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81. Profiles b) Son of dame myra hess, the noted English pianist, who was awarded Commander inthe Order of the British Empire for entertaining the British public during http://www.axisandallies.net/public/havoc/vol5_havoc/apr/profiles.html | |
82. Nimbus Records, Grand Piano, NI 8807, Debussy - Booklet Note Ignaz Jan Paderewski (18601941) was the most celebrated pianist in history afterLiszt and For her great service to her art, she was made dame myra hess. http://www.wyastone.co.uk/nrl/gpiano/8807c.html | |
83. CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES MP3/WMA: Clipper Erickson Erickson was just such a pianist. In October 1998 he premiered Without in recitalat the Spoleto Festival USA, Chicago's dame myra hess Series, Boston's http://www.classicalarchives.com/artists/erickson.html | |
84. About BRCC Academics Distance Learning Continuing Education Other tours have included acclaimed concerts in Chicago's dame myra hess Series,Salt The pianist has been a medallist in several international competitions http://www.blueridge.cc.nc.us/Directories/News/Releases/ViewNewsletter.php?ID=29 |
85. Brown Bag Concerts this country, he has performed in New York (Merkin Recital Hall and Carnegie RecitalHall), Chicago (dame myra hess Concert Series Elfie SchultsBerndt, pianist. http://bhucc.org/Music postings/Brown Bag Concerts/Artists.htm | |
86. HESS, DAME MYRA. The Columbia Encyclopedia Sixth Edition. 2000 Encyclopedia Sixth Edition. 2000. hess, dame myra 18901965, Englishpianist, studied at the Royal Academy of Music. She made her http://www.bartleby.com/aol/65/he/Hess-Dam.html |
87. Yamaha Corporation Of America - Music Education uring Englands darkest days in World War II, renowned pianist dame myra Hessput aside her international career for more than five years to give regular http://www.yamaha.com/musiced/accent/Accent102/19.htm | |
88. 'Hearts Afire' Teams UI Pianist And Oboist To Celebrate Valentine's Day In Music Hearts Afire' teams UI pianist and oboist She has presented a solo recital on theDame myra hess Concert Series in Chicago and undertaken a recital tour of the http://www.uiowa.edu/~ournews/2002/february/0201hearts-afire.html | |
89. Performers ~ H Hermann, Bernard (29 JUN )Eng-Am=Con-com; hess, dame myra (25 FEB 1890 - 1965 CanadianPianist Angela Hewitt; Hickox, Richard ( 5 MAR - ) ENG=Con-Choral Dir Cond http://members.tripod.com/perfartists/h.html | |
90. Recent Performance Highlights World Premiere. 29 September 1999. dame myra hess Concert Series with pianistMarc Peloquin at the Chicago Cultural Center. 6 16 January 2000. http://www.lynnevardaman.com/Recent Performance Highlights pg..htm | |
91. A 93rd GARLAND OF BRITISH LIGHT MUSIC COMPOSERS He is the greatnephew of the great, much loved pianist dame myraHess. Nigel's self-publishing operation is called myra Music! http://www.musicweb.uk.net/garlands/93.htm | |
92. Meaning Of Hess dictionaryDictionary hess Pronunciation (hes), key n. 1. DameMyra, 18901965, English pianist. 2. Victor Francis, 18831964 http://www.factmonster.com/ipd/A0474951.html | |
93. Dictionary: Hess From WordNet (r) 1.7 wn hess n 1 English pianist (18901965) syn {hess}, {DameMyra hess} 2 Swiss physiologist noted for studies of the brain (1881-1973 http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/Hess | |
94. Westchester Piano Lessons -- Recommended Listening Edwin Fischer (18861960) Profound Swiss pianist who excelled in the music dame MyraHess (1890-1965) A beloved artist, known for her performances of Beethoven http://www.kasprecords.com/listening.htm | |
95. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring - Suite101.com But is perhaps best known in this arrangement written by British pianist DameMyra hess (18901965). Why was Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring written? http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/lutheranism/44214 | |
96. AIM25: Royal College Of Music: SMITH, Muriel (fl 1915-1973) and speakers to the Lewes Music Club, including Jelly d'Aranyi (3), Fanny Davies(8), Robina Friskin, Léon Gossens, Marjorie Hayward, myra hess, Frank Howes (4 http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=5707&inst_id=25 |
97. Emanuel Krasovsky Homepage Schumann Symphonic Etudes quite so close to the recorded one by the late dame MyraHess. In short, Emanuel Krasovsky is what is known as pianist's pianist . http://www.tau.ac.il/~krasovsk/ | |
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