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Home - Pianists - Durran Katharine |
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1. A Pianist For All Seasons katharine durran A pianist for all seasons. The ubiquitous . multitalentedpianist, katharine durran . Unswerving control and finesse . http://www.katharinedurran.org.uk/ | |
2. Alison Smart's Homepage Alison's CD and recital partner, pianist katharine durran. Songs for Connoisseurs (for details of Alison's recordings http://www.long-lane.demon.co.uk/ | |
3. Alison Smart Alison's partner in recitals is the pianist katharine durran. Their debut solo album is entitled 'Peripheral Visions http://www.chameleon-arts.co.uk/Pages/Singers/Sopranos/Alisonsmart.html | |
4. Katharine Durran, Bach Toccatas pieces are a delight; they are immediately likable, and katharine durran's performanceof in all, this is a wonderful disc, introducing a Bach pianist of rare http://www.katharinedurran.org.uk/Museyroom Review of Bach Toccatas.htm | |
5. Katharine Durran, Bach Toccatas I must admit I'd never heard of katharine durran, and the music too, the Toccatas of Bach, refreshes our spirits before the pianist leaves in a blaze of glory http://www.katharinedurran.org.uk/Museyroom%20Review%20of%20Bach%20Toccatas.htm | |
6. BACH TOCCATAS katharine durran belongs to a modern tradition of piano playing in which virtuosityand D major toccata refreshes our spirits before the pianist leaves in a http://www.metierrecords.co.uk/text/2001.htm | |
7. Tutti.co.uk - Buy Classical Sheet Music, CDs, Books And More Online Mussorgsky and Thea Musgrave. Soprano, Sandra Lissenden, and pianist,katharine durran, perform 34 songs for children. tutti.co.uk price http://www.tutti.co.uk/shop.php/CDs/DDLER-9239-C22/details.html | |
8. Untitled given yesterday by mezzo soprano Jane Irwin with pianist katharine durran pointed to the fact that the poems of http://www.theherald.co.uk/arts/archive/4-11-1998-20-23-48.html | |
9. Herald AV Publications - HAVP184 classical Spanish songs. katharine durran is a British pianist of greatversatility. Partnering many distinguished instrumentalists http://www.heraldav.co.uk/havp184.htm | |
10. Music Society Events 2001 Ksenia Nosikova (piano) Russianborn American pianist performing Brahms's Variationson Mezzo soprano and piano duo Alison Wells and katharine durran present a http://www.strath.ac.uk/music/events/2002.htm | |
11. George Nicholson As a pianist, he is a member of the chamber groups Nomos and Triple Echo, and alsoregularly Alison Smart, soprano; katharine durran, piano (Metier MSV 92025). http://composers21.com/compdocs/nicholsg.htm | |
12. GEORGE NICHOLSON As pianist he is a member of the chamber groups Triple Echo and Nomos Performedby Alison Smart, soprano; katharine durran, piano METIER RECORDS MSV CD92025. http://www.uymp.co.uk/text/nicholson.html | |
13. Classical pianist/Composer/Anything Repertoire from baroque to present day withpianists Maurice Hodges, Murray McLachlan and katharine durran. http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/walk/yls17/classical.html | |
14. Juni Juni 2001 Index Augustus 2001augustus Dagprogrammering / katharine durran, piano. Samenstelling Hans Straman 21.00 Moanin' the Blues De laatsteopnamen van pianist Jimmy Yancey Samenstelling Hans Vergeer 22.00 The http://www.omroep.nl/concertzender/200107/dag20010724.html |
15. Wellesley College Library - New In The Music Library - January 2002 Britten song cycles, including Our hunting fathers and others, with tenor Peter Pearsand the composer as pianist; Alison Smart, soprano; katharine durran, piano http://www.wellesley.edu/Library/Music/Jan2002.html | |
16. Untitled Document Talked with katharine durran who has talked to John Mercer (Riverrun) this weekabout the the time I'm 70 I should be quite a reasonable pianist, although by http://www.andrewkeeling.ukf.net/dgmdiaryarchives13.htm | |
17. Untitled Document This pianist has played worldwide and lived, mainly, in Denmark and Norway This morningwill be spent looking briefly at the katharine durran commission to see http://www.andrewkeeling.ukf.net/dgmdiaryarchives9.htm | |
18. Concerts Fri 6 Dec, Alison Wells (mezzosoprano) katharine durran (piano Russian-born pianistAlexander Tselyakov, now living in Canada, has had ecstatic reviews from all http://www.hull.ac.uk/music/concerts/ | |
19. New Labels: Alison Smart, soprano; katharine durran, piano. NEW WORLD RECORDS USA. PianistGiorgio Gaslini is the grand old man of progressive jazz in Italy. http://www.vergemusic.com/old/0999.htm | |
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