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Home - Pianists - Fiorentino Sergio |
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81. Sergio De Simone 1 Kontakt Via A. Bossoli, 50019 Sesto fiorentino (Fi) sergiod99@yahoo http://www.hn44.de/pianists-artists.com/sergio_De_Simone.htm | |
82. DI - Classical Playlist station. Currently playing track Feedback Buy it sergio fiorentinoPianist Faure Apres Un Reve Arr fiorentino, read / post 0, http://digitallyimported.com/classical/ | |
83. SHOUTcast - HOME it`s good for you! (powered by Digitally Imported) Now Playing Sergiofiorentino pianist Faure Apres Un Reve Arr fiorentino, 87/7802, 128, http://www.shoutcast.com/directory/index.phtml?startat=40 |
84. SHOUTcast - HOME it`s good for you! (powered by Digitally Imported) Now Playing Sergiofiorentino pianist Faure Apres Un Reve Arr fiorentino, 76/8388, 128, http://yp.shoutcast.com/directory/index.phtml?startat=40 |
85. A.M.A. CALABRIA - Home Page Translate this page AMA CALABRIA». dedicato alla memoria - in memory of the pianist sergio Fiorentino13 - 18 Maggio-May 2003. Teatro Umberto - LAMEZIA TERME Nicastro (CZ) ITALY. http://www.amacalabria.org/amacalabria/INTERNAZIONALE/home internazionale.htm | |
86. Untitled Document Translate this page 1. Preis Stipendium (nicht teilbar) in Andenken an den pianist sergio Fiorentinogewidmet über Euro2500,00 Pokal und Diplom Dem Gewinner des 1. Preises http://www.amacalabria.org/amacalabria/INTERNAZIONALE/Regolamenti/tedesco.htm | |
87. Centro Studi Italiani Opera Festival carried out concert activities with many singers and has participated as pianistin the She continued for two years in Macerata with Maestro sergio fiorentino. http://www.operafestival.it/9_ing_italian.htm | |
88. Secondopremio sergio fiorentino . GIUSEPPE ANDALORO. http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/durante12/secondprize2.htm | |
89. Untitled Document Translate this page 22, then narrowing down to pianist alone for op Sant'Angelo in Vado - il Trio di SergioBosi (clarinetto 128 del fiorentino Castelnuovo-Tedesco la ricerca di una http://www.reinecketrio.it/Recensioni/rassegna stampa.htm | |
90. »çÀÌÆ®·Î ±¸¼ºÇÑ ¼¼°è¹®Çп¹¼úµµ¼°ü DruryPianist/Conductor Hans EijsackersPianist(NL) Diana FanningPianist RobertFinley's Classical MIDI Page sergio FiorentinoPianist(IT)(d. 1998) Deniz http://school.pressian.com/dictionary/ART_music_07.htm | |
91. Elsa Puppulo - Argentine Pianist http://www.elsapuppulo.com.ar/ | |
92. The Newport Music Festival Online Newport The Friends of the Newport Music Festival will present Italian pianistSergio fiorentino in a mini-recital for their annual Spring fundraiser. http://www.newportmusic.org/festnews.htm | |
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