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61. Metroland Online - Special Section - Fall Arts Preview allstar cast (Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron diaz, Daniel Day The pianist Adrien Brodystars as a piano raoul Peck directed this powerful film about Patrice Lumumba http://www.metroland.net/back_issues/vol_25_no38/special_features/fall_arts.html | |
62. Not Available Info At RadioMOI Poogie Bear DJ Intense and Silvia diaz Aradia Supertramp 2 Unlimited BrookBenton raoul Zerna Out Of The Grey Richard Kogan pianist Rich http://www.radiomoi.com:8080/rm/info/?showkey=labels&label_id=0 |
63. Music: Un Dios (Austin Chronicle . 06-28-99) By raoul Hernandez. and trade embargoes between Cuba and the US relegated the pianistto the We decided that Miguel Anga diaz, as he had done with Dizzy http://weeklywire.com/ww/06-28-99/austin_music_feature2.html | |
64. Nathalie Raoul BLUESPROJECT MARCEL WORMS NEW BLUES FOR PIANO MARCEL WORMS NEW BLUES FOR PIANO Marcel Worms houdt zich al geruime tijd bezig met het modernklassieke repertoire, dat door de jazz beïnvloed is. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/contrib-1131757 | |
65. Personregister Eugen (18641932), britisktysk pianist og komponist 1887 Albertini, Raphael diaz (), fiolinist 1887 8/12. Constanse Hals (18691957), pianist, datter av fiolinisten http://folk.uio.no/oyvindyb/musikk/Halvorsen/registre/personregister.html | |
66. BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Film | Polanski Beats Brits At Cannes Palm for Best Film The pianist by Roman Hakim, actress Walter Salles, director RaoulRuiz, director. such as Leonardo di Caprio, Cameron diaz, Elizabeth Taylor http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/film/2009403.stm | |
67. JANUARY 13 CLASSICALmanac 'today In Classical Music' 1917 Birth of composer Felix Guerro diaz. 1961 Birth of English organist, pianistand conductor Wayne MARSHALL 1974 Death of Canadian tenor raoul Jobin in Quebec http://www.angelfire.com/ab/day/jan13.html | |
68. Austin Chronicle: Music: Chucho Valds by raoul Hernandez. and trade embargoes between Cuba and the US relegated the pianistto the We decided that Miguel Anga diaz, as he had done with Dizzy http://www.austinchronicle.com/issues/vol18/issue43/music.valdes.html | |
69. Carnegie Hall diaz TRIO, Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 800 Culp, Cello Ara Guzelimian, Series ModeratorRAOUL DEV BERMAN well as attend the workshop, with their own pianist. http://www.carnegiehall.org/TextSite/apr.html |
70. Untitled a recital by renowned Cuban pianist Gonzalo Rubalcaba great mosaic of people, EmiliaDiaz Chavez, Desandann's raoul Peck's Lumumba A Tale of Human Suffering http://www.haiti-progres.com/2001/sm010620/xeng0620.htm | |
71. John O'Sullivan's Biography After singing the baritone aria of diaz in La nobility and above all Valentine andRaoul, Miss Scacciati Killarney in a concert with the pianist Adolphe Borscke http://www.francoisnouvion.net/english/osullivanbio1.html |
72. NEWCITYCHICAGO.COM: Street Smart Chicago named Jennie Everdeane (Cameron diaz, who gives note Roman Polanski's upcoming ThePianist by contrast new interview with cinematographer raoul Coutard among http://www.newcitychicago.com/chicago/2128.html | |
73. Around The Péloche - 54ème Festival De Cannes Translate this page Victoria Jenson, Mike Myers, Cameron diaz et Eddie Moon, Shinji Aoyama, Japon - ThePianist, Michael Haneke competition - Les Ames Fortes, raoul Ruiz, France http://www.babelrock.com/cinema/films/festival_cannes/breve_cannes54.asp | |
74. The New Yorker: Goings On About Town: Last Week avenge the death of his father, Cameron diaz as a of a reallife Polish Jew, the pianistWladyslav Szpilman (212-355-6160)The cinematography of raoul Coutard http://www.newyorker.com/goingson/lastweek/?goingson_movies |
75. TurkiyeOnLine.com - Sinema TV Oliveira, Portekiz The pianist, Roman Polanski Natalie karakterini canlandiracakDiaz, Senaryoyu okudum. Burnham ( Forest Whitaker ), raoul ( Dwight Yoakam http://www.turkiyeonline.com/sinema_tv/haberler_ajanda/haber/index_nisan.php | |
76. San Francisco Public Library - Finding List Of Northern California Composers 1968 ) b. Salinas Ernesto Infante-diaz Ingalls, Matt F F2* W. Wachtmeister, AxelRaoul, Count (April 2 Composer, organist, pianist, choral director, composer. http://sfpl4.sfpl.org/ARTMUSIC/sfcompdic.html | |
77. Nuova Pagina 3 Translate this page Spagna-Francia-Italia, 2001 - REGIA Augustin diaz Yanes CON 16 mm IL PIANISTA (Thepianist) Francia-Polonia l innocence) Francia, 2000 - REGIA raoul Ruiz CON http://www.pieffe.it/filmdoc/uscitiliguria19.htm | |
78. Filmplanet: Koga Bo Letos Gostil Cannes? pa so posodili Mike Myers, Cameron diaz in Eddie Moon, Shinji Aoyama, Japonska ThePianist, Michael Haneke Les Ames Fortes, raoul Ruiz, Francija (zakljucni film http://www.filmplanet.net/clanki.php?EditID=838 |
79. Telegraaf.nl [] Bioscoopagenda 2002, Martin Scorsese, Leonardo di Caprio, Cameron diaz. Sneak Preview ma. The Pianistdag. 16.00, 18.45. 19.00. 1999, raoul Ruiz, Catherine Deneuve, John Malkovich. http://www.telegraaf.nl/krant/filmladder/teksten/filmladder.Rotterdam.html | |
80. DVD-releases: Titels Beginnend Met 'L' Genre Thriller Van Stacy Title Met Cameron diaz, Bill Paxton. Legend of the pianistof the ocean Originele titel HT 2000 155 Genre Drama Van raoul Peck Met http://www.filmkeuze.nl/cgi-bin/pm/dl_076.html | |
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