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21. Brendel, Alfred (* 1931): Aus: "Vom Umgang Mit Flügeln" (in: Nachdenken über M im nordmährischen Wiesenberg geboreneBrendel entstammt einer Grazer Kammermusiksaal als pianist, befaßt sich http://staff-www.uni-marburg.de/~naeser/brendel.htm | |
22. Great Pianist; Alfred Brendel, Ludwig Van Beethoven; Muzyka; CD; Www.merlin.com. wykonawca alfred brendel kompozytor Ludwig van Beethoven Tytul Great PianistNosnik CD Dzial muzyka Identyfikator 4567302 Firma fonograficzna http://www.merlin.com.pl/katalog/22/215254.html | |
23. Penn Special Collections-Winigrad-Alfred Brendel Allen J. Winigrad Photographs of Performing Artists, 19731989 Ms.Coll. 110. alfred brendel pianist, http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/rbm/photos/winigrad/brendel.html | |
24. Penn Special Collections-Winigrad 63 Subject brendel, alfred pianist Place Philadelphia. Date 1982. Collectionlocation Box 2, Item 63. view all thumbnails of alfred brendel. http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/rbm/photos/winigrad/063.html | |
25. Alfred Brendel - Wikipedia alfred brendel (born January 5, 1931) is an Austrian pianist. He is widely seen asone of the great classical pianists of the second half of the 20th century. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Brendel | |
26. A Tribute To Alfred Brendel On His 70th Birthday Book II Italy, 58 minutes) with alfred brendel is a octaves and dizzying runs, brendelcut through movingly illustrates the pianist's profound understanding http://www.unitel.de/uhilites/010101.htm | |
27. Kulturspeilet alfred brendel er en musikpersonlighet man neppe kan unngå å møte på hvis Ensympatisk og bemerkelsesverdig pianist som tar sin tyske klassiske arv på http://www.pluto.no/KulturSpeilet/faste/cd/Pianists_Brendel.html | |
28. ARTICLE: Pianist Brendel Caps Union Concert Series (04/18/00) One of the great musicians of the last century, pianist alfred Brendelwill perform Friday, April 28, at the Wisconsin Union Theater to close out http://www.news.wisc.edu/view.html?get=4849 |
29. Redirect alfred brendel records exclusively for Philips and his discography ranks as one ofthe most extensive of any pianist before the public today, winning countless http://www.deccaclassics.com/artists/brendel/biog.html |
30. Decca Music Group - New Release alfred brendel is the only living pianist to reach the top of the list ofrecommendations over such a large, varied and competitive repertoire. http://www.deccaclassics.com/newsandnewreleases/autumn2000/brendel_schubert.html | |
31. Sonning :: Alle Prismodtagere:: Alfred Brendel Foto Martin Mydtskov Rønne. Prismodtager 2002 alfred brendel, pianist alfred brendeler en af de mest fremtrædende musikere i det sidste halve århundrede. http://www.sonningmusik.dk/cms/view/index.asp?ipageid=173 |
32. Sonning :: Årets Prismodtager Foto Martin Mydtskov Rønne. Årets prismodtager alfred brendel, pianist alfredbrendel er en af de mest fremtrædende musikere i det sidste halve århundrede. http://www.sonningmusik.dk/cms/view/index.asp?ipageid=2 |
33. Alfred Brendel brendel var den første pianist, der indspillede alle Beethovens klaverværker, oghans indsats I 2001 fyldte alfred brendel 70 år, og i den anledning gav han http://www.kgl-teater.dk/dkt2002/koncerter/personale/brendel.htm |
34. Pianist Und Poet Translate this page Der österreichische pianist alfred brendel, ist nicht nur ein weltweitgesuchter Interpret vor allem Mozarts, Beethovens und Schuberts. http://kultur.orf.at/orfon/kultur/010102-4740/4764txt_story.html |
35. Matthias Goerne/Alfred Brendel Théàtre Du Châtelet, Paris, June 5, 2001 (FC) Elizabeth Hall in London, is the first of a series planned by alfred brendel aspart It is usual to have a pianist solidly in the background while the soloist http://www.musicweb.uk.net/SandH/2001/June01/Goerne.htm | |
36. The Alfred Brendel Collection [CH]: Classical Reviews- March 2002 MusicWeb(UK) THE alfred brendel COLLECTION Volume 1 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART it is convincing anddraws from brendel a dignified sounding clumpy if the pianist does nothing http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2002/Apr02/BrendelBrilliant.htm |
37. Pianist.nl, Voor De Pianist En De Muziekliefhebber. Masters of the piano @ pianist.nl. beroemde pianisten jazz en klassiek. Philips Classics.Klassiek. Argerich, Martha; Barenboim, Daniel; brendel, alfred; Cliburn, Van; http://www.pianist.nl/pianist.nl/pianists.asp | |
38. E-bannerx.com Exchange And Directory: Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/P Fischer, Edwin (18861960) - Excerpts from pianist alfred brendel'sessay on his swiss piano teacher. (Hits 0 Rating 0.00 Votes http://www.e-bannerx.com/pages2/Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/P | |
39. E-bannerx.com Exchange And Directory: Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/P Agents and Managers (7) Biret, Idil (2) brendel, alfred (3) Directories (8 Aleksander,Adam Polish/Canadian Classical pianist, includes biography and contact http://www.e-bannerx.com/pages2/Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/P | |
40. Iclassics.com - Classical Music And More a loss to explain. alfred brendel And yet he has learned them; and at age 70 andwell into his 51st year of performing, pianist alfred brendel continues to http://www.iclassics.com/iclassics/feature.jsp?featureId=152 |
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