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61. Ruhleben - Sir Ernest MacMillan (1893-1973) He intended to study piano with harold bauer, as well as piano privately with ThérèseChaigneau, bauer's assistant At the first, pianist Harry Field, a fellow http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/4/6/m7-212-e.html | |
62. Jewish GLBT Yahrzeits Imitations . MAR 12, harold bauer died on March 12th, 1951. haroldwas a pianist. MAR 13, Ronald Wiseman died on March 13th, 1990. http://www.usc.edu/isd/archives/oneigla/tb/Yahrzeits/Yahrzeits.03.html | |
63. BluesTone Ampico Rolls artists on BluesTone Ampico rolls include Clarence Adler, harold bauer, FerrucioBusoni Maurice Hinton's Guide to the pianist's Repertoire describes the piece http://www.bluesrolls.com/Ampico.html | |
64. BluesTone Duo-Art Rolls Hungarian Dance 8 (Brahms) played by harold bauer $12 (originally is plenty of dazzlingmaterial here and bauer plays it like to know how a pianist pulls this http://www.bluesrolls.com/Duo_Art.html | |
65. The Johns Hopkins News-Letter worldfamous reputation and a prestigious list of faculty members, present and past violinist William Kroll and pianist harold bauer, for example many http://www.jhu.edu/~newslett/03-15-01/Features/5.html | |
66. César Franck - Piano Transcriptions[TB]: Classical CD Reviews- Sept 2002 MusicW and the twomovement Pastorale, are heard in arrangements by harold bauer (1873-1951). AgainPaley is a reliable pianist, though here in the remaining work http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2002/Sept02/Cesar_Franck.htm | |
67. TRISTANO, Lennie : MusicWeb Encyclopaedia Of Popular Music 78) pianist, composer, teacher Tristano Sextet recorded for Capitol '49 with Konitz,Marsh, bauer, Arnold Fishkin on bass, drummers harold Granowsky at http://www.musicweb.uk.net/encyclopaedia/t/T81.HTM | |
68. Nashua Community Concert Association--Historical Archives soprano and tenor 19321933 harold bauer - pianist Dino Borgioli -tenor Barrere, Salzedo, Britt - flute, harp and cello 1933-1934 http://www.gran-net.com/ncc/archive.htm |
69. Lyra String Quartet He has also performed extensively as a jazz pianist and has appeared with such degreeas well as the school's highest graduate honor, the harold bauer Award. http://www.lyra-atlanta.org/guest.html | |
70. Academy Stamp -- Autograph Musicians A-K Date Signed. Photo. Price. bauer. harold. Slip Signed. British. pianist, Brahms,Shumann and Frank interpreter. Photo. $85.00. Last Name. First Name. Document. Nationality. http://www.academystamp.com/autographs/musicians/musiciansak.htm | |
71. Oberlin Piano Competition & Festival Orchestra Young Artist Contest, 1961; Hour of Music Competition, New York City,1963; harold bauer Memorial Award as outstanding pianist, Manhattan School of http://www.oberlin.edu/con/summer/piano/faculty.html | |
72. PROF'S:The Late Greats I And, in his own case, the musician and the pianist were completely fused thoughthe pianist remained always the servant of the musician harold bauer (1873-1951 http://w3.gwis.com/~fschoett/great.htm | |
73. Listings: December 31, 2001 - January 6, 2002 (Writers Almanac) But his hopes of being a concert pianist were dashed at age 13 by his piano teacher,the pianist harold bauer, who told him he'd never be successful at it http://www.writersalmanac.org/docs/01_12_31.htm | |
74. Juliet Shaw continued her piano studies in New York with harold bauer, Arelio Giorni, and EdwinHughes. She continued to perform as soloist and duopianist throughout her http://www.silverminesom.org/JSbio.htm | |
75. CMM - The First Hundred Years 1932, harold bauer. Lawrence Tibbett. harold Martina. While growing up at thatstillstanding landmark, Jane Antoinette White became a proficient pianist. http://www.fleqsys.com/projects/cmm/cmm_cent.html | |
76. College Calendar harold bauer, DuPage Opera Theatre's artistic director, will conduct. begin at 7 amat the harold and Eva Jazz pianist to teach class Frank Caruso will teach http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/sunpub/bbrook/news/bscollege17.htm |
77. Los Angeles Magazine/Guide 78. The Chilean jazz singer and the pianist add abundant Plenty of bauer and Rosevillepieces are for sale, while 5-9. harold Gould stars in Jon Marans's play http://www.lamag.com/guide.htm | |
78. Juilliard | The Juilliard Journal Online NY. Josef Raieff, pianist and longtime teacher to musicians at both The Siloti, JosefLhévinne, Artur Schnabel, Eduard Steuerman, harold bauer, Rubin Goldmark http://www.juilliard.edu/update/journal/882journal_story_0302.asp | |
79. Jazz Artist Links @ Jazz Review.com Official site of great American composer harold Arlen who wrote over guitarist DaveAskren features the music of legendary pianist Bill Evans Chris bauer Music. http://www.jazzreview.com/artists.cfm | |
80. KEYBOARD - & PLUCK-INSTRUMENTS Translate this page harold bauer. His Book. DE VLUGGE pianist. Handleiding om Zonder Onderwijzer gemakkelijken spoedig Piano of Orgel te leeren spelen Rotterdam 8vo.obl, cloth. http://www.landre.nl/catalogues/c00046.htm | |
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