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81. Alabama Symphony Orchestra | Season Calendar | SouthTrust MasterWorks Series 3,'Gift of Dreams,' featuring acclaimed Finnish pianist Laura Mikkola. JoAnnFalletta, guest conductor yakov kasman, piano. Comments Bill DeVan. http://www.alabamasymphony.org/calendar-masterworks.html | |
82. SUMMARY OF FACULTY ACTIVITIES REPORTS The Salisbury Symphony, October 31, 1998, yakov kasman, pianist. TheSalisbury Symphony, December 19, 1998, Carolina Baroque, soloists. http://www.wfu.edu/administration/ir/ProfActSum98-99/Music.html | |
83. The Faith Of Faiths | The-Tidings.com Foss, an influential composer, pianist, conductor and teacher now nearing 80 Competitiongold and silver medalists Jon Nakamatsu and yakov kasman played with http://www.the-tidings.com/2001/0420/foss.htm |
84. Engagements January 19, 2002 Alexander Peskanov, pianist Toy F. Reid Employee Sewanee SummerMusic Festival Sewanee Festival Orchestra yakov kasman, Piano Shostakovich http://www.cyrusginwala.com/engagements.htm | |
85. Alabama 1-800-ALABAMA - Travel Planning - Calendar Of Events - February 2003 FEB 2 BIRMINGHAM yakov kasman, PIANO Alys Stephens Center kasman Since winningthe Van Cliburn, kasman has played more 7 FAIRHOPE ANNE MARIE NUNEX, pianist St http://www.touralabama.org/calendar/2003-02.html | |
86. Arts And Crafts Made My Local Artisit Within The Adirondack 6 Million Acre Park Sunday, July 14 Concert pianist Alexander Tenser, Guest Artist will play all Mozartevening, featuring 1997 Van Cliburn Silver Medalist yakov kasman, piano, as http://www.adirondacks.com/music.html | |
87. Pianos And Pianists - 4th World Piano Competition London Founded in 1986 by the Moscowtrained Russian/Lithuanian pianist and teacher ChiharuSakai Japan Andrew Wilde UK Fabio Bidini Italy yakov kasman Russia. 1994. http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/2000/05/ppldnipc.htm | |
88. Syracuse Symphony Orchestra 1. SSO Performance, pianist, Competition placement/year. January 1976,Jeffrey Swann, 3rd place 1977. November 1997, yakov kasman, 2nd place 1993. http://www.syracusesymphony.org/carnegie_bound/history_making.html | |
89. Classical CDs For OCT 01, Pt. 2 - AUDIOPHILE AUDITION a short poem and was used at a memorial concert for the pianist Nikolai Rubinstein 1 2, Elegy for Anne Frank Jon Nakamatsu, yakov kasman, Lukas Foss, pianos http://www.audaud.com/audaud/OCT01/CLASSICAL/clcds2OCT01.html | |
90. Al.com: Entertainment strengths in solo recital Whether in recordings or live performance, yakov Kasmannever seems to scrimp on challenging repertoire. The pianist's solo recital http://www.al.com/entertainment/birminghamnews/ | |
91. Past News Releases (Note to editors See BC 090800 Ragamala Artist Series.). pianist Yakovkasman performs in the Artist Series Thursday, Oct. 19. kasman http://www.bluffton.edu/about/news/Archive/090800_00.stm | |
92. Guests- Sinfonietta he performs duo works by Schubert, Bartok and Strauss with pianist Jeremy Denk Yakovkasman, Mozart, Anyone? Summer Symphony Series July 21, 2002 Mr. kasman's http://www.northnet.org/lakeplacidsinfonietta/guests.htm | |
93. Van Cliburn Foundation He performs both as conductor and pianist with the symphony orchestras of Dallas YakovKasman (silver, 1997) An artistin-residence at the University of Alabama http://www.cliburn.org/competition/laureates.html | |
94. »çÀÌÆ®·Î ±¸¼ºÇÑ ¼¼°è¹®Çп¹¼úµµ¼°ü HuangPianist(CN) The Internet Piano MIDI Page William KapellPianist(d. 1953)Karic Foundation Piano Competitions(RU) yakov KasmanPianist(RU) Freddy Kempf http://school.pressian.com/dictionary/ART_music_07.htm | |
95. Cultural Arts Roundup Lindsay Judy Staff Writer Visit www.punchline.com to learn more. The Macon Concert Association presents pianistYakov kasman on October 18th at 8 PM in Wesleyan's Porter Auditorium. http://www.mercer.edu/cluster/Archives/84-04-10.11.01/Features/Features04.html | |
96. CLASSIC CD May 1998 The challenge for any pianist is to surmount their technical difficulties in order YakovKasmans complete sonata cycle on Galliope is a bargain on just two http://www.olegmarshev.com/reviews/review01.htm | |
97. Calnews.html http://www.utexas.edu/coc/journalism/SOURCE/alumni/calnewsspring2000.html | |
98. RONDO-Archiv: Foss, Klavierkonzerte, St. Clair http://www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/f/foss/lf01.htm | |
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