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Home - Pianists - Collins Finghin |
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1. Welcome To Finghincollins.com Since taking first prize at the Clara Haskil International Piano Competition in Vevey,Switzerland in 1999, Irish pianist finghin collins enjoys a flourishing http://www.finghincollins.com/ | |
2. Classical Piano Links An index of Classical Music Piano Web site links, including composers and genres from various historical periods. Alberto Cobo pianist (ES). finghin collins pianist (IE). Paolo Wolfango Cremonte pianist (IT) http://classicalmus.hispeed.com/pianolinks.html | |
3. Music At The Castle Competition in Vevey, Switzerland in 1999, Irish pianist finghin collins enjoys a busy career that embraces Ireland, http://www.iolfree.ie/~castlemusic/concerts.htm | |
4. News Articles - Pianist Finds His Purpose In Music pianist finds his purpose in music. Gilmore Rising Stars to presentrecital by finghin collins. BY WILLIAM R. WOOD KALAMAZOO GAZETTE. http://www.finghincollins.com/main.php?type=news&article=kalamazoo |
5. Askonas Holt: Finghin Collins Irish pianist finghin collins, who made such an impressive US debut here in November2000, returned for another exhilarating performance of a Mozart concerto http://www.askonasholt.co.uk/Green/Green/Home.nsf/0/B2109399FB501AC080256AB00051 |
6. Askonas Holt: Biography Dublinborn pianist finghin collins began his piano studies with his sister Maryand from the age of six he was a student of John O'Conor at the Royal Irish http://www.askonasholt.co.uk/Green/Green/Home.nsf/0/C566A43AA36737F480256AB0004F |
7. Masterworks - Aviv Quartet With Finghin Collins - Best Of Irish And Internationa Since taking first prize at the Clara Haskil International Piano Competitionin Vevey, Switzerland in 1999, Irish pianist finghin collins now enjoys a http://www.musicnetwork.ie/tour02autmavivcollins.html | |
8. Hibernian Chamber Orchestra Site finghin collins. Dublinborn finghin collins is regarded as one of Ireland's leading young Future Competition, the Lisney Young pianist Award, and the Yamaha Music Foundation http://www.geocities.com/hco.geo/soloists.html | |
9. News 09 October 2002 THE ACCLAIMED ISRAELI AVIV QUARTET EMBARK ON NATIONWIDE TOURWITH AWARDWINNING YOUNG IRISH pianist finghin collins, NOVEMBER 3-16. http://www.musicnetwork.ie/prelavivcollaut02.htm | |
10. Otaka, Collins CBSO - City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra The young Irish pianist finghin collins has given magnificent accounts of concertosby Brahms and Grieg with the CBSO in the last two seasons now he tackles http://www.cbso.co.uk/view_concert.php?cid=295 |
11. Festivalprogrammet 2002 Klikk På ønsket Dato Undomssymfonikerne. pianisten finghin collins møtte vi i Irland i fjor,en pianist som vant den store Clara Haskil konkurransen i 1999. http://www.fie.no/INNHOLD/program.html | |
12. Kinsale Arts Festival collins Since taking first prize at the Clara Haskil International Piano Competitionin Vevey, Switzerland in 1999, Irish pianist finghin collins now enjoys a http://www.kinsalearts.com/html/music.htm | |
13. Kinsale Arts Festival shortly. John O'Conor Concert pianist Plays Field, Beethoven, ChopinLocation St. Multose Piano. finghin collins Location St. Multose http://www.kinsalearts.com/ |
14. Welcome To Piano.com Cliburn, Van collins, finghin distinguised Irish pianist. Offers news, biography,information on upcoming engagements, press reviews, and discography. http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
15. Houston Symphony Irish pianist finghin collins returns to Houston after his triumphantdebut two years ago. Hans Graf, Conductor. finghin collins, Piano. http://www.houstonsymphony.org/performances_details.jsp?catid=108&contid=51 |
16. Houston Symphony like Midori and Garrick Ohlsson, and the debuts of pianist Angela Hewitt play andconduct), Pamela Frank and Robert McDuffie; pianists finghin collins and Jon http://www.houstonsymphony.org/press_release.jsp?catid=105&contid=5 |
17. Hibernian Chamber Orchestra Site Dublinborn finghin collins is regarded as one of Ireland's finghin has won all themajor piano prizes Future Competition, the Lisney Young pianist Award, and http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/7482/soloists.html | |
18. Hibernian Chamber Orchestra Site June 2000 Programme Chopin Piano Concerto No 1 with pianist Sasha Anissimov 9 ( Fromthe New World ) Soloist finghin collins Conductor John Finucane Date http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/7482/prev_concerts.html | |
19. City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra finghin collins, piano Dublinborn pianist finghin collins studied at the RoyalIrish Academy of Music in Dublin and at the Conservatoire of Music in Geneva. http://www.warwickartscentre.co.uk/wac_event_details.php?event_id=704 |
20. The Gilmore | Rising Stars Recital Series 2000-01 British pianist to win the World Piano Competition in London. This season marksthe release of his first recital and concerto recordings. finghin collins, http://www.gilmore.org/recital.asp?page=artists |
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