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Home - Pianists - Hamelin Marc-andre |
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81. Klassik Tipps Archiv Klavier April/Juni 2000 Translate this page Die pianistische Herausforderung ist immens, Marc Andre hamelin - als Zauberer und Nichtnur als virtuoser pianist - Höchstschwierigkeiten scheint es für ihn http://www.klassiktipps.de/archiv/ar 3 00/arklav4.htm | |
82. South Philadelphia Habitat For Humanity Grammy Nominated Classical pianist Marc Andrehamelin and his wife, the criticallyacclaimed soprano, Jody Karin Applebaum will be performing a Cabaret-style http://www.libertynet.org/sphilhab/events/ | |
83. UMKC Conservatory Of Music - Performance Grammy nominee marcandre hamelin will performance will feature a set of the PianistStanislav Ioudenitch with the Accorda String Quartet Monday, March 24, 2003 http://www.umkc.edu/performance/events/search.asp | |
84. Disques Du Mois / Discs Of The Month In the liner notes to this astonishing album, pianist marcandre Hamelindeadpans, I don't like playing difficult music. Sure, sure. http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/scena_musicale/html/1998/sm4-1/sm4-1Dis | |
85. Www.information.uwaterloo.ca/Gazette/1995/Gazette,%20May%2010,%201995/Cecilia%20 Saturday When violinist Moshe Hammer, pianist Marc Andre hamelin, and the Britishcellist Alexander Baillie get together, we can expect great things, and http://www.information.uwaterloo.ca/Gazette/1995/Gazette, May 10, 1995/Cecilia o |
86. Piano Six - Marc-André Hamelin - Tour Schedule February 2002 MARCANDRÉ hamelin. Northern Ontario Tour February 6-12, of champions like Mark-André hamelin, it is now clear and recording artist, Marc-André hamelin is now making his http://www.pianosix.com/MHprog8e.html | |
87. Piano Six - MARC-ANDRÉ HAMELIN Tour Schedule MARCANDRÉ hamelin. Interior British Columbia October 1999 recording artist, Montreal-born Marc-André hamelin is now making difficult as it sounds, hamelin admits that it truly http://www.pianosix.com/MAHnew.html | |
88. Equipment And Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists Adami, Mirsa (1975) Albanian pianist, living in Amsterdam; includesbrief biography, concert schedule and mp3 files. Aleksander http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/music_music | |
89. Marc Andre Hamelin http://www.nn.iij4u.or.jp/~hsat/concert/y2001/hamelin010422.html | |
90. Clickmusic: Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists Aleksander, Adam Canadianborn pianist; brief info and some audio samples(wav). Allen, Peter Concert pianist and chamber musician. http://www.clickmusic.co.uk/Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pian | |
91. Jody Karin Applebaum & Marc-Andr Hamelin Jody Karin Applebaum, soprano, and her husband, the internationallyrenown pianistMarc-Andre hamelin are traveling around the world, performing cabaret http://citypaper.net/articles/102496/article067.shtml | |
92. Reviewvancouver: Stape: VSO Concert 12 October 2002 The Vancouver Symphony. Conductor Bramwell Tovey pianist MarcAndreHamelin. Venue The Orpheum Date Saturday, 12 October 2002, 20.00. http://www.reviewvancouver.org/VSO1.htm | |
93. Home Content Articles La Scena Musicale Search Hyperion CDA 67050 **** In the liner notes to this astonishing album, pianist MarcAndreHamelin deadpans, I don't like playing difficult music. Sure, sure. http://www.scena.org/lsm/sm4-1/sm4-1DiscsMonth.htm | |
94. Buy Alfred Brendel Schubert: Piano Sonatas - Opuscds.com Classical Music Cd Stor public. Brendel is often credited as the pianist who has broughtSchuberts last sonatas to the fore of the piano repertoire. http://www.opuscds.com/cd/27227 | |
95. Buy Yundi Li (piano) Chopin - Opuscds.com Classical Music Cd Store Normally NZD $34.95. OpusCDs Price NZD $32.95. Qty A very fine debutdisc introduces a pianist equipped with a rare and poetic talent. http://www.opuscds.com/cd/30350 | |
96. Washingtonpost.com: Live Online Alexandria, Va. Last session someone asked you about super virtuoso pianist MarcAndreHamelin and why he doesnt appear more often with major orchestras. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/liveonline/03/regular/entertainment/r_enter | |
97. Radio Two In Performance April Listings Tuesday April 11 The Concert From Ottawa, pianist Marc Andre Hamelinin recital Ives Sonata no. 2 (Concord) Liszt Benediction http://radio.cbc.ca/programs/inperformance/APRIL2000/Apr2000lst.htm | |
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