhelm (1895 geb. inJütgenrode/Berlin - 1991) (Komponist/pianist). Kempf, Werner (1886 geb. http://home.t-online.de/home/petrakempf/kempf.htm | |
78. Netscape Search Category - Pianists Helfgott, David (4). Horowitz, Vladimir @ (3); kempff, wilhelm (3); Kissin, Evgeny(3 Aleksander, Adam Canadianborn pianist; brief info and some audio samples (wav | |
79. Piano Master Classes The wellknown pianist John OConor has an international career as an He wasthe student of wilhelm kempff, with whom he specialized in the Beethoven http://www.jmc.co.il/pianomc.html | |
80. Classical Pianists On LP 50765 kempff, wilhelm Mozart Piano Concertos / K.488, K.491; Leitner,Bamberger SO (tulip) / DGG LPM 18645 / GER / LP / A/A / $ 7.00. http://www.nviclassical.com/lists/pianist.php3?offset=50 |
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