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41. Voice Of America Digest, 26 October 1995 pianist COMPOSER / STEVEN KOWALCZYK NATIVE WASHINGTONIAN STEVEN KOWALCZYK HASELEVEN SUPERB STAFFER jiang tian INTERVIEWS WORLD BANK SPOKESMAN GRAHAM BARRET http://www.hri.org/news/usa/voa/95-10-26_1.voa.html | |
42. Sasha & Andrew's Roundtable: Opera Archives pianist JeanYves Thibaudet made a cameo as the foppish pianist Lazinski Met stalwartsHei-Kyung Hong and Hao jiang tian were tremendously affecting as Liu and http://www.coldfury.com/Sasha/archives/cat_opera.html | |
43. Peabody News | September/October 1999 Scribner, Director (April 13, 14, 15); conductor Eri Klas and pianist Peter Serkin ElisabeteMatos costars as Chimène and bass Hao jiang tian is Rodrigue's http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/concerts-and-events/pn/sept99/washdate.html | |
44. Baltimore Datelines pianist and Peabody alum, Wendy Chen performs Mozart's Piano Concerto No Sergei Kunaevmakes his US grand opera debut as Pollione and Hai jiang tian will appear http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/concerts-and-events/pn/sept98/baltdate.html | |
45. T Classical Performers Index Thunemann, Klaus (klaws TOO neh mahnn)( ) =bassoon; tian, Hao jiang (Beijing,- )China Tipo, Maria ( 12 DEC 1931 - )Italian pianist; Titelouze, Jehan (jeh http://www.geocities.com/musiclassical/performers/t.html | |
46. That's Guangzhou Features Performed by Zhang jiang District Wu Chuan Yue Opera Accompanied by pianist LauraManzini, he delivers an University of Technology, Wu Shan, tian He (8711 0948 http://www.thatsguangzhou.com/Directory/articles/Stage/stagefeatures.htm | |
47. Cruise Shig ate shrimp and beef, after so many months, and Sue took fish. The showthis evening was by a worldfamous pianist Mr. tian jiang from Shanghai. http://club.pep.ne.jp/~shigmats/cruise/report2.html | |
48. InMusic&Media - Guest Editorials 3 LipSynching Banned WHOíS WHO 1 jiang Shan 2 Guangzhou was named best recordlabel, tian Zhen was student of the Vienna Music Academy, pianist Chen Ruibin http://www.themusic.com.au/im_m/archive/1998/980414-104/bang.html | |
49. TSM Faculty Members (Artist for Masterclasses, Vocal Coach pianist). Music Director of theJuilliard Opera Theater. Haojiang tian. (Artist for Masterclasses, Voice). http://members.fortunecity.com/torontoschoolofmusic/faculty.htm | |
50. [echeng.com/output] - 10/12/2002: "House Concert: Claire And Livia" Geoff Nuttall and Jay Hunter Morris, pianist Kesuke, Claire like my friend tian, fromShanghai, who we heard last Stanford Class Book 09/20/2002 jiang Zemin 09 http://www.echeng.com/output/archives/00000181.shtml | |
51. Shanghai Arts Corp. French pianist JeanPhilippe Collard recital Jean-Jack Dubeau Mouth concert (BabaraDaniels; Delores Ziegler; Edrardo Villa; tian hao jiang) Korean Seoul http://www.81836.com/artscorp/en/yeji.html | |
52. CD Bible Jeff Harvey pianist and songwriter. jiang, tian - composes and performsclassical crossover music. Jibe - rock band from Dallas, TX. http://www.cdbible.com/cdbible/artists/WhitePages/wp_10.html | |
53. CineAsia Translate this page Ring Madeleine Treasure Planet The pianist The Truth von der Auseinandersetzung zweierSchwertkämpfer (jiang und Nakai IN A SMALL TOWN von tian Zhuang Zhuang http://www.cineasia-magazin.de/news/ | |
54. Home 199899 Rockapella Eugene Fodor, violinist Quartetto Gelato Les BalletsTrockadero de Monte-Carlo tian jiang, pianist Diva (Big band Jazz). http://www.jeffnet.org/~communityconcerts/page10.html | |
55. The Oak Ridger Online - Feature: Intermission - Giuseppe Verdi's 'Luisa Miller' Neil Shicoff as Rodolfo, Robert Frontali as Miller, Hao jiang tian as Count musiccritic Martin Bernheimer, Jellinek, and Bill Lutes, a pianist and teacher http://www.oakridger.com/stories/032202/int_0321020079.html | |
56. News Archives Page 2 Scarlett Bellamy, Dr. LJ Wei, Lu tian, Dr. Steve Dr. Hongyu jiang will be coming intothe department as Lefkopoulou by her childhood friend, pianist Lola Totsiou http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/about/newsarchive3.html | |
57. Harvard School Of Public Health Finally, Dr. Hongyu jiang, from the University of Wisconsin, will a piano recitalof the Greek pianist Lola Totsiou Lu tian was awarded the Robert B. Reed Prize http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/publications/newsletter/aug2000/ | |
58. Shenzhen Daily News bestknown pop singers as Na Ying, tian Zhen, Liu jiang Yuheng, for example, gavea song entitled Looking Back Yundi, an 18-year-old local pianist who recently | |
59. Raymond's Journal He had planned to be a concert pianist and is also a Even Mr. jiang seemed quite funnyand lovely that night At 12 pm, I had my birthday in front of tian An Men http://alumni.eecs.berkeley.edu/~rayning/2001_07_15_log.html |
60. Chinese X Club - Event Calender Chinese musicians Zhang Yalin (Tenor); Wang Li (pianist) concert is for furtherinfo, call tian Ling 416 copyright © 1996 cXc maintained by james jiang. http://www.campuslife.utoronto.ca/groups/cXc/events/jan3-98.html | |
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