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Home - Pianists - Bekhterev Boris |
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1. Boris Bekhterev Biography of boris bekhterev in the World Concert Artist Directory 1996, boris bekhterev lived in Italy, where he continued to pursue his activities as a concert pianist, giving recitals http://www.concertartist.info/bio/BEK001.html | |
2. Oko: Arhiv - 215 St. - Clanki zmorejo le redki ljubitelji glasbene umetnosti. boris bekhterev je v tem kontekstu zagotovo heroj v sicer torej vrlini, ki jih mora pianist nujno osvojiti, e se eli spoprijeti http://www.arctur.si/oko/2000/215-clanki.html | |
3. Liveography Of Off The Air Recordings Norway (H) 12/12/90 Frank VS A dur Fantasia p boris bekhterev 00/03/96 Heifetz ProfileFiddler's Fiddler Friedman/Perlman 17/12/81 Heifetz pianist Master Class http://www.cremona.u-net.com/offair.htm | |
4. Boris Reviews New York Post USA By Robert Kimball The pianist boris bekhterev -superbly gifted. The New York Times - USA By John Rockwell The http://www2.osk.3web.ne.jp/~diandbo/BorisReviews.html | |
5. Artist-Show - The Largest Art Link Site In The World! pianist, living in Luxembourg. bekhterev, boris provides informationon the Russian-born pianist. Berman, Bart - Israeli concert http://www.artist-show.com/ArtFields/Music/MuLinks/Classical/Artists/Piano.html | |
6. Welcome To Piano.com the Impressionist Painters. bekhterev, boris provides informationon the Russian-born pianist. Benedetti Michelangeli, Arturo http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
7. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:PIANISTS LINKS the Impressionist Painters. bekhterev, boris provides informationon the Russian-born pianist. Berman, Bart - Israeli concert http://www.phone-soft.com/cyber-world/o2602i.htm | |
8. CD Spotlight Mr bekhterev emerges as one of the greatest Scriabin interpretersof all.'. Skrjabin. boris bekhterev, pianist (p) 2001 Phoenix. http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/2002/02/poemes1.htm | |
9. Classical Music Articles Published In 2002 At Music And Vision Piano Sonatas considered by Basil Ramsey; A perceptive pianist Bill Newman as oneof the greatest Scriabin interpreters of all.' boris bekhterev plays Scriabin http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/2003/01/mv2002.htm | |
10. Recordings Of Op. 34 Arrangement (by D. Tsyganov) Violinist, pianist, Rec. 10, 15, 16, and 24.SPIVAKOV, Vladimir, bekhterev, boris, 1982, Melodiya, C10 17555 003, LP, Nos. http://develp.envi.osakafu-u.ac.jp/staff/kudo/dsch/work/prele.html | |
11. Entertainment ... Piano Category At SunSteam Search Results 31 45 of 56 boris bekhterev English Japanese elenaintro Information,CV, photographs, MIDI files from Russian pianist Elena Bezprozvannykh. http://www.sunsteam.com/directory/Entertainment/Music/Artists_and_Bands/Classica | |
12. Entertainment ... Piano Category At SunSteam Search Herzlich Willkommen auf meiner Homepage This is the official Homepage of theAustrian pianist Albert Sassmann. boris bekhterev English Japanese http://www.sunsteam.com/directory/Entertainment/Music/Artists_and_Bands/Classica | |
13. Costantino Catena Ing pianist. He later specialized with boris bekhterev and Konstantin Bogino, while alsocarrying on intense concert activities, especially as a soloist, in many http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/CostantinoCatena/CostantEng.htm | |
14. CD Bible Beiderbecke, Leon (Bix) (19031931)@; bekhterev, boris - provides informationon the Russian-born pianist. Bel Air Community Band; Bel http://www.cdbible.com/cdbible/artists/WhitePages/wp_2.html | |
15. DSCH 10 Shostakovich CD Reviews - Aphorismes: Hommage A Dmitri Shostakovich for violin, bassoon, percussion and piano by boris bekhterev and Vladimir Spivakove inFrance with violinist Alexandre Brussilovsky, the pianist Mikhail Rudy http://www.dschjournal.com/reviews/rvs10op34a.htm | |
16. DSCH 9 Shostakovich CD Reviews 13 Aphorisms (with boris bekhterev). Triton significance. pianist Julia Zilberquit's1996 chamber arrangement of Shostakovich's Concertino, Op. http://www.dschjournal.com/reviews/reviews9.htm | |
17. Ŭ·¡½Ä ¾ÆƼ½ºÆ® pe.kr/index.html ÇØ¿Ü Daniel Barenboim http//www.danielbarenboim.com ArthurRubinstein http//www.arims.org.il/hommage.htm boris bekhterev http//www2 http://www.classicartist.com/ca02link/pianist.html | |
18. EJazzNews.com : Jazz News : Jazz CD Reviews : Jazz Issues :: The Number One Sour of Poulenc 'immeasurably sophisticated' and considers boris bekhterev to be Careydirects Baroque Masterpieces at The Tower, Romanian pianist Mihaela Ursuleasa http://www.ejazznews.com/print.php?sid=2234 |
19. Untitled Svetozarov, stars Svetlana Smirnova, Sergei bekhterev, and Igor by Vladimir Makeranets,stars boris Khimichev, Ivan great Russian composer and pianist who lived http://www.cohums.ohio-state.edu/slavicctr/filmsD-G.htm |
20. NEWSLETTER No.?? International contributors include David Helfgott (of Shine fame) and boris bekhterev. theseare all incredibly tight and tensed, yet the pianist, with totally http://www.ukpianogroup.f9.co.uk/pt-gr-uk/newslet/pg122.htm | |
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