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61. Mail&Guardian: It's Brilliantissimo! Richard Brooks THE sister of pianist david helfgott has mounted an extraordinaryattack on Shine, the critically acclaimed film which tells his life story. http://www.chico.mweb.co.za/mg/art/reviews/97feb/7feb-shine.html | |
62. Welcome To Piano.com Heisser, JeanFrancois - provides biography, discography, and news for the Frenchpianist. helfgott, david Hewitt, Angela Hiromu Hidaka - composer and player http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
63. Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists - Fractured Atlas Links Directory Gould, Glenn (4). Hamelin, MarcAndre (2). helfgott, david (3). Aleksander, AdamPolish/Canadian Classical pianist, includes biography and contact information. http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianis | |
64. Denver Post Online: Books And Authors is Margaret helfgott's claim in Out of Tune david helfgott and the 1996 blockbusterfilm about Margaret's younger brother david, a young pianist headed for | |
65. Movies Unlimited: Product Page 1996) In his masterful, Academy Awardwinning performance, Geoffrey Rush shinesas david helfgott, the real-life Australian concert pianist who suffers an http://www.moviesunlimited.com/musite/product.asp?sku=025157 |
66. Movies Unlimited: Product Page Shine (1996) In his masterful, Academy Awardwinning performance, Geoffrey Rush shinesas david helfgott, the real-life Australian concert pianist who suffers http://www.moviesunlimited.com/musite/product.asp?sku=025133 |
67. Movie Review Of SHINE The film is based on the true story of Australian pianist david helfgott (GeoffreyRush). In it we never actually meet helfgott's father's father. http://www.wheatoncrc.org/reviews/shine.html | |
68. Shine currently gracing many people's ten best list is Shine, a film which tells thetruelife story of david helfgott, a brilliant child prodigy pianist who is http://www.fuzzydog.com/zzshine.htm | |
69. Boston Review | Shine Shine, the Australian film about the life of pianist david helfgott, was an unexpectedsuccess at the box office, garnered an Oscar nomination as best picture http://bostonreview.mit.edu/BR22.3/stone.html | |
70. Musical Autographs: Catalog 50 090. helfgott, david SP 6 x 8 photo of the pianist who inspired thefilm SHINE ..$65 091. http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/instrumental50.html | |
71. MyJPC | School News Adam (6D), Nathan (3D) and Sarah (1A) Hall recently had the honour of meetingand performing for famous Australian pianist david helfgott (portrayed by http://www.myjpc.com/family/schoolnews.asp?archive=yes&year=2001 |
72. GoHastings.com Item Information pianist david helfgott's discography, including david helfgott PLAYSRACHMANINOV, can be found in the Muze classical music database. http://www.gohastings.com/catalog/item/item.asp?prodid=32907514 |
73. The Louisville Scene - Movies They don't know he's david helfgott, a oncepromising concert pianist who has justbeen released after a decade in a mental institution following a stupendous http://www.louisvillescene.com/movies/movierev/19961224shine.htm | |
74. Greg Sandow -- Rachmaninoff 3d Comparisons Poor david helfgott got an F; Vladimir Horowitz got an A, for his version with Fritz Clickthe RA icons below to hear the pianist of your choice, and if you http://www.gregsandow.com/rach3.htm | |
75. Shine The movie traces the true life story of Australian pianist david helfgott, fromhis early days as a child prodigy dominated by his father to his eventual http://www.happening.com.sg/film/picks/Shine/ | |
76. Excite France - Répertoire - Pianists 3) Gould, Glenn ( 4) Hamelin, MarcAndre ( 2), helfgott, david ( 3) Horowitz YoungAlbanian pianist living in London, the site includes biography, engagements http://www.excite.fr/directory/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists | |
77. BBC AmericaShop - Official Videos, DVD & Merchandise - Audio Books, Music, CD Ro Shine Based on the true story of Australian pianist david helfgott.Telling the story in flashback we see david as he grows up into http://www.qksrv.net/click-854671-9344242 | |
78. Venice - Films david helfgott is the pianist, and his return to the concert stage is enjoying themomentum of the release of his story, Shine, in Australian cinemas midAugust http://www.filmfestivals.com/venice/vfilmc16.htm | |
79. E! Online News - Helfgott Debuts In Boston helfgott Debuts in Boston by Jeff B. Copeland Mar 5, 1997, 200 PM PT The realDavid helfgott, the eccentric pianist whose life became Shine, achieved a http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,748,00.html | |
80. Performers - Piano Organ And Harpsichord Andre Hamelin. helfgott, david (b. 1947) david helfgott is the pianistwho inspired the hit movie Shine . Horowitz, Vladimir (1903 http://classicalmusic.about.com/cs/pianists/ | |
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