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Home - Pianists - Kavtaradze Nina |
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81. E-bannerx.com Exchange And Directory: Entertainment/Music/Women In Entertainment kavtaradze, nina Russian-born concert pianist living in Denmark.Site includes biography, album and booking information. (Hits http://www.e-bannerx.com/pages2/Entertainment/Music/Women_in_Entertainment/Music | |
82. K Top Arts Music Bands And Artists K interviews. kavtaradze, nina A Russian concert pianist. Site includesbiography, pictures, album, repertoire, and booking information. Kay http://alchoholism.gowebinfo.com/Top/Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/K/ |
83. Bands And Artists: K - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For Celebrities 99. kavtaradze, nina A Russian concert pianist. Site includes biography,pictures, album, repertoire, and booking information. http http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Bands_and_Artists/K/page-9 | |
84. Shamash.org/listarchives/jewish-music/010321 of the known connoisseur of the Jewish folklore, pianist, singer, artistic is currentlyavailable on CD in performances by John Browning and nina kavtaradze. http://shamash.org/listarchives/jewish-music/010321 | |
85. Open Directory & Pay Per Click Search Engine: Arts/Music/Women In Music/Bands An net/. kavtaradze, nina Russianborn concert pianist living in Denmark. Site includesbiography, album and booking information. http//www.ninakavtaradze.com/. http://www.searchpixie.com/Arts/Music/Women_in_Music/Bands_and_Artists/K/ | |
86. Stefan Blondal At the age of 20, Stefan Bløndal met his future wife, nina kavtaradze, a celebratedrussian pianist from Moscow, now residing in Denmark, who has had an |
87. Erhverv & Økonomi - Serviceydelser - Artister & Kunstnere - Udøvende Kunstnere Mette Secher Helms Fløjtenist og sanger. Michael Due - Organist, operasanger ogpianist. nina kavtaradze - Wagners klaverværker, lydeksempler, cd udgivelser. http://www.jubii.dk/Erhverv_oekonomi/Serviceydelser/Artister_Kunstnere/Udoevende | |
88. Arts/Music/Women_in_Music/Bands_and_Artists/K URL http//www.kayekelly.com/ kavtaradze nina Russianborn concert pianistliving in Denmark. Site includes biography album and booking information. http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Music/Women_in_Music/Bands_and | |
89. Toccata Online Shopping For The Best Classical Selection - Danacord CD want list. Now the new digital recording is released and the pianistis his daughterin-law the Russian nina kavtaradze. They often http://www.toccata.nu/cd-label/danacord/daco516.html | |
90. Excite Italia - Directory http//www.JoyfulNoise.net/. 5. kavtaradze, nina, Russianborn concert pianistliving in Denmark. Site includes biography, album and booking information. http://www.excite.it/directory/Arts/Music/Women_in_Music/Bands_and_Artists/K | |
91. SheetMusicNow.com | News SheetMusicNow.com proudly welcomes renowned Russian pianist, arrangerand composer Mikhail Pletnev to the section of Artist Collections. http://www.sheetmusicnow.com/docs/news.asp | |
92. Records International Catalogue July 1997 German town of Husum under the directorship of pianist Peter Froundjian. 34/14 (NinaKavtaradze), WILHELM KEMPFF (18951991) Lamento di Vittoria Colonna (from http://www.recordsinternational.com/RICatalogJuly97.html | |
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