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81. Anecdote Dueling Violins Godowsky Witty Replies First Among the luminaries in attendance were fellow violinist Mischa Elman and thepianist leopold godowsky. As Heifetz played, Elman began to mop his brow. http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=6755 |
82. Currents--January 27, 1997 At Jascha Heifetz's American debut both the noted romantic violinist Mischa Elmanand the pianist leopold Godowskysometimes known as the pianist's pianist http://www.rochester.edu/pr/Currents/V25/V25N15/story7.html | |
83. @Polen : Muziek G godowsky, leopold (Wilna 1870 New York 1938), Pools-Amerikaans componist enpianist , leerling van Rudorff (Berlijn) en Saint-Saëns (Parijs), begon als http://www.pl-info.net/nl/cultuur/muziek.html | |
84. The GIBSON & Baldwin Player - Baldwin Artist Relations - 1909 Style The committee decided to go after leopold godowsky, the Polishborn pianistand composer of a series of etudes based on Chopin's work. http://player.gibson.com/nov02/relations.html | |
85. Clickmusic: Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists Aleksander, Adam Canadianborn pianist; brief info and some audio samples(wav). Allen, Peter Concert pianist and chamber musician. http://www.clickmusic.co.uk/Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pian | |
86. Equipment And Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists Adami, Mirsa (1975) Albanian pianist, living in Amsterdam; includesbrief biography, concert schedule and mp3 files. Aleksander http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/music_music | |
87. Equipment And Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists Links Ma?nes, Michel Spanish pianist; brief biography, contact information. Mastroyiannis,Dino- Young Greek pianist; biographic notes, concerts and more. http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/iomusic_mp3 | |
88. /Arts/Music/Styles/Classical/Performers/Pianists - Www.KOL-ISRAEL.com - Web Dire Rumanian pianist. Parker, Jon Kimura Canadian pianist's web page, includestouring schedule, biography, interviews and reviews, pictures, etc. http://cgi.botbot.com/dir/$/Arts/Music/Styles/Classical/Performers/Pianists | |
89. Untitled Kagan, Fanfare) Konstantin Scherbakov, a 30year-old Russian pianist who has LeopoldGodowsky Piano Music Vol.5 Piano Sonata ; Menuet No.1 ; Au Jardin des http://www.kulturinfo.ch/Konzert/scherbakov/recordings.html | |
90. »çÀÌÆ®·Î ±¸¼ºÇÑ ¼¼°è¹®Çп¹¼úµµ¼°ü Deniz Arman GelenbePianist Walter GiesekingPianist(DE)(d. 1956) Katrine GislingePianist(DK)Richard GlazierPianist leopold GodowskyPianist(d. 1938) Yulia http://school.pressian.com/dictionary/ART_music_07.htm | |
91. Pianists Top Arts Music Instruments Keyboard Piano Aleksander, Adam Canadianborn pianist; brief info and some audio samples(wav). Allen, Peter Concert pianist and chamber musician. http://alchoholism.gowebinfo.com/Top/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Piani |
92. Arts Music Instruments Keyboard Piano Pianists Polish Yellow Pages - Polska - Po Aleksander, Adam Polish/Canadian Classical pianist, includes biography andcontact information. Alvarez , Carmen- Concert pianist born in Uruguay. http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/212770/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianis | |
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