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61. Encyclopædia Britannica clementi, muzio (17521832) British (Italianborn) composer, publisher, and manufacturer JohannNepomuk (17781837) Austrian composer, pianist, and conductor http://search.britannica.com/search?query=mozart&ct=gen1&fuzzy=N&show=10&start=1 |
62. Listings Of The World Arts Music Composition Composers C Italianborn Classical period composer and pianist muzio clementi (1752-1832) spentmuch of his life in England as student, pianist, composer, conductor, a http://listingsworld.com/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/C/Clementi,_Muzio/ |
63. Symposium 2002 Translate this page 1810). In commemoration of the 250th birth date of the composer, pianist, pianoteacher, music publisher and instrument maker muzio clementi in 2002, we will http://www.kloster-michaelstein.de/symposium/02/symp02.htm | |
64. BACKGROUND OF THE FREDERICK PIANO COLLECTION and Broderip bankrupted in 1798, the composer muzio clementi, a major made in 1806,bears only clementi's name played by the composer and pianist Johann Nepomuk http://www.ashburnham.org/Frederickcollection/the collection.htm | |
65. Stef-online.net - Private Musikerpage Translate this page Luigi Cherubini Frédéric Chopin Domenico Cimarosa muzio clementi Aaron Copland komponistendirigenten komponist dirigent interpret pianist cellist geiger http://www.stef-online.net/ | |
66. "The Road Not Taken" In Classical Teaching Literature of Playing the Pianoforte, published in 1803 by muzio clementi. was rendered tastelessby Mozart, clementis influence as a pianist, teacher, and http://www.pianolessonsinyourhome.com/theroad.htm | |
67. Bulletin - From The World twenty or less to the 23rd muzio clementi Nationwide Piano Starting this year theclementi competition is being moved be awarded to the best pianist in view http://www.petrof.cz/bulletin/en/2000-03/world.htm | |
68. The Piano Education Page - Technique Matters - Studying Etudes muzio clementi's Gradus ad Parnassum has been immortalized by However, the clementiworks are worthy of study in he was renowned as the great pianist of the http://www.piano.avijon.com/pnotmi3.html |
69. Ns1.html 3859 New Series VI,5 clementi, muzio Sonatinas, op in fortlaufender Schwierigkeitfur Pianoforte componirt von M. clementi. pianist to his Majesty Victor Emanuel http://www.lib.unc.edu/music/eam/ns6.htm |
70. Pianist Frieda Valenzi, The Remington Story And Don Gabor As a pianist she always had a strong affinity for the works of the 1; Boris BlacherVariations on a Theme of muzio clementi; Arthur Bornschein Arabesques for http://www.xs4all.nl/~rabruil/remvalen.html | |
71. Press Release Adalberto M. Riva The first half of the programme came to a close with muzio clementi's Sonata inB flat which was essentially a display of the pianist's technical confidence. http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/adalbertoriva/press.htm | |
72. Buy Now realizing the talent of the young Field, decided to move to London where Field becamea student of muzio clementi talented composer, pianist, teacher, and http://www.belairmusic.com/bam2011.htm | |
73. Links To Music Sites The Field family later moved to London where John met composer, pianist,and piano maker, muzio clementi. Field was apprenticed http://www.mypianolab.com/johnfield.html | |
74. Story5 muzio clementi Concert pianist. Count Rosenberg was an AustroItalian gentleman whomanaged the Court Opera and theater, and he didn't like me very much at all. http://themozartcafe.homestead.com/Story5.html | |
75. João Domingos Bomtempo he returned to Portugal after a series of new successes as a pianist, one of For thishe had to rely on the methods of his friend muzio clementi, without doubt http://www.terravista.pt/Meco/2672/english/composers/bomtempo.html | |
76. Musikpassagen Am 18.01.2002 Translate this page Geburtstag muzio Clementis vergleichsweise knapp aus. er nannte den pianisten Clementieinen ?bloßen Clementis, seine Talente als pianist, Komponist, Piano http://www.wdr.de/radio/wdr3/sendungen/muspas/20020118.html | |
77. Albert Wong: Clementi Piano Sonatas debut CD last year of Bachs WellTempered Clavier Book II, 11-year-old pianistAlbert Wong has chosen to record five of muzio clementi's greatest piano http://www.ivoryclassics.com/11yearalwonc.html | |
78. Notes4 Translate this page Handel. clementi muzio clementi, 1752 (1746)-1832, an Italian pianistand composer of instrumental and keyboard music. His sonatas http://humanities.byu.edu/annex1/Sophie/Brun/notes4.htm | |
79. Lazar Berman Selected Discography This is a list of all commercially released recordings by the great Russianpianist. Lazar Berman. muzio clementi. Sonata in B minor, op. 40 n. 2. http://www.internazionale.it/pagine/berman.htm | |
80. WCPE - Bite-Sized Trivia a close friendship. He also hobnobbed with pianist buddies MuzioClementi (see above) and Johann Nepomuk Hummel (soon to come). http://www.wcpe.org/trivia/4.shtml | |
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