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81. The Classical Music Guide - Alan Rich: PIANISSIMO works to the taste of the romanticminded pianist, with octave admired there wereresponsible, scholarly pianists, Artur Schnabel and edwin fischer most notably http://www.classicalmusicguide.com/aalley/aa_pianissimo.htm | |
82. Mozart Piano Concertos No. 24, 25 For this recording, the soloist selected and arranged cadenzas written by thegreat German pianist edwin fischer, which are sensitively adapted to the http://www.ivanmoravec.net/albums/cd98955.htm | |
83. CLAUDIO ARRAU BIOGRAPHY His mother was an amateur pianist and his father an eye doctor, who died in a riding Hewill be my masterwork, said Krause, who also taught edwin fischer. http://www.princeton.edu/~gpmenos/biography.html | |
84. Redirect he discontinued formal piano studies, preferring instead to attend occasionalmaster classes, especially those by the great Swiss pianist edwin fischer. http://www.deccaclassics.com/artists/brendel/biog.html |
85. Items For Purchase information. edwin fischer The Legacy of a Great pianist edwin fischerThe Legacy of a Great pianist purchase information. Portals http://www.bizave.com/store/page666.html |
86. HNH - Naxos Classical on Bach as played by Glenn Gould, edwin fischer's style Colton Barnes and Noble Hereis fischer at his music there's much to savor in pianist Wolf Harden's http://www.naxos.com/NewDesign/fopinions.files/bopinions.files/Reviews20.htm | |
87. Busoni's Bach Transcriptions ; Youngrok LEE's Music Page Article on the piano transcription of Bach's organ works. From Youngrok Lee's Music Page.Category Arts Music Composers B Busoni, Ferruccio Benvenuto...... BWV.639,903,904 and 922 are in 'edwin fischer Vol.I' of Philips PianistSeries, and Pearl's issues are coupled by WellTempered Clavier. http://my.dreamwiz.com/fischer/Bach-Busoni/Bach-BusoniE.htm | |
88. Stadtarchiv Schaffhausen: Biographisches Material FISCHER Edwin Nachruf id NZZ v. 28. 01. 1960 m. Porträt. Verschiedenes Gratulation z. 60. http://www.stadtarchiv-schaffhausen.ch/Biographien/1405.htm | |
89. Press Releases release Click to view photos Julia fischer February 14 FOR FAMILIES CONCERT LED BYEDWIN OUTWATER View LEADS THE BRANDENBURG ENSEMBLE WITH pianist PETER SERKIN http://www.sfsymphony.org/templates/router.asp?nodeid=2015 |
90. Bomis: The Arts/Music/Styles/Classical/Performers/Pianists Ring www.johnbellyoung.com. 21. fischer, edwin 18861960. Excerpts from pianistAlfred Brendel's essay on his piano teacher. www.geocities.com. 22. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mperformers-pianists-arts/ | |
91. ÖJ-Österreich-Woche 01.10.-07.10.2002 Translate this page Eigentlich verdanke ich das auch edwin fischer, er war der erste großePianist, der Mozart wieder entdeckt hat, denn im ganzen 19. http://www.oe-journal.at/Aktuelles/1002/W1/15_zBadura021002.htm | |
92. PIANO SONATAS MAIN_G lebhaft vorstellen , fordert edwin fischer in seinem Buch über Beethovens Klaviersonaten . DerPianist Alfred Brendel schrieb, dieses Finale sei ein http://raptusassociation.org/son7e.html | |
93. Utskrift Klasssisk P 9802 - Gèza Anda, PianoLiszt-Mephisto- Translate this page 9809 - Alexander Brailowsky, PianistChopin-Mazurka B-dur, Op7, No1/-Fantasie 9921- edwin fischer, Klavier mit der Sächsischen Staatskapelle Dir Karl Böhm http://w1.854.telia.com/~u85423669/ici.htm | |
94. Biographien Und Nekrologe Von Persönlichkeiten Im Stadtarchiv Schaffhausen fischer Emil, 1868-1954, Dr. med. http://www.stadtarchiv-schaffhausen.ch/Biographien/Personen-f.htm | |
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