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Home - Pianists - Jovell Patrick |
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1. Hypermusic.net Multimedia presentation of the Swedish pianist. http://www.hypermusic.net/funkyjunction/patrick/code/pj_videos.html | |
2. SUNET's Web Index: Artists jovell, patrick pianist - Artist presentation (including sound samples) of the Swedish pianist patrick jovell. http://katalogen.sunet.se/cat/entertainment/music/artists | |
3. Clickmusic: Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists jovell, patrick. Multimedia presentation of the Swedish pianist. KaMan Mak, Carmen http://www.clickmusic.co.uk/Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pian | |
4. Patrick Jovell - Pianist patrick jovell pianist. We have moved. You are being forwarded orclick here. Copyright © patrick jovell, 2000 - All rights reserved. http://home.pi.se/englund/jovell/ | |
5. Patrick Jovell - Pianist Copyright © patrick jovell, 2001 p.jovell@swipnet.se web design http://www.pi.se/englund/jovell | |
6. Biography B IOGRAPH Y. The Swedish pianist patrick jovell belongs to the youngergeneration of internationally recognized instrumentalists. http://home.pi.se/englund/jovell/articles/biography.html | |
7. Hypermusic.net The Swedish pianist patrick jovell belongs to the younger generationof internationally recognized instrumentalists. Welldocumented http://www.hypermusic.net/funkyjunction/patrick/code/pj_about.html | |
8. Biography B I O G R A P H Y The Swedish pianist patrick jovell belongs to the younger generation of internationally recognized instrumentalists. http://public-www.pi.se/englund/jovell/articles/biography.html | |
9. Patrick Jovell - Pianist The Classical Music Web Ring The free linking service hosted by Classical MusicUK. Copyright © patrick jovell, 2001 p.jovell@swipnet.se web design. http://njonasenglund.com/jovell/ | |
10. Biography B IOGRAPH Y. The Swedish pianist patrick jovell belongs to the internationalsegment of recognized Scandinavian instrumentalists. http://njonasenglund.com/jovell/articles/biography.html | |
11. Biography B I O G R A P H Y The Swedish pianist patrick jovell belongs to the international segment of recognized Scandinavian instrumentalists. http://www.njonasenglund.com/jovell/articles/biography.html | |
12. SUNETs Webbkatalog: Artister jovell, patrick pianist - Presentation (med bl.a. ljudfiler) avden internationellt verksamme svenske pianisten patrick jovell. http://katalogen.sunet.se/kat/entertainment/music/artists | |
13. SUNETs Webbkatalog: Artister och Basvaran/Pal Johnson Musikproduktions musikaliska verksamheter. jovell, patrick pianist - Presentation (med bl.a. http://katalogen.sunet.se/kat/entertainment/music/artists%20 | |
14. Pianists : Art Directory (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. jovell, patrick Multimedia presentation of theSwedish pianist. (Rating 10.00 Votes 1) Rate It. KaMan Mak, Carmen Official http://www.123artist.com/art/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/more | |
15. Press Make sure to note pianist patrick jovell for his beautiful interpretation " http://public-www.pi.se/englund/jovell/articles/press.html | |
16. E-bannerx.com Exchange And Directory: Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/P jovell, patrick Multimedia presentation of the Swedish pianist.(Hits 0 Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It, , Report bad link! Ka http://www.e-bannerx.com/pages2/Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/P | |
17. The Music Dealer's Network directory. jovell, patrick Multimedia presentation of the Swedish pianist.This site has received 2 hits from this directory. Jimenez http://www.music-dealers.net/start/Keyboard_Players/more-2.html | |
18. Kulturnät Sverige - Musik/ Klassisk Musik pianist; kammarmusiker och solist. Språk Svenska Engelska; Johansson, Johannes En presentation av tonsättaren. Språk Svenska Engelska; jovell, patrick http://www.kultur.nu/Musik/Klassisk_musik/index.asp | |
19. Excite France - Répertoire - Pianists 56. Jelinek, Ladislav, Concert pianist and chamber musician. Site includes biography,music samples (mpg), reviews, repertory information. 58. jovell, patrick, http://www.excite.fr/directory/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists | |
20. Equipment And Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists Links jovell, patrick Multimedia presentation of the Swedish pianist.Ka-Man Mak, Carmen- Official homepage of the Chinese-American http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/iomusic_mp3 | |
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