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41. BerlinOnline: Kein Titel pianist Chanson-International. Philharmonie/Kammermusiksaal16.00 jan Gottlieb jiracek (Klavier); Werke http://www.berlinonline.de/wissen/berliner-zeitung/.bin/dump.fcgi/1999/0225/none | |
42. Kunst Und Kultur/Musik Bei Ameta Der Grosse Webkatalog Mit Suchmaschine Translate this page JA9955-Musikarchiv Gemafreie Instrumentalmusik zum Hören oder Vertonen. jan jiracek,pianist Biography, Press Reviews, Schedule, Contact (auch in deutsch). http://ameta.de/Kunst_und_Kultur/Musik/more11.html | |
43. Piano - Category Of SunSteam Search - Meta Search The Web For Classical pianist Noriko Ogawa Noriko Ogawas discography, schedule, news andannouncements Meet jan Gottlieb jiracek pianist jan Gottlieb jiracek http://www.sunsteam.com/search/dir/Entertainment/Music/Artists and Bands/Classic |
44. [Events-L] (Fwd) Grahamstown Music Society Come and listen to this most celebrated pianist from Cleveland and violin) and Francoisdu Toit (piano) 11 October jan Gottlieb jiracek (piano) 10 http://listserv.ru.ac.za/pipermail/events-l/2002-February/000015.html |
45. Parnassus Records - Old Select P284 - Used Classical, Jazz And Non-classical Vin Superb Russian pianist. Piano Concerto 2. VOSKRESENSKY; jiracek, Prague Radio SO. 5;Schubert Symphony 8. KNAPPERTSBUSCH, Munich PO (1959), Berlin PO (jan. http://www.parnassusrecords.com/p284old.htm | |
46. Kritiken Jan Gottlieb Jiracek Translate this page zu Dantes Höllenpforte Überzeugender Klavierabend beim Kulturring Der junge PianistJan Gottlieb jiracek begeistert im Stadttheater Hildesheim HILDESHEIM. http://www.jiracek.com/kritiken_d.html | |
47. KZN Philharmonic - World Symphony Series Dr Tidboald conducts the awardwinning, 27 year-old, pianist jan Gottlieb Jiracekdescribed by 'Die Welt as simply a marvellous young pianist - certainly one http://www.kznpo.co.za/wssarchive/wssspring02.html | |
48. Calendar Of Events, City Of Waco, Texas Lawrence. Baylor Distinguished Artist Series Features jan jiracek, Pianist730 pm Roxy Grove Hall/Baylor U. (254) 7103991. February 11. http://www.waco-texas.com/city_depts/municipal_information/calendar.htm | |
49. Peabody News | September/October 1999 Requiem with Washington Choral Arts Society, Norman Scribner, Director (April 13,14, 15); conductor Eri Klas and pianist Peter Serkin 2Jan jiracek, piano. http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/concerts-and-events/pn/sept99/washdate.html | |
50. Waco Convention & Visitors Bureau - Calendar Of Events, February 2003 2/10/2003 730 PM - Baylor Distinguished Artist Series FeaturesJan jiracek, pianist Roxy Grove Hall/Baylor U. (254) 710-3991. http://www.wacocvb.com/Web0203.html | |
51. Calendar Of Events For 1998 ... 1999 ... 2000 March 13, Rockford Community Concert Association presents jan GottliebJiracek, pianist from Germany at the Coronado Theater. March http://www.rockfordillinois.com/calendar.htm | |
52. Star-Telegram.com shines in Waco performance REVIEW Fort Worth audiences haven't heard German pianistand 1997 Cliburn finalist jan jiracek in formal concert since July 1998. http://www.tallahassee.com/mld/dfw/ | |
53. Artists.mp3s.ru >> Ãðóïïû è Èñïîëíèòåëè >> Piano The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://artists.mp3s.ru/view/genre/Piano/1/J/ | |
54. Add To Museeks http://www.museeks.com/artists.html | |
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