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41. Maurice Ravel - Epitonic.com: Hi Quality Free MP3 Music Ravel's meticulous attention to detail led Stravinsky to call him the SwissWatchmaker. For three years, pianist sarah cahill displayed a similar http://www.epitonic.com/artists/mauriceravel.html | |
42. 20th Century Composers - Epitonic.com: Hi Quality Free MP3 Music pianist sarah cahill transforms printed notes into a compelling and ghastlyimage of finality and loss. track title, sample, full song, blackbox. http://www.epitonic.com/genres/20thcenturycomposers.html | |
43. COWELL Piano Music : Classical CD Reviews- October 2000 Music On The Web(UK) Each pianist describes what Cowell has meant to him/her. sarah cahill came acrossCowell in her father's collection of 78s and has found their physicality http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2000/oct00/cowell.htm | |
44. 2000 Music Masters Series Archive When pianist sarah cahill is not performing pieces that expose odd but fertilecorners of the American musical psyche, (Village Voice), she hosts a weekly http://www.juliamorgan.org/mm2000.shtml | |
45. Clef Notes / A Month Of The Bay Area's Best Orchestral And Vocal Other artists featured include pianist sarah cahill and experimental composersand performers Amy X Neuburg, Ge Ganru and Gloria Cheng. http://www.sfgate.com/columnists/chang/ | |
46. Free Music Download, MP3 Music, Music Chat, Music Video, Music CD, ARTISTdirect This, the title track, is performed by pianist sarah cahill, who has, in Lewis' ownwords, given a number of important performances of the piece. The version http://www.artistdirect.com/store/artist/album/0,,931465,00.html | |
47. SFBG A+E | June 16, 1999 | Grooves Chris Brown, Sorrel Hays, Joseph Kubera, sarah cahill New Music Piano Compositionsby Henry A selftaught pianist, Cowell created his own tone clusters by http://www.sfbg.com/AandE/33/37/grooves.html | |
48. Sfbg.com a panel of (and brief performances by) Elinor Armer, Linda Bouchard, Gabriela LenaFrank, Amy X Neuburg, and Pamela Z, with pianist sarah cahill as moderator. http://www.sfbg.com/36/23/x_8days.html | |
49. George Antheil: Events, Centennial, Conferences, Concerts pm Charles Amirkhanian on George Antheil Interview with sarah cahill KPFA 94.1 Elson(Dalhousie University) Performers Guy Livingston, pianist Stephane Leach http://www.paristransatlantic.com/antheil/mainpage/events.html | |
50. Go2Audio Directory - Artists - Classical Caio Pagano CONCERT pianist Caio Pagano, concert pianist. A web site devotedto information about Prof. 38 pages, 2 links. sarah cahill .. http://www.go2audio.com/links/artists-classical.html | |
51. Jazz | ALL ABOUT JAZZ | The Web's Ultimate Guide To Jazz incomparable instrumentation of music for two pianists, sarah cahill and Joseph Andat the other piano, cahill, who is an American pianist, has previously http://www.allaboutjazz.com/articles/open1101_02.htm | |
52. Members' News: News Of Individual Members' Activities February 20, 1996 Bagatelles for piano, sarah cahill, pianist, at sarah LawrenceCollege, and again on February 21 at the Bloomingdale House Music School http://music.acu.edu/www/iawm/articles/june96/members.html | |
53. John Adams: Phrygian Gates And China Gates Duration 22 minutes. China Gates written for pianist sarah cahill. Duration 5 minutes.Publisher for both works Associated Music Publishers (G. Schirmer, Inc.). http://www.earbox.com/sub-html/comp-details/pg-cg-de.html | |
54. CREN ListProc-WWW: Archives For BA-NEWMUS-EVENTS 12th sarah cahill, pianist Bay Area pianist extraordinaire sarah cahill performsa concert of new pieces written specially for her in tribute to the great Ruth http://eartha.mills.edu:8000/guest/archives/ba-newmus-events/digest.668/msg00002 | |
55. Directory :: Look.com cahill, sarah pianist specializing in new American music and works from the Americanexperimental tradition. Caramiello, Francesco (b. 1964) Italian pianist http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=212770 |
56. Fireside Ny Premiere York City. Interpretations presents sarah cahill, a San FranciscoBay area pianist specializing in new American music. cahill has http://www.evbvd.com/newsnotes/announcements/2001/sarahinterpretations.html | |
57. Untitled Document composers whose performance I canceled in March asked another pianist he knew ifshe could recommend anyone to help me. I spoke with her. sarah cahill gave me http://www.ednagolandsky.com/rons_let.html | |
58. SoundTracks: A Guide To The Latest Recordings Of American Music 77 seconds RealAudio sound clip from Slow Jig performed by sarah cahill. SecondRhapsody performed by the Paul Whiteman Orchestra featuring pianist Roy Bargy. http://www.newmusicbox.org/soundtracks/jul99/cds2.html | |
59. Ursula Mamlok - Winter 1998 1 at the Landon Gallery, New York, NY. pianist sarah cahill performed3 Bagatelles at the University of California, Berkeley, Apr. 28. http://www.sai-national.org/pubs/win98/umamlok.html | |
60. JEFFREY MUMFORD, Composer (1955 ), Washington, DC. Picture and biography from Jecklin Associates.Category Arts Music Composition Composers Contemporary M...... Sherry, violist Misha Amory, and pianists Eliza Garth, sarah cahill and Margaret performs ringing fields of enveloping blue with pianist Sanford Margolis in http://www.jecklinassociates.com/mumford.htm | |
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