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21. MovieClub || Review - 'Shine' Is A Fascinating Look Into A Pianist's Tortured So This remarkable story of david helfgott, a gifted pianist, now 49, whose talentand career languished for 20 years while he hopped from mental hospital to http://www.movieclub.com/reviews/archives/96shine/shine.html | |
22. Dimensions Page 9 Fargo, the Coen brothers' outrageous, creepy comedy about a kidnapping gone wrongin Minnesota, and Shine, the true story of pianist david helfgott and his http://cityhonors.buffalo.k12.ny.us/city/Dims/199697/97Mar/P09.html |
23. Show #144 Of Reeling: The Movie Review Show With Robin And Laura Clifford SHINE. Shine is the incredible story of Australian pianist david helfgott, a man Startwith a fascinating true story of the live of pianist david helfgott. http://www.reelingreviews.com/reel144.htm | |
24. Metroactive Movies | Shine Shine' tracks the rollercoaster career of troubled Australian pianist davidhelfgott. About david helfgott, the real-life pianist the movie is based on. http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/12.26.96/shine-9652.html | |
25. MetroActive Movies | Talking Pictures Though intrigued by my offer to see the brilliant new film Shinethe story ofAustralian pianist david helfgott and his rollercoaster relationship with http://www.metroactive.com/papers/sonoma/01.16.97/talk-pix-9703.html | |
26. David Helfgott BRAAVO, david helfgott! Geenius, kõmulegend või lihtsalt hull? pianist on allesnüüd, 50aastasena jõudmas rahvusvahelise tunnustuseni ja saanud (kuri http://www.er.ee/klassik/braavo/helfgott.html | |
27. David Helfgott's Concerts Are Not For Critics pianist david helfgott, subject of the highly praised film ''Shine,''has been playing soldout performances throughout the nation. http://www.lubbockonline.com/news/032897/david.htm | |
28. Critics Should Lighten Up On 'Shine' Pianist By now millions know david helfgott's story, testimony to our media's speed and fewoutside Australia had heard of this oncepromising pianist who slipped into http://www.lubbockonline.com/news/032897/critics.htm | |
29. Australian Musicians ~ AMUSIClassical Directory helfgott, david ( ) pianist; Henderson, Moya (b. 1947); Hill, Alfred (Melbourne,16 NOV 1870 - Sydney, 30 OCT 1960)conductor, composer, and pedagogue. http://www.geocities.com/musiclassical/composers/auscomp.html | |
30. David Helfgott In the years before his mental breakdown, david helfgott was known as a musical isnot about witnessing a spectacle I went expecting to hear a great pianist. http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/8254/helfgott.html | |
31. 091097 Naturally, when I heard that david helfgott, the Australian pianist this movieis based on, was coming to South Florida, I tried to line up an interview. http://www.xso.com/columnists/colleen/0910colleen.htm | |
32. Fine Line Features | Shine -The Original Article By SAMELA HARRIS. Meeting pianist david helfgott is like tumbling outof everyday life into a softly eccentric wonderland of sounds. http://www.finelinefeatures.com/shine/helfgott/arttext.htm | |
33. Asiaweek.com The film explores the life of Australianborn, Jewish pianist david helfgott andhis relationship with his disciplinarian father (Armin Mueller-Stahl), a http://www.asiaweek.com/asiaweek/97/0221/feat2.html | |
34. MusicMoz - Bands And Artists: H: Helfgott, David: Links movie Shine. Stories and photographs and links and stuff. helfgott,david (1947) Australian pianist; biography, photos links. http://musicmoz.org/Bands_and_Artists/H/Helfgott,_David/Links/ | |
35. David Helfgott, Inspiration For 'Shine,' Gives Surprise Performance Australian pianist david helfgott, whose triumph over mental illness was depictedin the Oscarnominated film, had a truly shining Hollywood moment during http://www.canoe.ca/JamMoviesOscar/oscar_shine.html | |
36. Shine: Great Moments On The Australian Screen Shine tells the dramatic story of Australian musical prodigy, david helfgott. helfgottshone as a pianist from an early age and was intensely nurtured and http://www.sna.net.au/greatmoments/movies/shine/shine.html |
37. David Helfgott, Pianist Date PrevDate NextThread PrevThread NextDate IndexThreadIndex david helfgott, pianist. Subject david helfgott, pianist; http://www.glenngould.org/mail/archives/f_minor/msg02053.html | |
38. GG: Helfgott Redux Hi Miners, Some time ago the Aussie pianist david helfgott, aided by the film 'Shine',sprang to the scene and was declared (by some) to be another Gould. http://www.glenngould.org/mail/archives/f_minor/msg03227.html | |
39. Shine Although the family are poor, music plays a major part in the helfgott family's life Peter repeatedly david is becoming quite a talented pianist under his http://www.shef.ac.uk/~cm1jwb/shine.htm | |
40. Dag Og Tid Tyrannisk far Shine byggjer på ei verkeleg historie om livet til ein lyslevande pianist. david helfgott nærmar seg i dag 50 år, og han er framleis http://www.dagogtid.no/arkiv/1997/08/shine | |
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