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41. 24 Hours Bach - Angela Hewitt angela hewitt continues to captivate and charm audiences around the world with hermusicianship and Miss hewitt then studied with French pianist JeanPaul http://www.jsbach.de/pages/e/bio/hewitt.htm | |
42. Bach: Arrangements Cohen (a collection compiled for the pianist Harriet Cohen, who knew many Englishcomposers of the early twentieth century). angela hewitt also includes three http://www.hyperion-records.co.uk/details/67309.asp | |
43. Angela Hewitt angela hewitt. Hyperion Records website. http//www2.hyperionrecords.co.uk. The pianist who will define Bach performance on piano for years to come http://www.beautyinmusic.com/artist_pages/angela_hewitt.htm | |
44. Inside - Wichita State University Since angela hewitts triumph at the Toronto Bach competition, she has been hailedas the Bach pianist par excellence of her generation (The Sunday Times http://www.wichita.edu/insidewsu/@2-1-2001/ConnSeriesPianist.htm | |
45. Press Releases : Mount Allison University Couperin. pianist angela hewitt continues to captivate and charm audiencesaround the world with her musicianship and virtuosity. Since http://www.mta.ca/publications/university/new/old/Monday,_February_14,_2000_at_1 | |
46. STUDIOMUSICA UpCURRICULUM pianist angela hewitt continues to captivate and charmaudiences around the world with her musicianship and virtuosity. http://www.studiomusica.net/eng/artisti/angelahewitt_d.htm | |
47. Guardian | Angela Hewitt It has to be a good thing when the Canadian pianist angela hewitt begins a recitalwith Bach first because it reminds us how good at it she is, and second http://www.guardian.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4425635,00.html | |
48. Releases were Mihhail Pletnjov Charles Rosen MarcAndré Hamelin angela hewitt Cecile Ousset tothe public Estonian Piano 2000 Charles Rosen - the pianist and the http://www.estoniapiano.com/english/text/4/kroonika/piano2000.html | |
49. Oregon Symphony News Releases NEXT MUSIC DIRECTOR CANDIDATE AND PORTLAND FAVORITE, pianist angela hewitt . http://www.orsymphony.org/news/releases99-01/CL9release2001.htm | |
50. Franz Liszt (1811-1886) Re: Angela Hewitt In Liszt!! Franz Liszt (1811-1886) Han Peter angela hewitt is a name unknow to me as a pianist but afteryour glowing review I guess I need to know more. That she's a http://classicals.com/music/FranzLiszt(1811-1886)hall/cas/1026.html | |
51. May Concerts - Sydney Conservatorium Of Music Canadian concert pianist angela hewitt has been renowned as a Bach specialist sincewinning the 1985 Toronto International Bach Piano Competition, and has http://www.usyd.edu.au/su/conmusic/concmay.html | |
52. Royal Philharmonic Society - The RPS Annual Lecture 2001 Bringing Bach to Life. Canadian pianist angela hewitt was the speakerat an RPS Dinner at the Athenaeum held On 30 October 2001 . http://www.royalphilharmonicsociety.org.uk/hewitt.htm | |
54. Angela Hewitt - Richmond Concert Society 2002-2003 Richmond Concert Society is extended to angela hewitt, who last angela continues tocaptivate and charm audiences around as the preeminent Bach pianist of our http://www.020.co.uk/richmondconcert/4angleahewitt.html |
55. Tonbridge Music Club 2001-2002 Bach, The Goldberg Variations. Canadian pianist angela hewitt continues to captivateand charm audiences around the world with her musicianship and virtuosity. http://www.np03.dial.pipex.com/tmc/tmc-top.htm | |
56. London Music (classical) Westminster - Angela Hewitt GABRIELA MONTERO TALENTED pianist FROM VENEZUELA, PERFORMS ALONGSIDE PHILHARMONIAORCHESTRA STRING QUARTET BEFORE HER PERFORMANCES IN FRANCE, GERMANY AND http://www.howtoenjoy.co.uk/archives/2002_05/gabriela.htm | |
57. Piano Six Artist Biographies Ask the Artist! angela hewitt is nothing less than the pianist who willdefine Bach performance on the piano for years to come. STEREOPHILE http://www.pianosix.com/bios.html | |
58. The Piano Six CD Showcase Utterly enjoyable. BBC Music Magazine In case anyone were temptedto pigeonhole angela hewitt as a Bach pianist, here is http://www.pianosix.com/CDShowcase.html | |
59. Angela Hewitt the 1985 Toronto International Bach Piano Competition, angela hewitt has become oneof the Keyboard Concerts' favorite guests. The Canadian pianist is praised http://www.keyboardconcerts.com/id27.htm |
60. Welcome To Piano.com Heisser, JeanFrancois - provides biography, discography, and news for the Frenchpianist. Helfgott, David hewitt, angela Hiromu Hidaka - composer and player http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
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